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Учебное пособие 800616

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application of general ethical rules to business behavior. If a society’s ethical rules say that dishonesty is unethical and immoral, then anyone in business who is dishonest with employees, customers, stockholders or competitors is acting unethically and immorally. If protecting others from harm is considered to be ethical, then a business firm that recalls a defective and dangerous product is acting in an ethical way.

Banks that allowed laundered money to flow through their accounts not only broke the law but protected criminals who harmed society and who brought tragedy into the lives of drug users and addicts. The supervisor who failed to give an employee advance notice of being fired was not breaking the law, but they felt unethical in not telling the whole truth. When business firms or people in business violate the rules that define right and wrong behavior, they are acting unethically, and they also may be acting illegally.

However, business frequently demonstrates a high level of ethical performance. Twice within a five-year period, Johnson & Johnson protected its customers by recalling stocks of Tylenol capsules when poison was found in some Tylenol bottles on store shelves. In a similar case, Parker brothers voluntarily withdrew its all-time best-selling toy when two children choked to death after swallowing some of its parts. Both companies spent millions of dollars on the recall.

One of the major social challenges faced by business is to balance ethics and economics. Society wants business to be ethical and economically profitable at the same time.

Task 3. Read the following sentences. Which ones are true and which ones are false?

1.Ethical rules tell us when our behavior is right or wrong.

2.Business ethics is not the same as ethics in general.

3 You behave unethically if you are dishonest with your employees, customers or competitors.

4.If a company doesn’t recall a defective product it means that this company is acting in an ethical way.

5.Banks involved in money laundering not only break the law but also protect criminals.


6.Firms rarely demonstrate a high level of ethical performance.

7.The main challenge that business face is the balance between ethics and profit.

Now write correct versions of the false sentences.

Task 4. Find in the text synonyms and antonyms for the following words. The words are given in the same order as in the text.






suitable (adj)


wrong( adj)


basic (adj)


approved (adj)


buyer (n)


same (adj)


to defend (v)


honesty (n)


to lay off (v)


to ban (v)


to break (v)


lie (n)


often( adv)


minor (adj)





Task 5. Match the following words from the text with their definitions from the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English:

1) rules

a) small thing meant for amusement rather


than for serious use

2) application

b) way of behaving; manners (good or bad);


treatment shown towards others

3) to fail

c) person who is addicted, especially to smth



4) harm

d) to omit, to neglect

5) addict

e) law or custom which guides or controls


behavior or action


6) competitor

f) be unable to breathe because of smth in the


windpipe, or because of emotion

7) behavior

g) substance causing death or harm if


absorbed by a living thing, animal or plant

8) poison

h) damage, injury

9) toy

i) putting to practical use

10) to choke to

j) rival



Task 6. Complete the sentences using the following words or phrases from the text in the correct form: voluntarily, laundered money, recall, addict, behavior, rules, honesty.

1.They consider …………………… as one of the most important qualities of an applicant.

2.They agreed to help people suffered from earthquake absolutely

…………………. .

3.He was attending a conference on the weightier subject of capital flight and …………………. .

4.The ambassador was ……………….. to his own country.

5.Now a new generation of high-tech ………………… is increasing and Internet addiction is rapidly becoming the latest problem of the computer age.

6.Instead of coming out on strike, the men decided to work to


7.His ……………….. towards me shows that he does not like me.

Task 7. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form Past Simple (active or passive). See Appendix 1 and 5.

1.Our company ... (found) in 1848.

2.The company’s suppliers always … (complain) about late payment.

3.Most of the senior managers … (fire) after the takeover.

4.The company … (have) two loss-making subsidiaries.

5.The factory where they … (make) shoes used very old machinery.

6.Some of the candidates … (invite) to an interview.


7.The factory in London is working again, because one part … (not destroy) by the fire.

8.All the company’s customers … (come) from the local area.

9.The company’s products … (be) very old fashioned.

10.At last year’s launch party, who … (invite) to do the catering?

Task 8. Translate the following text into English using the dictionary:

Япония планирует сбросить костюмы

Согласятся ли японцы носить другую одежду?

Хироси Окуда, импозантный председатель Toyota Motor, крупнейшей японской компании, собирается дебютировать на взлетно-посадочной полосе, прогуливаясь перед камерами для новой национальной кампании, чтобы убедить японских мужчин помочь нации сэкономить энергию, сбросив свои пиджаки и галстуки летом.

