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Утевская Н.Л. - English Grammar Book. Ключи - 2011

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Exercise VIII (p. 158)

1. She gave the letter only after I had told her my name. 2. Coming to the laboratory in the morning, he noticed with the satisfaction that the laboratory girl hadn’t touched anything on his table, and he could start working at once. 3. I had seen many reproductions of this picture before I saw the original. 4. The question proved to be much simpler than we had thought. 5. The sun hadn’t yet risen over the horizon when we set out. 6. When I came, all the quests had already gathered. 7. Radio announced that the plane had come to Novosibirsk. 8. His pronunciation considerably improved after he had worked in the lingaphone study several times. 9. A builder showed his foreign friends a bridge in the building of which he had taken part himself. 10. Nobody told her how seriously she had been ill. 11. He couldn’t take part in the expedition because he had broken his leg. 12. Hardly had the singer finished singing when the audience burst out into applause.

The Future Perfect Tense

Exercise II (p. 159)

1. The librarian will have registered all the books by the end of the week. 2. I am afraid we will not have discussed all the questions by the time they come. 3. The secretary will have looked through all the papers by the time the director comes. 4. I hope that they will have received my letter by Saturday and will not expect me on Sunday. 5. I am sure he will throw some light upon the matter before I learn about it from my sister’s letter. 6. Don’t start arguing until you hear what I have to say. 7. I suppose that when my letter will reach you, you will return from your voyage. 8. Our plants will have fulfilled its plan by the 5th of December. 9. He will have gone by the time I arrive. 10. Don’t worry I will have written a letter by the time you come back. 11. Do please hurry or they will have closed the door by the time we get there. 12. By the end of the month the delegation will have come.

Exercise III (p. 159)

1.I will be very busy at the beginning of June. I will take exams.

2.By 7 o’clock I will have finished this work and will be able to rest.

3.I will be still working when you return. 4. In a year he will come to St Petersburg. 5. The train will have already left by the time we come to the station. 6. Don’t come to me at 5 o’clock tomorrow, I will be having an English lesson. 7. We will have fulfilled this work by 3 o’clock and then we all will go for a walk together. 8. By the 15th of May we will have passed all the tests. 9. The builders will have built this school by


the first of September. 10. I will have written my composition by the time she comes to me. 11. At 5 o’clock sharp I will be waiting for you at the bus stop. 12. Don’t ring me up from 3 o’clock till 5 o’clock: I will be working. 13. Tomorrow by this time we will have already had dinner. 14. If Peter comes to Moscow, I will show him Red Square and the Kremlin. 15. She will not speak to us till he apologizes.

Exercise IV (p. 160)

1. I am afraid, by the time you return with money they will have sold all the books. 2. We will have done all the exercises by his coming, and then we all will go to the skating rink. 3. I will write him as soon as I see his parents. 4. I will ring you up as soon as I finish translating the article. 5. We will have done the larger part of work when you turn to the professor for help. 6. I am sure that all the guests will have gone by 10 o’clock. 7. I am afraid that he will have sent a telegram by the time we come. 8. I will have finished my work by the time you are free. 9. What will you be doing tomorrow at 8 o’clock in the evening? – Tomorrow by 8 o’clock I will have finished my homework and at 8 o’clock I will be playing the piano. 10. I will have finished my translation by the end of the week. 11. When I write a letter, I’ll go and send it at once, but I don’t know when she will get it. 12. I’ll speak to him when he comes, but I am not sure whether he will come today. 13. I would like to know when she will return to Moscow. If she returns after the 1st of July, I won’t see her, because I will have gone to the south by this time. 14. She promised to give me this book on condition that I return it on Sunday. If she doesn’t get the book on Sunday, she won’t be able to prepare for the report.

