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Being able to handle working in the middle of nowhere for long periods of time. Some people can't handle that. If you like the outdoors, don’t like working in the office and you’re keen to see parts of Australia, if not the world, you’ll probably enjoy geology

11.Найдите в тексте интервью абзацы, в которых Стефан сообщает

опреимуществах работы в горной промышленности. Какие он использует при этом аргументы, и какими языковыми средствами они выражаются?

12.Выпишите ключевые слова и словосочетания, характеризующие личностные качества, необходимые для работы в горной промышленности.

13. Найдите абзац, в котором говорится о трудностях, с которыми сталкиваются геологи, зафиксируйте информацию в виде тезисов и сообщите кратко своему партнеру.

14. Сравните вопросы, которые вы составили в задании 9, с

вопросами, представленными ниже. Распределите их в тексте интервью в соответствии с содержанием ответов:

a)What personal qualities do you need to be a geologist?

b)Is it difficult to get a work as a geologist?

c)How did you find out that geology was the area that you wanted to work in?

d)What are the benefits of working in the Minerals Industry?

3.3. Areas of Specialization

Geologists may concentrate their studies or research in one or more of the following disciplines: geochemistry, geophysics, structural geology and etc.

1. Соотнесите названия отраслей специализаций в геологии с

представленными ниже определениями:


a) Geochemistry

d) Economic geology

g) Volcanology

b) Sedimentology

e) Petroleum geology

h) Geophysics

c) Structural geology

f) Paleontology

i) Hydrogeology


the study of ore genesis, and the mechanisms of ore creation, geostatistics.

the applied branch deals with the application of physical methods such as gravity, seismicity, electricity, magnetic properties to study the earth.

the applied branch deals with the study of the chemical makeup and behaviour of rocks, and the study of the behaviour of their minerals.

the study of the origin, occurrence and movement of groundwater water in a subsurface geological system.

the classification and taxonomy of fossils within the geological record and the construction of a palaeontological history of the Earth.

the study of sedimentary basins applied to the search for hydrocarbons (oil exploration).

the study of sedimentary rocks, strata, formations, eustasy and the processes of modern day sedimentary and erosive systems.

the study of folds, faults, foliation and rock microstructure to determine the deformational history of rocks and regions.

the study of volcanoes, their eruptions, lavas, magma processes and hazards.

2.Выберите 5 отраслей и выпишите ключевые слова,

характеризующие объекты исследования в каждой отрасли.

3. Какие другие отрасли геологии вы знаете? Воспользуйтесь справочной литературой или Интернетом. Заполните представленную ниже таблицу:

Branch of Geology

Object of Study














3.4. Employment Opportunities in Geology

Professional geologists work for a wide range of government agencies, private firms, and non-profit and academic institutions. Local, state, and national governments hire geologists to help plan and evaluate excavations, construction sites, environmental remediation projects, and natural disaster preparedness, as well as to investigate natural resources.

Petroleum and mining companies use mud loggers (or wellsite geologists) and large-scale land developers use geologists' and engineering geologists' skills to help them locate oil and minerals, adapt to local features such as karst deposits or the risk of earthquakes, and comply with environmental regulations. Geologists in academia usually hold an advanced degree in a specialized area within the discipline.

Geological engineering comprises a number of engineering specialities such as geotechnical engineering, land remediation, rock mechanics, groundwater hydrology and engineering geology. Responsibilities of the role typically include ensuring geotechnical activities are conducted safely in order to provide a safe working environment for employees and contractors in fitting with company standards and government legislation.

A geological engineer is called upon to investigate geologic hazards and geologic constraints for the planning, design and construction of public and private engineering projects, forensic and post-mortem studies, and environmental impact analysis.

A geological engineer is typically interested in technical and engineering work, maths and earth sciences, and is able to identify, analyze and come up with practical, creative solutions. Good oral and written communication skills are also valued.