Этот призыв появился, поскольку Япония – страна, которая является вторым по величине импортером нефти в мире, после Соединенных Штатов – объявила о швейной революции, призванной сократить летние счета кондиционирования воздуха. Темный деловой костюм, любимая униформа для поколений служащих, должен остаться дома этим летом. Все государственные и частные офисы – в попытке сэкономить энергию и уменьшить выход газов глобального потепления – должны установить свои кондиционеры на относительно душные 28 градусов по Цельсию. Премьер-министр Дзюнъитиро Коидзуми заявил:“ Правительство будет играть ведущую роль в предотвращении глобального потепления. С этого лета правительство планирует начать без галстука, без пиджака”.

До сих пор офисные кондиционеры были разными, и некоторые женщины жаловались на ледяную температуру, которая позволяет костюмам их коллег-мужчин выглядеть хрустящими.

Благодаря кондиционерам, которые будут выбрасывать менее горячий воздух на улицы, город также надеется атаковать свой летний синдром “острова тепла”. С несколькими парками, обширными полосами бетона и новыми высотными зданиями, блокирующими морские бризы, количество“ тропических ночей”


Токио – когда термометры никогда не опускаются ниже 25 градусов по Цельсию – подскочило до 41 в прошлом году.

Йошихиса Фудзита, чиновник министерства окружающей среды, отвечающий за кампанию, сказал: “Японцы часто чувствуют, что они не могут сделать то или другое, если их боссы не делают этого. Мы нацелились на топ-менеджеров крупных корпораций, которые должны возглавить это движение, иначе сотрудники небольших компаний будут считать: “Мы не можем снять галстуки, когда их носят наши клиенты”.

Некоторые японцы подозревают заговор национальной швейной промышленности, чтобы скопировать бум, которым однажды воспользовались американские магазины одежды, когда“ свободные пятницы” заставили офисных работников увеличить свои шкафы с брюками цвета хаки и хорошими спортивными рубашками.

Но офисные работники не должны сдавать свои темные костюмы без боя. Во второй половине дня в Otemachi, финансовом районе Токио, мужчины на обеденных перерывах предсказали небольшое ослабление одного из самых консервативных дресс-кодов в мире.

“Главное препятствие находится за пределами компании”, - сказал Сеигиро Кибуджи, а 36-летний продавец. Проблема в том, сказал он, “как вы выглядите, когда встречаете клиентов, особенно старых клиентов”.

51-летний Нориюки Ушияма согласился. “В Японии отношения с клиентами очень деликатные”, – сказал он. “Чтобы изменение дресс-кода стало реальным, вы должны начать именно здесь”.

Шинро Хаяси, редактор мужского клуба, старейшего японского журнала мужской моды, связывает комфортное состояние работника

втемном костюме с групповой этикой, которая восходит к феодальным временам.

“Японцы носят костюмы часто из-за их чувства принадлежности к дому, к клану”, - сказал он. “Вы можете спрятаться

вформе и не раскрывать свою индивидуальность”.

Кроме того, костюм означает бизнес.“ Костюм демонстрирует, на международном языке, то, что парень, с которым вы говорите, понимает смысл контракта, правила бизнеса”, - сказал г-н Хаяси,


который был одет в синие джинсы и белую хлопчатобумажную рубашку с французскими манжетами.

“ Г-н Окуда - лучший бизнесмен в Японии”, - сказал г-н Хаяси.“ Если он действительно серьезно относится к движению без галстуков, отец дома должен продемонстрировать это сам”.

Но что произойдет, если в следующий понедельник утром легионы в деловых костюмах войдут в поезда Токио, как будто ничего не произошло? Следующим шагом могут стать случайные, необъявленные офисные рейды полиции моды.

Unit 16. Logistics

Task 1. Match the following English words and phrases from text A with their Russian equivalents:

1) flow of goods

a) цепь добавочной стоимости



2) the Council of Logistics

b) соответствовать требованиям





3) integrated planning

c) собирать и обрабатывать



4) simulation software

d) царство логики



5) realm of logistics

e) программное обеспечение


для моделирования

6) to aggregate and process

f) интегрированное планирова-



7) to conform to customer re-

g) Совет





8) value-added chain

h) поток товаров




Task 2. Read and translate text A.


Logistics is the management of the goods flow between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet some requirements, for example, of customers or corporations. The resources managed in logistics can include physical items, such as food, materials, animals, equipment and liquids, as well as abstract items, such as time, information, particles, and energy. The logistics of physical items usually

involves the integration of information flow, material


production, packaging, transportation, inventory, warehousing,

and often

security. The complexity of logistics can be modeled, analyzed, visualized, and optimized by dedicated simulation software. The minimization of the use of resources is a common motivation in logistics for import and export.