Perfect Continuous (Progressive) Tenses

The Present Perfect Continuous (Progressive)


Exercise VII (p. 163)

1. I have already been waiting for my friend for an hour. 2. How much time have you been translating this article? – I have already been translating it for two hours. 3. We have been revising this material for the second week. 4. Ann has already been studying in the Conservatory for 3 years. 5. My friend has already been working at his report for a week. 6. I have been writing this composition since Tuesday. 7. I have been studying at university since September. 8. He has been


studying English from the fifth form. 9. How many years have you been studying English? 10. What have you been doing all this time? 11. We have already been carrying out researches in this field for many years. 12. I have been watching your researches with interest for a long time. 13. May I see Nicholas? – No, he is having dinner. And has he been having dinner for a long time? – Yes, he has already been having dinner for half an hour.

Exercise VIII (p. 164)

1. Those boys have already been playing football for two hours. I have been looking at them since I am sitting here. 2. Have you been sitting here for a long time? – About ten minutes. 3. I have been thinking about you since yesterday. 4. Nick, I have already been looking for you everywhere for several hours. 5. They have been waiting for Peter’s call since the morning. 6. Marina has already been working in the reading hall for two hours. 7. It is such an interesting book. I have been reading it since the early morning. 8. I know that she has been writing this article for two or three months. 9. The weather is very bad as it has already been raining for a week. 10. We have been listening to you all this time, now we want to tell you something. 11. I have been studying English for some years. 12. I have already been waiting for you for an hour. 13. The building of a new theatre has already been constructing for two months. 14. I have been thinking about you all the time since I saw you the last time. 15. We have already been speaking about you for an hour. 16. You are so tired. Probably you have been working the whole day.

Revision of All the Present Tenses

Exercise VII (p. 166)

1.Do you understand what you have done? – Nothing in particular.

2.Where have you been all this time? We have been looking for you everywhere. 3. What are you thinking about, Kate? 4. Do you correspond with them? – Yes, certainly. There haven’t been any letters from them for a long time. – And where are they now? 5. We have been working together for fifteen years, and we are accustomed to understand each other. 6. What are you doing here? Don’t you know that it is dangerous to sit here? 7. Are you not listening what I am saying? What has happened to you? 8. I want to speak to you since you returned home. 9. I have been thinking about your decision since we parted. 10. I have been impatiently waiting for your letter the whole


week. 11. I am looking for Nick. Have you seen him? 12. Why don’t you wear your new clothes? 13. The students have been taking an exam since 9 o’clock in the morning. 14. What are you listening to? – It seems to me I hear a strange sound. 15. Don’t you understand he is laughing at you?

Exercise VIII (p. 167)

1.The conductor hasn’t come out yet, and the members of an orchestra are already at their places and they are tuning up the instruments.

2.Doesn’t he still have this book? How much time has he been reading it? 4. He has finished the first chapter of the thesis and is writing the second one. He has already been working at the thesis for 2 years.

5.Have they already adopted a resolution on the first question? No, they haven’t. They are still arguing. They have already been discussing this question for two hours, and they haven’t come to any agreement.

6.I have been living in this town for twenty years. 7. The students have already been writing a test paper for almost two hours. The time is coming to an end, and only two of them have handed their test paper in for the time being. 8. The painters have been working since the morning as we want to publish a new issue of a magazine as early as today in the evening. 9. Has Sergei come? – Yes, he has already been here for two days. 10. We have already been working at this problem for a year.

11.I try to communicate with him for a long time, but I see that it is useless. 12. Have they made up? – I don’t know. I only know that they haven’t been speaking for some days. 13. I have been working at this translation for ten days, and I have done more than a half. 14. Have you found the key? – Yes, I have. I have found it in my own pocket.

Exercise IX (p. 167)

1. How much time have you been studying music? 2. This student studies the Italian language without assistance. He has already been studying Italian for many months. 3. What are you listening to? I am listening to the concert from the Philharmonic Society. 4.You seem to be very much interested in medicine, don’t you? – Yes, I have read many books on medicine. 5. What magazine are you looking through now? 6. Don’t enter the room, she is speaking to the doctor. 7. I have just found the answer to this difficult question. 8. I have been teaching at this university for twenty years. 9. Now when we have worked for such a long time and got enough experience and knowledge we see what else we must learn. 10. How have you written your exercise? Show it to me. 11. Why have you opened the window? It is rather cold in the room. It is better to close it again.


