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Information and the related technologies define growth rates of economy – rates of growth of annual GDP. And also the degree of maturity, development and formation of civil society that in turn defines growth rates of economy and the social sphere.

Today there is a different interpretation of the term «information economy» that naturally influences formulation of its purposes and tasks. In the West information economy is considered as the part of economy relating to work with information, and also computer industry. In compliance with the materials of Wikipedia [2]: “Information economy (rules of managing in post-industrial society) is the science investigating economic activity of a person which provides broad application of electronic (information and communication) technologies in the processes of social production, distribution and consumption of public benefits”. In Russia this concept most specifically was formulated by the scientist Korneychuk B.V. as follows [3]: “Information economy” – the term used for designation of two concepts.

First, information economy is a modern stage of development of a civilization which is characterized by the prevailing role of creative activity and information products. Secondly, information economy – is the economic theory of information society”.

If to address to the stages of development of information economy, it is possible to divide them into 4 stages:

1.Penetration of information technologies into production;

2.Mass introduction of information technologies and prevalence of standardized systems;

3.Excess of productivity in the sphere of production of information and information technologies over other branches;

4.Transition to the prevailing production of information and knowledge. Feature of information economy is the orientation on mass character

and global nature of economic interaction, and also distribution of the created benefits among consumers on a global scale. Unlike the traditional methods of managing of the standard economy based on management and market model of business (on the basis of the scheme “demand-supply”), information economy is based on a messagement, innovative business, information engineering and autoformalization (autostructuring) of economic processes.

Now two groups of the countries effectively work on the IT markets [4]: 1 – The advanced countries with the developed fundamental science

(the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Japan and some other);

2 – The countries using innovations and technologies of first countries (Taiwan, China, South Korea, etc.).


These two groups still effectively supplement each other and own the main share of world markets of IT. But there is also the third group of countries: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Ireland, and Israel which managed to break into world markets with the competitive high technologies. Such opportunity was provided to them by extremely effective modernization of educational systems, education, science IT.

The base of information sector of economy is effective and modern education with the emphasis on fundamentals of informatics, information systems and computer technologies. Therefore a number of founders of a modern theory of information introduced the term “information education” along with the term “information society” which means application of educational information technologies.

Information potential or information resources will effectively work if the country, the region, the firm or organizations have saved up the high quality sufficient human capital and favorable condition are created for its realization as a productive factor. In other words: information resource is necessary, but not sufficient factor of realization of effective innovative economy which is based on knowledge and intelligent carriers – the experts of high level capable to implement ideas in new innovative products, effectively create and use competitive technologies.

Modern economy, in our opinion, is necessary to be defined more precisely as economy of human capital which is important and sufficient factor and condition for creating a post-industrial economy or innovative economy which is based on knowledge, intellectual work and high technologies and, first of all, information technologies.

The most important task of information economy is studying a new role of information in information society which is conditioned by the increase of its importance as the main production force and object of production. Today information possesses one unique property distinguishing it from material objects – it never diminishes in the course of use, but grows or more likely replenishes [5].

If in traditional economy limitation of resources was a key factor of emergence of science, information is neither limited in volume, nor in distribution speed. And, the second, if material resources tend to reduction in the course of use, information space naturally seeks only for expansion. For now a considerable part of information extends free of charge, the protection against undesirable information has become one of the major problems. Thus there is a question concerning revision of fundamentals of economic science, or more correct formulation of designation of this phenomenon.


One of the features of information economy is that the concept of copyright remains in the past and therefore it will lose economic meaning in the future. The paradox is that in order to declare a copyright, it is necessary to share this information with consumers, risking losing a monopoly for it.

Thus, informatization of economy means modernization on the basis of computer technique and information technologies, as well as transformation of information into economic resource of paramount value. Information economy is in its essence is a market economy, it is characterized, as well as other market systems, by consumer's sovereignty, existence of a «free» enterprise, the market of free type, competition and state non-interference.


1.Strelets I.A. New economy and information technologies. – Examination, 2003. – 254 p.

2.Information economy [Electronic resource]. – URL: https: // ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%98%D0%BD%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%80%D 0%BC%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0 % B0%D1%8F_%D1%8D%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B C%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0 (date of the address: 29.01.2015).

3.Korneychuk B.V. Information economy. Manual. – St-Petersburg: Piter, 2006. – 400 p.

4.Kastels M. Information era: economy, society and culture [Electronic resource]. – URL: http://www.lerc.ru/? part = articles&art = 9&page

=1 (date of the address 29.01.2015).

5.Abramov E.G. Information in information economy [Electronic resource] // Creative economy. – 2007. – No. 6 (6). – P. 55–61. – URL: http:// www.creativeconomy.ru/articles/3487/ (date of the address: 29.01.2015).

Об авторах

Отакузиева Зухра Маратдаевна – кандидат экономических наук, доцент Филиала Российского государственного университета нефти и газа им. И.М. Губкина в г. Ташкенте, Республика Узбекистан, e-mail: bobshuh@rambler.ru.