The prevalent view is that the term logistics comes from the late 19th century: from French logistique (loger means to lodge).

The New Oxford American Dictionary defines logistics as "the detailed coordination of a complex operation involving many people, facilities , or supplies", and the Oxford Dictionary on-line defines it as "the detailed organization and implementation of a complex operation". As such, logistics is commonly seen as a branch of engineering that creates" people systems" rather than "machine systems".

According to the Council of Logistics Management (CLM), logistics includes the integrated planning, control, realization, and monitoring of all internal and network-wide material, part, and product flow, including the necessary information flow, industrial and trading companies along the complete value-added chain (and product life cycle) for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements.

Logistics is the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the effective and efficient flow of goods and services from the point of origin to the point of consumption.

Academics and practitioners traditionally refer to the terms

operations or production management when referring to


transformations taking place in a single business location



restaurant or even bank clerking) and reserve the term logistics for activities related to distribution, that is, moving products on the territory. Managing a distribution center is seen, therefore, as pertaining to the realm of logistics since, while in theory the products made by a factory are ready for consumption they still need to be moved along the distribution network according to some logic, and the distribution center aggregates and processes orders coming from different areas of the territory.

Task 3. Match the following words from the text with their definitions:

1) management



to the goods


materials that

(in business and

a business holds



ultimate purpose of


resale (or repair).






2) warehouse

b) is the technology of enclosing or protecting


products for distribution, storage, sale, and










3) transport or





of people,



and goods from






Modes of transport include air, rail, road,


water, cable, pipeline and space.








4) packaging



a commercial

building for



of goods.







5) inventory or

e) is the function that coordinates the efforts of









objectives using available resources efficiently


and effectively.






Task 4. Find in the text synonyms and antonyms for the following words. The words are given in the same order as in the text.






request (n)


off-line (adj)


client (n)


common (adj)



application (n)


passive (adj)


corporation (n)


ineffective (adj)


synchronization (n)


inefficient (adj)


sequence (n)


untraditional (adj)


change (n)


same (adj)





Task 5. Complete the sentences using the following words or phrases from the text and translate them: export, planning, a branch, management, coordination

1)Logistics is the …. between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet some requirements, for example, of customers or corporations.

2)The New Oxford American Dictionary defines logistics as "the

detailed … of a complex operation involving many people, facilities, or supplies".

3) Logistics is commonly seen as … of engineering that creates "people systems" rather than "machine systems".

4) According to the Council of Logistics Management, logistics includes the integrated…, control, realization, and monitoring of all internal and network-wide material, part, and product flow, including the necessary information flow, industrial and trading companies along the complete value-added chain (and product life cycle) with the purpose of conforming to customer requirements.

5) The minimization of the use of resources is a common motivation in logistics for import and …

Task 6. Complete the sentences using the following prepositions: in, of, for, from.

1) The resources managed … logistics can include physical items, such as food, materials, animals, equipment and liquids, as well as abstract items, such as time, information, particles, and energy.


2)The logistics of physical items usually involves the integration … information flow, material handling, production, packaging, inventory, transportation, warehousing, and often security.

3)The complexity … logistics can be modeled, analyzed, visualized, and optimized by dedicated simulation software.

4)The prevalent view is that the term logistics comes … the late 19th century

5)Academics and practitioners traditionally refer to the terms operations or production management when referring to physical

transformations taking place … a single business location (factory, restaurant or even bank clerking)

6) The distribution center aggregates and processes orders coming from different areas … the territory.

Task 7. Rewrite the sentences, putting the verbs in the passive voice.

As such, logistics is commonly( see) as a branch of engineering that creates "people systems" rather than "machine systems".

1)The confirmation of the order……….( write) by our client. 2)Logistics ………………......... (develop) all over the world. 3)This order ……………………………... (accept) last week. 4)All the papers ……………………………( sign) tomorrow.

5)Several mistakes……………... (make) by the new manager.

Task 8. Translate the following text into English using the dictionary:

1.Когда вы хотите что-то купить, вы это заказываете или размещаете заказ. Когда товар готов, он вам отправляется.

2.Накладная – это документ, который показывает сумму, необходимую заплатить.

3.Денежный поток – постоянная проблема. Я получаю материалы от поставщика на условиях 30-дневной оплаты, но я поставляю большим компаниям, которые платят мне на условиях 60дневной оплаты.

4.За некоторые виды новых вин, вы можете заплатить специальную

цену авансом и ждать доставку в течение 10 месяцев.

5. Маленькие компании жалуются на то, что большие компании зло-