The Past Perfect Continuous (Progressive) Tense

Exercise V (p. 170)

1. The boys had been assembling the bicycle for more than two hours when father came and said that they would have to disassemble everything again as they had assembled it in a wrong way. 2. I had already been working for a long time when my brother came. 3. It had already been raining for two hours when I left the house. 4. Though the sun was shining it was still cold as it had been snowing heavily for two hours. 5. She had already been sleeping for three hours when we returned home. 6. His sister had been living there for three years when the war began. 7. She had been working at the plant without rest for a long time. 8. He looked very tired when I came to him because he had been preparing for the exams for several days. 9. They had been sailing for ten days when at last they saw the earth. 10. By 12 o’clock he had already been speaking for more than an hour, it was a very long appearance in public. 11. When I came to the library he had been working at his report for more than two hours. 12. She had been working for an hour and a half when Nick said that he couldn’t work any more.

Exercise VI (p. 170)

1. He had been working at school for some years before he began to teach at university. 2. When I went to the dacha my brother was still working. 3. When it began raining we were walking about the forest. 4. We had been walking about the forest for a long time before we saw a lake. 5. They had been living in Luga for three years before they moved to St Petersburg. 6. When the war broke out they were living in Novgorod. 7. My sister had been living in Moscow for three years when we came there. 8. I had been looking through the magazines for about two hours before I found the necessary article. 9. The children were sleeping when we returned home. 10. The children had been sleeping for a long time when we returned home. 11. We were discussing a new collection of poems when he came to the meeting of our literary society. 12. We had been discussing a new collection of poems for more than an hour when he came. 13. My sister was speaking over the telephone when I decided to go to bed. 14. She had been speaking over the telephone for about half an hour when I went to bed.

Exercise VII (p. 171)

1. It was evening. My mother was reading a book and I was writing a letter. Suddenly my mother’s brother came in. We had been talking for about an hour when his wife called him and reminded him about


the theatre. 2. What were you doing yesterday at this time? – I was writing a report in the library. I had been writing it for an hour when my friends came to the library. – When did you come home? – Late. 3. Who were you talking to when I met you in the street? – To my friend. He came from Kiev two days ago. We had already been speaking for 15 minutes when you saw us yesterday. 4. What were you doing yesterday at 10 o’clock in the morning? – I was in hospital. I was examining the patients. I had been examining them for already an hour when professor Sergeyev came.

Revision of All the Past Tenses

Exercise V (p. 173)

1. When I came, the doctor was busy: he was examining a patient. First I was going to see another doctor, but then I decided to wait. I had been waiting for about 20 minutes before I entered the doctor’s consulting room. By 2 o’clock the doctor had examined me and allowed to go to work the next day. 2. The children were skating when mother called them to go home. Though they had been walking since the very morning they did not want to go home. But mother said that they had been out of doors too long. After they had rested at home and had had dinner they went to the skating rink again. 3. Denny was working in his study till eight o’clock. Then they had supper and almost till 12 o’clock they were talking about their plans for the future. 4. Ann who lived in the house next door and who stayed with the children when her sister had left was sitting in the living-room and sewing something.

Exercise VI (p. 173)

1. It happened so long ago that I forgot about it. 2. It was late autumn. Almost all the leaves had already fallen off and the last birds had flown to the south. 3. Hardly had she started speaking about it when she suddenly began to cry. 4. She switched off the light and sat in complete darkness. 5. He left a year ago and since that time he hasn’t written a single letter to us. 6. A letter came ten minutes after you had gone. 7. She looked at the watch. It was about 5 o’clock. She was waiting for more than half an hour. 8. The clouds had been gathering the whole day and at last it began raining. 9. Tom who was laughing loudly stopped suddenly. 10. Hardly had they gone three kilometers when the weather changed. 11. Why did you return home so late yesterday? 12. When were you here last time?


