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Bibliography list

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2.Terms of Reference for Finalists [Electronic resource] - Access mode: https://petrovbereg.ru/

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10.Rules of land use and development of the urban district of the city of Voronezh:

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A.N. Azizova-Poluektova, V.V. Poluektov, E.K. Korokhova, I.A. Dyakov, G.A. Pereslavtsev

Azizova-Poluektova A.N., Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Ph. D. in Architecture, assistant professor of Department of Bases of architectural design and architectural graphics Voronezh, Russia, tel: 8 (4732) 36-94-90, e-mail: poluektova@vgasu.vrn.ru

Poluektov V.V., Master of Urban Planning, head of Architectural Bureau INSIGHT ADB, Voronezh, Russia, tel .: 8 (4732) 58-23-13, e-mail: hq@bureauinsight.com

Korokhova E.K., Master of Urban Planning, Architect of the Architectural Bureau INSIGHT ADB, Voronezh, Russia, tel.: 8 (4732) 58-23-13, e-mail: hq@bureauinsight.com

Dyakov I.A. Undergraduate student in the direction "Architecture", Voronezh, Russia, тел.: +79515630462, e-mail: nepromah484848@mail.ru Pereslavtsev G.A. Undergraduate student in the direction "Architecture", Voronezh, Russia, тел.: +79204012593, e-mail: gpers@inbox.ru

Statement of the problem. Toreveal the features of constructing a concept of development of the Petrovskaya embankment territory of the Voronezh reservoir, which has been developed following the Terms of Reference from the tender operator. To substantiate the adopted architectural and urban planning decisions in the existing socio-economic conditions of the capital of Chernozemie.

Results and conclusions. The article shows the key aspects of the whole concept and the first phase of construction in particular. It substantiates the use and activating of existing natural and anthropogenic resources of territory, and discloses the basic principles of designed concept that contributed to the victory of the consortium in the Open All-Russian Competition.

Keywords: concept, Petrovskaya embankment, architecture, urban planning, recreation, comfortable environment, competition.




Научный журнал

№ 2 (22)


В авторской редакции

Компьютерная вёрстка: Азизова-Полуэктова А.Н.

Дата выхода в свет: 30.06.2020 Формат 60 × 84 1/8. Бумага писчая.

Усл. печ. л. 18,7.

Тираж 500 экз. Заказ № Цена свободная

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