In the minerals industry, geological engineers may perform the following



Investigate the engineering feasibility of planned new developments involving soil, rock and groundwater;

Plan and undertake site investigations for proposed major engineering works such as bridges, dams and tunnels;

Design measures to correct land contamination and salination;

Design major structures in rock such as tunnels, basements and shafts;

Supervise construction and performance of major engineering works involving the ground;

Work out strategies to control landslides and areas of potential instability;

Coordinate multi-disciplinary study teams, and

Perform computer analyses, use computer databases and generate computeraided designs.



1. Прочитайте текст и выпишите слова и словосочетания по теме

«Employment opportunities».


2. Найдите соответствия английских и русских словосочетаний:

1) non-profit institution

a) природоохранное законодательство

2) construction site

b) землетрясение

3) natural disaster

c) государственное законодательство

4) remediation

d) ограничения

5) mud logger

e) судебные исследования

6) earthquakes

f) участок строительства

7) government legislation

g) природная катастрофа

8 constraints

h) автоматизированное проектирование

9) environmental regulations

i) некоммерческая организация

10) forensic studies

j) рабочий буровой бригады

11) computer aided design

k) восстановление земель


3.Прочитайте текст и выпишите в виде тезисов информацию о том,

где могут работать геологи. Подготовьте устное сообщение, опираясь на ваши записи.

4. Прочитайте текст и найдите абзацы, в которых говорится о специфике работы горного инженера в добывающей промышленности.

Выпишите глаголы, характеризующие основные направления его деятельности.

5.Задайте партнеру следующие вопросы:

1.What companies can geologists work for?

2.What are geologists hired by governments responsible for?

3.What petroleum companies employ geologists for?

4.What is geological engineering?

5.What do the geological engineers deal with?

6.What investigations do geological engineers carry out?

7.What are the functions of geological engineers in mineral industry?

6.Прочитайте интервью с австралийским инженером-геологом и ответьте на вопросы:

1.What are the advantages of Luke’s career?

2.Who encouraged Luke to choose mining engineering as a career?

3.What was the first Luke’s working experience (company, position, responsibilities)?

4.What is the key to success in mineral industry?

5.What does mining concern in our everyday life?

Name: Luke Brandon

Role: Geological Engineer

Company: Xstrata (at time of interview)


What do you like about working for the minerals industry?

The career I'm into now certainly allows me to get out and explore Australia which is something I'd never be able to do if I was stuck in a city somewhere. There's plenty of opportunity to go overseas both with my company and with others. There are rock mechanic positions all over the world.

What happened in Year 10 at high school to enable you to be where you are today?

To tell you the truth, I always loved geography in high school. I completed Year 11 geography in Year 10. Year 10, we had to do work experience, so I went to my Careers Advisor and said, 'I like geography and I'm doing pretty well in maths and sciences, where can I go, what can I do?' He sorted out work experience with the Victorian Water Board. I spent two weeks as a hydrographical engineering assistant taking bore hole samples and stream water flow samples. I had to take that data back to the laboratory and analyze it. So I basically spent half of my time out in the field, half of my time in the office and found out that the career I wanted to get into was out in the field.

What do you see as the key skills & personal qualities that young people need to be successful in the Minerals Industry?

I guess the skills you need is that you've got to be committed, you've got to be passionate and you've got to be dedicated to your job. Good communication skills are certainly important. The ability to work in a team or lead a team, those sorts of skills; and being outgoing as well. You need to keep learning. I didn't know everything when I left university, I've learnt heaps since I've been here. Not necessarily just about technical things either but it's usually about the practical side of things and mining in general.

How relevant do you see the minerals industry to young people, and/or everyday life?

The relevance of our industry, well it is integral in today's lifestyle. We've got our farming, our fishing, our forestry and then we've got mining. Mining supplies all of the resources that we build our houses with, that we construct our


roads with, that we eat our food with, everything. So certainly relevant to today's


7.Найдите в тексте интервью информацию о том, какие личностные качества, по мнению Люка Брендона, помогают добиться успехов в горной промышленности. Сообщите о них партнеру в форме совета, используя фразы: To be successful in the mining industry you are.., If you want to achieve good results it is necessary…, great progress in the mining industry depends on …, You should…. и др.