Exercise VII (p. 173)

1. Yesterday when I came to the cinema, my friends had been already waiting for me for 15 minutes. 2. When we came to have practice, the students of our group had already been working there for a week. 3. Coming to the theatre Mike found out that the performance had begun and the actors had already been playing on the stage for several minutes. 4. Peter had been living in the university hostel for almost half a year when his cousin Nicholas came to see him. 5. After the doctor had gone, she was sitting near the girl’s bed for a long time. 6. Somebody was laughing behind the wall. It was such merry laughter which she hadn’t heard for a long time. 7. Fortunately, he didn’t notice her red eyes and he didn’t guess that she had cried. 8. Hardly had she run to the metro station when it began raining heavily. 9. He rang a quarter of an hour ago and said that he was leaving. 10. We left early in the morning hoping to get to the station by the afternoon. Hardly had we gone two kilometres when our tyre burst and we spent about an hour to repair it.

Exercise VIII (p. 174)

1. When I came she had already returned and was sitting near the fireplace. 2. The clock had just struck seven when I woke up. 3. Hardly had we tidied up the room when the guests came. 4. He did not know how long he had been walking, but it was already late. 5. The wind that had been blowing since the very morning stopped and it was warm again. 6. Last summer I visited the places where I had lived in the childhood. 7. Had you had dinner before you went to university? 8. I met my friend when he was going from university. 9. We had been living in the village for two months when my sister came to see us.

10.We had been going for two hours when at last we saw a lake.

11.I had been walking about the forest for about an hour when I saw a little house. 12. The house stood among the trees, and the path along which I was walking led to it.

The Future Perfect Continuous (Progressive) Tense

Exercise II (p. 175)

1.I will begin working at 10 o’clock in the morning. When you return home at 5 o’clock I will have been working for seven hours already.

2.Next year by this time they will have already been studying English for four years. 3. We will have already been having dinner for half an hour when you call on us. 4. He will have already been writing an article for two hours when you come. 5. I will have already been learning


the new words for an hour when you ring me up. 6. Next year by this time she will have already been working at the thesis for two years. 7. Next September she will have already been teaching French for ten years. 8. I will have been playing the violin for six years when I am twenty-one years old. 9. Next year I will have been living in this house for six years. 10. By the first of December I will have already been working here for fifteen years.

Revision of All the Future Tenses

Exercise V (p. 177)

1. Has your brother been studying at medical university for a long time? He will have been studying there for five years in June. And by July next year he will have graduated from university and will have already been working as a doctor for about six months. 2. Next year when the professor retires on pension he will have been working at university for 46 years. 3. In spring we will have been studying in this school for 10 years. By May we will have finished our studies and we will have begun to take exams. 4. He plays volleyball perfectly well. – It is not surprisingly. He will have been playing for five years in May.

5.Do you know our family will have been living in this house for

25year next month? – So we will have been neighbours for 25 years.

6.Will you do your homework soon? In ten minutes you will have already been writing for three hours. – Don’t worry. By the time they start to show the match on TV I will have already done my homework.

Exercise VI (p. 177)

Nick’s parents will visit their son in the sanatorium. By the time they come there he will have had breakfast and he will be probably playing volleyball. First they will speak to the doctor. By this time Nick will have already finished playing volleyball, and he will be ready to spend the whole day with his parents. They will walk about the forest, and at 2 o’clock Nick will return to the sanatorium to have dinner. By 3 o’clock everybody will have already had dinner. Then the children will rest a little. By the time Nick will have woken up and his parents will have bathed in the river and will have gathered berries. Nick will see the parents off to the station. They are sure that Nick will rest well, and when he returns home he will be healthy, sunburnt and refreshed.