Бобохужаев Шухрат Исмоилович – старший преподаватель Филиала Российского государственного университета нефти и газа им. И.М. Губкина в г. Ташкенте, Республика Узбекистан, e-mail: bobshuh@rambler.ru.


S.A. Otakuzieva

Research Center “Scientific bases and issues of economic development of Uzbekistan” under the Tashekent State University of Economics, Republic of Uzbekistan



The article deals the important role of creation of innovative infrastructure in the industrial enterprises, also provided some approaches of the organization of innovative infrastructure. Stated the main problems of creation of own innovative infrastructure of the industrial enterprises.

Keywords: innovative infrastructure, industrial enterprise, innovative division.

Nowadays it becomes more obvious, that it is impossible to increase the competitiveness of the industrial enterprises without development of innovative activity. One of the main directions of development and stimulation of innovative activity is the creation of innovative infrastructure.

One of the main ways of development and stimulation of innovation activities is creation of an innovative infrastructure that integrates resources of science, large enterprises, including industrial, as well as small and medium businesses.

The main objective of an innovation infrastructure is to facilitate solving the problems of using resources needed to implement the innovation process. As is generally known, the process of creating a new (innovative) product goes through several stages, starting from idea origination, fundamental scientific research and development of the product prototype (R & D) to serial production and selling the product to consumers. All this way called “innovation corridor” is based on enterprises using in their work a whole complex of resources: production and technology, financial, personnel, information, and others.

The most entrepreneurial producers of the market are guided in modern market conditions rather quickly. Today there are departments of commerce and marketing which carry out a role of an intermediary link between the enterprise and consumers, almost in all adapting for market economy industrial enterprises. But unfortunately, these conditions are not still enough for long-term competitiveness of the enterprise. Its innovative


activity can become one of the most perspective directions of formation of competitive strategy for the industrial enterprises.

The leading world companies invest large sums in development, and also provide full cycle of innovative process, from applied and basic researches to releasing of finished goods. For the organization of innovative focused business the industrial enterprises involve various mechanisms and divisions involved in innovative process: from the research centers and laboratories to the centers of a transfer of technologies and sales departments. Harmonious interaction of all these structures makes innovative infrastructure of the enterprise.

Each enterprise conducting active introduction of innovations in the production have to make a choice: to get innovations from other sources or to develop them independently. In other words, the enterprise can use services of the research organizations, science and technology parks, and also, can create own research innovative division.

The choice of this or that strategy is defined by external conditions while its realization depends on the internal organization. For new tasks it is necessary to install the new systems of communications both between levels of management, and between divisions of innovative infrastructure.

Fig. The main tasks of objects of innovative infrastructure of the industrial enterprises

Practice of successfully developing companies, actively focusing the attention to innovative activity shows that process of development of new production has to take place the stage-by-stage scheme. The purpose is that at the end carefully to check novelty of production for compliance to needs of the consumer. It gives the chance to minimize risks at the process of developing the new production.


Development and verification of this concept is based approximately according to the following scheme. First, entering the research work, as a result certain idea is forming. Then the idea receives the material expression, then the production division checks technical and industrial validity of idea.

Development of innovative infrastructure of the leading world industrial enterprises often depends on efficiency and competitiveness of the developed innovative projects. Depending on success of an innovation changes the status of the relevant division.

Thus we considered various options of formation and development of innovative infrastructure, its role in activity of the industrial enterprises and on the basis of the aforesaid it is possible to draw the following conclusions:

1.In the conditions of the modern competition, the innovative infrastructure becomes the locomotive which can provide competitive strategic prospect for the industrial enterprises.

2.The enterprises which set as a main goal of the strategic plan the development of new technologies, release of new goods and services, have opportunity to win leader positions in the market, to keep high rates of development, to reduce the level of expenses, to achieve high rates of profit.

3.Efficiency of carrying out innovative development depends on innovative infrastructure of the enterprise which basis make intellectual, material, financial, personnel, infrastructure, etc. resources.

4.For continuous introduction of new goods or new technologies of the enterprise can create own innovative division. Relevance of use of such approach is caused by a variety of reasons, including: problems of a scientific and technical complex, economy of resources, increase of efficiency of the end result.


1.Боровская М.А., Шевченко И.К. Механизмы взаимодействия

винновационном секторе: инфраструктурный аспект. Российский эко-

номический интернет-журнал, 2010. – URL: http://www.e-rej.ru/Arti- cles/2010/Borovskaya_Shevchenko.pdf

2.Сафонов Е.М., Спорыхина С.Н. Управление инновационной деятельностью на промышленных предприятиях // Вестник Российского государственного гуманитарного университета. – 2009. – № 3. –

С. 164–171.


3. Innovation Report 2014 // Department for business Innovation and Skills – URL: https: // www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attach- ment_data/file/293635/bis-14-p188-innovation-report-2014-revised.pdf.

Об авторе

Отакузиева Сурайё Алишеровна – младший научный сотрудник НИЦ «Научные основы и проблемы развития экономики Узбекистана» при Ташкентском государственном экономическом университете, Рес-

публика Узбекистан, e-mail: surayyo.otakuzieva.88@mail.ru.