8.В тексте интервью найдите информацию, в которой определяется значимость горнодобывающей промышленности в жизни человечества.

Назовите аргументы, которые приводит Люк Брендон, высказывая свое

мнение и языковые средства, при помощи которых оно находит реализацию


9.Коммуникативное задание. Вам предстоит участвовать в коллоквиуме по теме «The greatest geologists in the world».

А. Как докладчик подготовьте сообщение о вкладе в развитие геологии одного из перечисленных ниже ученых.

Б. Как участник коллоквиума задайте выступающим интересующие вас вопросы.

В. Как председатель составьте программу коллоквиума и проведите


1.Mary Anning (1799–1847), England, pioneer fossil collector

2.Thomas Barger (1909–1986), USA, noted Saudi geologist

3.Robert Bell (1841–1917), considered Canada’s greatest explorer-scientist

4.Norman L. Bowen (1887–1956), Canada, pioneer experimental petrologist

5.Colin Campbell (born 1931), British petroleum geologist and Peak Oil theorist

6.George V. Chilingar, USA, distinguished international petroleum geologist

7.Maurice Ewing (1906–1974), USA, geophysicist and oceanographer

8.James Hutton (1726–1797), Scottish geologist, father of modern geology


9. James A. Jensen (1911–1998), USA, distinguished dinosaur paleontologist and sculptor

10.Nikolai Kudryavtsev (1893–1971), Russian petroleum geologist 11.Giuseppe Mercalli (1850–1914), Italian seismologist and volcanologist,

developed Mercalli scale for measuring earthquakes

12.Eric W. Mountjoy, Canadian sedimentologist and petrologist

13.Vladimir Porfiriev (1899–1982), Russian petroleum geologist

14.Henry W. Posamentier (Born 1948), USA, petroleum geologist

15.Vladimir Vernadsky (1863–1945), pioneer Russian geochemist and biogeochemist

16.Ivan Yefremov (1907-1972), Russian paleontologist and originator of taphonomy



Petroleum Engineering


Petroleum Engineers


4.1. Petroleum Engineering

In today's society there is a growing demand for the use of petroleum worldwide. While the demand for petroleum continues to grow, current production rates must be increased, which will require more petroleum engineers in the workforce. The petroleum industry offers a wide-range of career choices. The industry is driven by cutting-edge technology that makes it possible to recover oil and gas from areas several miles below the surface of our oceans and from remote locations far from existing roads, cities, or supplies. The technology and ingenuity that make this industry successful comes from many disciplines working together to produce the energy that powers our world.

Petroleum engineering refers to the subsurface engineering activities related to the production of hydrocarbons, which can be either crude oil or gas. These activities are deemed to fall within the upstream sector of the oil and gas industry which are the activities of finding and producing hydrocarbons prior to the point of refining or distribution to a market, which is referred to as the downstream sector.

Petroleum geology and petroleum engineering are the two main subsurface disciplines within the oil and gas industry, which focus on maximizing economic recovery of hydrocarbons from subsurface reservoirs. Petroleum geology focuses on provision of a static description of the hydrocarbon reservoir rock, while petroleum engineering focuses on estimation of the recoverable volume of this resource using a detailed understanding of the physical behavior of oil, water and gas within porous rock at very high pressure.

The combined efforts of geologists and petroleum engineers throughout the life of a hydrocarbon accumulation determine the way in which a reservoir is developed and depleted, and usually they have the highest impact on field economics. Petroleum engineering requires a good knowledge of many other related disciplines, such as geophysics, petroleum geology, formation evaluation (well logging), drilling, economics, reservoir simulation, well engineering, artificial lift systems, and oil & gas facilities engineering.


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