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VII. Find the English equivalents:

-получать водительское удостоверение

-выдать водительские права

-поймать нарушителя за незаконным вождением

-место парковки



-направление движения


-транспортное средство

-предмет проверки

-утерять водительское удостоверение




VIII. What are the parts of Driving examination:

1) Проверка зрения 2) проверка знаний ПДД 3) проверка безопасности вождения

IX. Translate the sentences into English (Mind the terms and grammar rules):

1.Существуют некоторые правила для получения водительского удостоверения.

2.Человек без водительского удостоверения не имеет права ездить по общественным дорогам, парковаться, водить машину по городу.

3.Получение водительского удостоверения предполагает, во-первых, проверку зрения, во-вторых, проверку навыков вождения, в-третьих, проверку безопасности движения.

4.Обучение вождению может быть теоретическим и практическим.

X.Guess the term:

1)a document that permits a person to drive a vehicle;

2)a place with heavy traffic;

3)they help a driver to avoid traffic accidents;

4)a motor vehicle;


5)modern road;

6)special signs for driving;

7)a special place for parking.

XI. Put general questions to the sentences:

1.A driver license shows that you have been given permission to drive on public roads.

2.You will receive a license after you have paid the fee.

3.Person under 18 may not be employed to drive a motor vehicle.

4.There is no upper age limit.

5.Your examination for a driver license includes some tests.

6.The examiner will give you directions.

7.The examiner will discuss the result of the test with you.

8.The teaching cars are subject to annual inspection.

9.Instructor must pass qualifying examinations every three years.

10.You must have your driver license with you whenever you drive.

XII. Use the verbs in the correct form, Passive or Active:

1.You have (been given/given) permission.

2.You will (receive/ be received) a license.

3.You have (been paid/paid) the fee.

4.You may (issue/be issued) a driver license.

5.The person (is licensed/ licensed) to drive.

6.The person (is caught/ caught) driving.

7.Your driving license (is lost/lost).

8.You must (be paid/ pay) the required fee for a duplicate.

9.He will (be given/give) you your score sheet.

10.Your license will (be marked/ mark) to show that you must wear lenses.

XIII. Ask 10 special questions on the driver license information.


Unit VII

Right-of-Way Laws

Right-of-way rules help people drive safely. These rules go along with courtesy and common sense. Bicycle, moped riders, and pedestrians must follow these rules, too. Never insist on taking the right-of-way. If another driver does not yield to you when he or she should, forget it. Let the other driver go first. You will help prevent accidents and make driving more pleasant. However, do not always insist on others going ahead of you. If another vehicle expects you to take your legal turn, you may delay traffic by stopping or slowing unnecessarily to allow another vehicle to go ahead of you.

Pedestrians. A pedestrian is a person on foot or using a conveyance propelled by human power (roller skates, skateboards, etc.) other than a bicycle. The definition of pedestrian includes persons who are disabled and use self-propelled wheelchairs because they are not able to move about as a pedestrian. These individuals must be given the same rights as any other pedestrian.

Always stop for any pedestrian crossing at corners or other crosswalks. Do not pass a car from behind that has stopped at a crosswalk. A pedestrian you can't see may be crossing.

You must stop for any person using a guide dog or a white cane with a red tip. Only blind, or nearly blind, persons are allowed to use these canes or guide dogs and they must be given the right-of-way at all times whether in or out of a crosswalk.

Remember – just because you make eye contact with a pedestrian doesn't mean that the pedestrian will yield the right-of-way to you.

Other Vehicles

At an intersection without STOP or YIELD signs, slow down and be ready to stop. Yield to vehicles already in the intersection or just entering it. Also yield to the car which arrives first or to the car on your right if it reaches the intersection at the same time as your car.

When there are STOP signs at all corners, stop first; then follow the above rules.

When you turn left, give the right -of-way to all vehicles on the same road coming from the opposite direction close enough to be dangerous. Turn only when you can see that it is safe. Look for motorcyclists and bicyclists. On divided highways, or highways with several lanes, watch out for cars coming in any lane you must cross. When you have parked off the road, before you enter the road again, you must yield to traffic.


I. Find the English equivalents:

Участники движения

Водители легковых

слепые люди


инвалиды на самоходных



водители мопедов




Манѐвры на дороге:

-уступить дорогу

-предоставить право преимущественного проезда

-пропустить другого водителя вперѐд

-совершить поворот по правилам


-позволить другому транспортному средству проехать впереди вас

-остановиться перед пешеходом

-обогнать машину

-въехать на перекрѐсток

-прибыть первым

-повернуть налево

-приближаться с противоположного направления

-пересекать полосу движения

-парковаться на обочине дороги

II. Guess the term:

1.Laws which guide or control behavior of drivers and pedestrians on the road and actions while driving a car.