S.K. Rakhimboev

Tashkent University of Information Technology,

Republic of Uzbekistan



This article describes the theoretical foundations of organizational and economic aspects of development of innovative activity. Also given the goal of innovation activities, methods, forms and terms of their implementation.

Keywords: innovation, innovative activity, imaginary innovations, economic conditions, market mechanism, cost indexes.

Basis of effective economy of independent Uzbekistan makes along with natural and work force and the scientifically technological potential of the country, which use opens transition possibilities during industrially developed information epoch. A necessary condition of research of achievements of science and technology in real sector of economy is innovative activity of managing subjects.

In these conditions the special importance research of the categories characterizing innovative activity acquires, its aiming at use of the resource potential, which is present at scientific and technical sphere, dependence on a competitiveness level of development between innovators and manufacturers.

The concept “innovation” has appeared in scientific researches in XХ century and originally meant penetration of some elements of one culture into other (customs, methods of the organization of ability to live, including production). Innovations are result of activity on updating, transformation of the previous activity, leading to replacement of one element with others or addition already presents the new. Similar activity has the general laws: the change purposes are defined, the innovation is developed, tested, has production, extends and, at last, “dies off”, being reached physically and morally. In the course of innovative activity at overcoming of inertia of the developed order almost usually there is a problem of consequences – expected, wished and harmful.

Thing transition in a new condition or new quality is realized in the form of innovations. Initially they are made out in consciousness as a problem connected with availability of the contradiction between the validity and a possible condition, presented as the intrinsic contradiction. The sub-


jective content of the last assumes purposeful innovative activity of social subjects in which course the given contradiction is authorized. Innovative activity allows allowing the contradictions connected by that in each thing (process, the phenomenon, the relation) objective tendencies of development (potentiality) contain. Their realization is carried out thanks to purposeful innovative activity of social and economic subjects.

Innovative activity also is internally inconsistent as a known divergence of the purposes and results at innovations inevitably, that is connected with consideration objective and subjective in innovations.

The innovation is shown in the issue as result of distinction of interests of subjects participating in innovative process and assumes realization of the general function – the permission of present contradictions by means of the purposeful activity preventing the contradictions or smoothing a sharpness of their display.

New discoveries are made in the course of world around knowledge, i.e. Establishments of existing laws unknown earlier objectively, properties, the phenomena of the material, social and spiritual validity introducing basic changes in level of knowledge. During opening applied researches are embodied in means of the decision of practical problems, including in the invention which is distinguished by certain scientific novelty and utility.

The likelihood model of innovative activity offered by D. Sahal1, starts with following principles:

The factors defining occurrence of technical event are numerous, non-uniform, inadequate. Interacting with one another, innovations do not allow to consider and analyze (their) influence as innovative activity is defined by case game.

An innovation as the method of the decision of a problem depends on degree of urgency and frequency of attempts of its permission.

All accumulated experience under condition of availability its major factor of successful innovative activity.

The purposes of innovative activity, methods, forms and realization terms are defined by resource possibilities of separate economic agents and all company. Resource possibilities influence scales of innovative activity, completeness of coverage of its circle of social and economic problems, sequence of their decision, and in the widest treatment they include actually everything, that can be used in innovative process, supplying reception of

1 Sahal D.Technical progress: concepts, models, estimates.-Spb.: the finance and stability, 1998, with. 66–68.


its end results. However end results in a sense become a starting point of a following stage of innovative process and consequently can be considered also as resources.

On degree of innovative effect on all spheres of public ability to live (including on economic activities) innovations can be classified in the various images. The founder of the innovative theory I. Shumpeter has divided innovations on basic and secondary. In the further G. Mensh has allocated basic, improving innovations and pseudo-innovations – imaginary innovations. Basic innovations are the innovations serving for occurrence of new branches and the new markets. Improving innovations do not mention the basic technological scheme, but improve quality of a subject or change slightly elements of engineering procedure with the purposes of economy of certain resources. Pseudo-innovations make modifications under the influence of short-term fluctuations of consumer preferences. The classification developed by A.I. Anchishkin, considers three types of the innovations, differing degree materialization various on level of scientific knowledge:

first, embodying essentially new scientific ideas and revolutionizing industrial forces;

secondly, the technicians based on alternation of generations, occurrence of new technology at preservation of an initial fundamental scientific principle;

thirdly, modifying connected with quantitative improvement of separate parameters of the given generation of engineering.

For economic activities the following typology of innovations became common:

• radical (base), i.e. essentially new technologies, production kinds, management methods;

• combined, assuming use of various combinations of factors of production;

• modifying, connected with improvement, addition of base designs of a product, principles and economic activities forms. Occurrence of radical innovations to a lesser degree, than evolutionary is connected with requirements of the market as demand for them is not defined owing to absence at the moment of their occurrence of market expectations, possibilities of application of base innovations are removed enough from sphere of their occurrence, and their application often demands essential changes in the interfaced areas. Delay with realization of base innovations is fraught with stagnation in certain sphere of economic activities.


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