The Sequence of Tenses

Exercise VII (p. 181)

1. I was sure that he was already sorry that he had been impolite with her. 2. He hasn’t known yet what he will do in New York. 3. I was sure that you would give me a telegram when you come to Moscow. 4. Did you know that I was waiting for her in the evening? 5. We haven’t yet decided who will go to the conference. 6. Everybody believed that he had brothers and sisters. 7. He answered that he hadn’t had dinner yet. 8. Helen wasn’t sure that she would prepare for the report the next day. 9. The teacher asked who wanted to answer. 10. He was told that all the students had gone to the hall. 11. Somebody asked who would live with him in that room.

Exercise VIII (p. 181)

1. I did not notice that it was snowing. 2. I did not know that it had been snowing since the very morning. 3. He hoped that the weather would be fine. 4. She did not know that it snowed seldom in winter in England. 5. I knew that in Africa the temperature was almost never below zero. 6. We were told that it had snowed in Africa. 7. I was sure that you would go to that exhibition. 8. I think that you will like that exhibition of pictures. 9. I did not hear what the guide had been saying when we entered the hall. 10. She said that she had spent in the museum about three hours. 11. She said that all that time she had been examining the collection of old coins. 12. I was sure that she would go to the museum again as soon as she had the spare time.

Exercise IX (p. 182)

1. I thought that he was tired and asked him what he had been doing all that time. 2. I had an impression that he was there for some time.

3.I nodded and said “yes” feeling that it was exactly what she wanted.

4.I understood that he would do nothing to help me. 5. I had a suspicion that she had forgotten to mention that I was waiting. 6. He knew what she was thinking about. 7. I have no idea if she knows that her mother will be here. 8. By the way, does Ann know that my brother is coming tomorrow? 9. He didn’t know yet what he would do in New York. 10. He said that he gave lectures at university. 11. Peter told his friend that his father had been ill in summer. 12. He said that he had been at the theatre two days before. 13. He reminded that he had known her since 1995.

14.He repeated that he had already been studying for two hours when you rang him up.


Exercise X (p. 182)

Last year I met one of the students of our course. I asked him what he was doing then. He answered that he was a postgraduate. I asked him when he had entered a postgraduate course and who his research leader was. He said that he had already been taking a postgraduate course for a year and his research leader was the head of the department. I was interested to know if he had passed any exams and if he had published any articles on the subject of his thesis. He answered that one article had been published, and the other two were being published then, and he hoped that they would have been published by the end of the year. He added that he had already passed two exams: in the language and philosophy. He said that he had been dreaming of a teaching career for a long time, and he wanted to give lectures after graduating from the postgraduate course.

Direct and Reported Speech

Exercise II (p. 196)

1. He screamed with pain, as the nurse gave him the injection. 2. He asked her to try to do it as quick as possible. 3. She made an exclamation of surprise when she first saw the Pyramids. 4. He asked his mother to try not to be late. 5. She asked if I would like another cup of tea. He replied in the affirmative. 6. She asked if he would leave his dictionary. He agreed. 7. He asked me if I had rung him up the day before. 8. He asked me if I could lend him some money. 9. She exclaimed, as she stepped into the mud. 10. She screamed with surprise because she had twisted her thumb. 11. She exclaimed that she never travelled on trains that left from platform. 12. He insisted that the teacher had given him the wrong mark. 13. She cried that it was an unlucky number.

Exercise III (p. 196)

1.We wanted to know who our form mistress would be next year.

2.The teacher asked Ann why she had missed the first lesson.

3.I asked Lena if she would go to the cinema with me if I had invited her. 4. I asked Nick how old he had been when he began to play hockey. 5. Mother wanted to know if Nina had to take the medicine two or three times a day. 6. I asked the woman how old her son had been when she began to teach him to skate. 7. Mother hoped that his son would return in a week. 8. The headmaster said that he didn’t allow to change the timetable. 9. Mother said that the guests would come on Saturday and then it was only Friday. 10. The teacher said