2.A person on foot or using a conveyance propelled by human power other than a bicycle.

3.Symbols on a board or plate used to represent traffic rules and to give directions to drivers.


4.To give way to somebody.

5.To pass from one side to the other side of the street.

6.The wheeled machine propelled by using pedals, for riding on.

7.A place where two streets cross each other.

8.Carriage (car, lorry, van, bus), usually wheeled, for moving goods or passengers on land.

9.To move over at a reduced speed.

10.To finish moving.

11.Course taken by a moving person.

12.Something which is unsafe, hazardous, harmful for a person.

13.Free from danger, not causing harm or taking risks.

14.A main public road.

15.Marked division of a road; line of vehicles within such a division.

III. Choose the suitable prepositions in brackets:

1.Never insists (in/on) taking the right-of-way.

2.You may delay traffic (with/by) stopping unnecessarily.

3.A pedestrian is a person (at/on) foot.

4.Always stop (behind/ for) any pedestrian crossing at corners.

5.The car has stopped (from/ at) a crosswalk.

6.Blind person must be given the right -of-way (at/in) all times.

7.Also yield to the car, which is (of/on) your right.

8.Look (after/ for) motorcyclists and bicyclists.

9.On divided highways watch out for cars coming (in/on) any lane you must cross.

10.Before you enter the road, you must yield (for/to) traffic.

IV. Make the sentences negative and interrogative:

1.These rules help people drive safely.

2.You will make driving more pleasant.

3.The definition of pedestrian includes persons who are disabled.

4.These individuals are given the same rights as any other pedestrians.

5.The driver has just passed a car from behind.

6.A roller skater was crossing the road at that moment.


7.She stopped her car for a person using a guide dog.

8.A man using a white cane with a red tip was given the right-of-way.

9.They reached the intersection at the same time.

10.Everybody must follow the above rules.

V. Make a brief summary of the text.


Speed Limits

The 'Basic Speed law' says that you must never drive faster than is safe for the present conditions, regardless of the posted speed limit.

The maximum speed limit on most highways is 65-70 mph. (100-110 km/h). However, for two-lane undivided highways the maximum speed limit is

55 mph (90 km/h), unless posted for a higher speed. Other speed limits are set for the type of road and traffic in each area. All speed limits are based on ideal driving conditions.

Driving faster than the posted speed limit, or than it is safe for current conditions, on any road is dangerous and illegal. High speed increases your stopping distance. The faster you go, the less time you have to avoid a hazard or accident. The force of a 60 mph crash isn't just twice as great as at 30 mph, it's four times as great!

If you block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic by driving too slowly, you may receive a ticket. Sometimes, of course, you may have to go slowly.

If you are driving slower than other traffic, do not drive in the "fast" lane. If you are in the left (or fast) lane, move to the right when another driver is close behind you and wishes to drive faster.

Always drive more carefully near schools, play grounds, and parks because children may suddenly dart into the street. Sometimes lower speed limit signs are placed near schools, so look for them.

Blind intersections are intersections where you cannot see for 100 feet (30 m) in either direction during the last 100 feet before crossing. Trees, bushes, buildings, or parked cars at intersections can block your view of cars coming from the side. You need to approach a "blind" intersection slowly enough to be able to stop if a vehicle pulls out suddenly.


The speed limit is 15 mph (25 km/h) when you come within 100 feet of a railroad crossing. You may go faster than 15 mph if the crossing is controlled by gates, a warning signal, or a flagman.

If you see animals or livestock, slow down. Obey the person in charge of the animals. If you see a stray animal in your path, slow down or stop, if it is safe to do so.

If you are driving a slow-moving vehicle on a two-lane highway or road where

passing is unsafe, and five or more vehicles are following you, pull to the road wherever you can safely do so to let the vehicles pass.

I. Give the Russian/English equivalents of the following word




Posted speed limit


- To set speed limit

- столкновение, авария

- To increase stopping distance

- получить талон


To block movement

- знак низкой скорости


Railroad crossing

- нескоростная (медленно

- Speed of a vehicle

движущаяся) машина

II. Give Russian equivalents to the following dimensions: a foot, a mile, an inch

III.Say if the sentences are true or false. Correct the false sentences:

1)Speed limit depends on the type of a road.

2)High speed does not influence the stopping distance.

3)There are fast and slow lanes on a highway.

4)Schools don‟t have speed limit signs.

5)A “blind” intersection is blocked with trees, buildings or standing vehicles.

6)Railroad crossing is controlled by a warning signal or a specialist.


Reasons to slow down

Дети (школы,

«слепые» ж/д переезд

любые животные

игровые площадки,


на дороге





V. Guess the term:

1.You can go just two directions on this road.

2.A linear dimension for transport in Great Britain.

3.A crash during driving.

4.The necessary distance a driver needs to stop.

5.It can block the traffic and create traffic jams.

6.A part of a highway for fast driving.

7.A part of a highway for slow driving.

8.An intersection where the view is blocked for a driver.

9.It is controlled by a flagman, a warning signal or by gates.

10.A means of transport.

VI. Answer the questions.

1.What are the two lanes of the road?

2.What makes traffic jams?

3.What controls railroad crossing?

4.What is the maximum speed limit on highways?

5.What are all speed limits based on?

6.What driving leads to crashes and accidents?

7.Why is high speed dangerous?

8.Why may you receive a ticket?

9.Where must you drive more carefully? Why?

10.What can you say about blind intersections?

11.What is the speed limit near railroad crossing? May you go faster?

12.What should you do if you see animals on the highway?

13.What should you do if you are driving a slowmoving vehicle?

VII. Translate the word combinations into English:

-идеальные условия для вождения;

-скоростное/медленное вождение;

-полоса движения для быстрой езды;

-дорога с двумя полосами движения.


VIII. Translate the Russian sentences into English:

1.Хорошая погода, современная автострада, грамотный водитель и хороший автомобиль – идеальные условия для вождения.

2.Скоростное вождение часто опасно и приводит к ДТП.

3.Высокая скорость увеличивает тормозной путь, сокращает время для избегания ДТП, увеличивает силу удара при столкновении.

4.Существуют официальные правила для медленного вождения.

IX. Write out a few short sentences from the text about:

1.speed limits on highways;

2.too fast driving;

3.too slow driving;

4.careful driving near some definite places.

X. Study the plan of the text.

1.The “basic speed limit law” about safe driving and speed.

2.Minimal speed for different types of road.

3.Fast driving is dangerous and illegal.

4.4/5 Slow driving.

5.6/7/8/9 Reasons to slow down.

XI. Translate the Russian summary into English, mind the grammar.

Этот текст об ограничении скорости. Вначале мы можем прочитать об основном правиле ограничения скорости. Оно регулирует безопасное вождение и скорость транспортного средства.

Абзац 2 описывает разные виды дорог и необходимую скорость для этих условий. Дороги бывают разными, дорожное движение и скорость автомобилей также различны.

Абзац 3 информирует о превышении скорости. Это опасно и незаконно. Скоростное вождение часто приводит к (results in) столкновениям и дорожнотранспортным происшествиям.

Абзацы 4/5 информируют о медленном вождении. Оно часто блокирует дорожное движение и создаѐт «пробки» (traffic jams).

Последние абзацы говорят о самых обычных причинах для низкой (небольшой) скорости. Это наличие школ, ж/д переездов, животных на дороге и пр.


XII. Underline the predicates and define their Voice (Passive or Active) and Tense:

1.The "Basic Speed law" says that you must never drive faster than the posted speed limit.

2.The maximum speed limit on most highways is 65-70 mph.

3.Speed limits are set for the type of road and traffic in each area.

4.All speed limits are based on ideal driving conditions.

5.Driving faster than posted speed limit is dangerous and illegal.

6.High speed increases your stopping distance.

7.If you are driving slower than other traffic, do not drive in the "fast" lane.

8.Sometimes lower speed limit signs are placed near schools.

9.Parked cars at intersections can block your view of cars coming from

the side.

10.This railroad crossing is controlled by a warning signal and gates.

Unit IX

I.Read and translate the text:

Following Distance

When another driver makes a mistake, you need time to react. You can give yourself this time by keeping enough space between your car and the vehicles around you. Keep a "space cushion" on all sides of your car. It will give you space to brake or maneuver if you need it.

Many drivers don't see as well as they should because they follow too closely, and the vehicle ahead blocks their view of the road. Good drivers keep a safe following distance so they can see better. The more space they allow between their car and the car ahead, the more time they will have to see a hazard or accident down the road. Keep enough space between your car and the car ahead so that you will have 'a bigger picture' of what lies down the road and steering to avoid trouble will be easier. You can travel in the center of the lane instead of hugging one side or the other to let you see ahead.

When you follow too closely and another driver "cuts" in front of you, the normal reaction is to slam on your brakes and swerve out of the way. Swerving out of

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