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space. 7. The sides agreed to design compatible rendezvous and docking systems. 8. Technical decisions included de­ velopment of a docking module to provide an airlock to ac­ comodate crew transfer. 9. The training of flight crews and other key mission personnel was also planned. 10. Joint simulations were scheduled for the last week in March, 1975. 11. Group Five certified the equipment to be transferred between the two spacecraft.

Ex. 4. Make up questions for which the following would be the answers.

1. The agreement was signed on Thursday. 2. Plenary sessions took place alternately in Moscow and near Hous­ ton. 3. Both countries agreed to build a new docking sy­ stem. 4. The final report on the compatibility of the Apollo— Soyuz life support systems was prepared by Working Group Five. 5. The two sides were to exchange further information. 6. Scale models of the docking systems were constructed by both nations.

Ex. 5. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Compatible docking systems permit joint space mis­ sions or rescue operations. 2. It means more than an impro­ ved chance of rescue operations. 3. Joint preliminary technical discussions on the Apollo — Soyuz Test Project actually began in October, 1970. 4. Scale models of the docking systems were constructed by both nations. 5. The organizational plan for the mission included coordination of ground cont­ rol centres. 6. Familiarization and training of flight crews and other key mission personnel of both nations were also planned. 7. Prior to the July mission the last major meeting was held in JSC. 8. Working Group Two was working on contingency control mode for the mission. 9. Results of independent tests of the flight communication systems were reviewed by Working Group Four.

Ex. 6. How is A like B? How does A differjfrom B?







TV set











launching site











active spacecraft



Ex. 7. Read the text and answer the questions.

1. Was the USSR — USA Space pact significant for space research and if so why? 2. Was the reporter (in Octo­ ber, 1970) optimistic about future activities of the joint working groups? 3. Who signed the agreement on the Apollo — Soyuz Test Project? 4. What were the techni­ cal decisions and problems resolved at the meetings of the joint working groups in May 1972? 5. How was work on the ASTP organized? 6. What part of the program was car­ ried out by each of the five joint working groups?




PACT (Oct. 1970)

The Soviet Union and the United States have agreed to set up joint working groups to find the best way of docking their spacecraft together, it was announced yesterday.

Compatible docking systems would permit joint missions or rescue operations. The agreement was signed on Thurs­ day.

But it means more than an improved chance of rescue operations if anything goes wrong with the space vehicles, like the Apollo-13 mishaps.

It is seen as the first essential preliminary to real space cooperation, which would show itself in jointly run space stations.

The two sides are to exchange further information next month on supplementary questions and then three joint working groups are to be created to consider the other technical aspects.

The talks were «very encouraging», but we do not ex­ pect common docking to become a reality for some years.

ASTP (May, 1972)

On May 24, 1972, in Moscow, United States President Richard Nixon and A. N. Kosigin, Chairman of the Coun­ cil of Ministers of the Soviet Union, signed an agreement between the two nations on cooperation in the exploration and peaceful uses of outer space.

Joint preliminary technical discussions on the Apollo — Soyuz Test Project actually began in October, 1970, when representatives of the U. S. National Aeronautics and Spa­ ce Administration and the USSR Academy of Sciences met in Moscow and agreed to design compatible rendezvous

and docking systems for future manned spacecraft. Five plenary sessions took place alternately in Moscow and near Houston, Texas, with working groups of technical specia­ lists from both nations participating.

Technical decisions and problems resolved during these meetings included the development of a docking module to provide an airlock to accomodate crew transfer between the two spacecraft and the outlining of program require­ ments and joint flight plans. Both countries agreed to bu­ ild a new docking system. The system was to be based on a common concept of a peripheral androgynous type system that would assure compatibility. Scale models of the do­ cking systems were constructed by both nations and joint tests were conducted in the USSR.

The working groups also implemented an organizational plan for the mission which included coordination of ground control centers and familiarization and training of flight crews and other key mission personnel of both nations.


The last major meeting of the Apollo — Soyuz Test Project working groups in the United States prior to the July mission is currently underway at JSC.

Working Group One is preparing for the joint simula­ tions now scheduled for the last week in March.

Working Group Two is working on contingency control modes (emergency procedures) for the mission.

Members of Working Group Three are reviewing results of tests perfoimed on the docking system's pin and socket alignment as well as results of tests performed earlier in Moscow on the flight docking system.

Results on independent tests of the flight communica­ tion systems that have been conducted by the USA and the USSR are being reviewed by Working Group Four.

The final report on the compatibility of the ApolloSoyuz life support systems is being prepared by Working Group Five. This group is also certifying the equipment to be transferred between the two spacecraft while docked in space.

Ex. 8. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1. Compatible docking systems are not necessary for joint space missions or rescue operations. 2. There were not any preliminary talks on space research between the repre­

sentatives of the USSR and the USA before the agreement of May 24, 1972. 3. There was nothing in the agreement about building a new docking system. 4. Independent tests of the docking systems were sufficient for the joint mission. 5. All working groups dealt with the docking system’s pin and socket alignment. 6. No contingency situations we­ re expected, all systems of the spacecraft being reliable.

7.No equipment was to be transferred between the two spa­ cecraft as the hatches of Apollo and Soyuz were wide enough only for a handshake of the Apollo and Soyuz commanders.

8.Working Group One carried out joint simulations in March, 1975. 9. In January, 1975, the last major meeting

of Apollo — Soyuz Test Project working groups was held in the United States at JSC.

Ex. 9. Listen and repeat after the speaker.

The last




the Apollo — Soyuz Test

Project working groups in the

United States

prior to

the July mission was held at JSC.

At that time






preparing for

the joint simulations

scheduled for the last week in March.




Group Two












of Working



were reviewing


of tests





system’s pin

and socket


as well


results of





in Moscow

on the


docking system.

Results of independent tests of the flight communication


that had been conducted by the US and USSR

were being reviewed by Working Group Four.




The final report on the compatibility

of the Apollo —

Soyuz life-support systems

was being prepared

by Wor­

king Group Five. This group was also certifying the


ment • to be transferred between the two spacecraft




in space.










Ex. 10. Listen to Text 12 and retell it.

Ex. 11. Ask another student if

1. he remembers how Soviet — US space cooperation began. 2. he knows] how many working groups worked on ASTP. 3. he can explain why a new docking system was necessary. 4. he remembers when the Apollo — Soyuz doc­ king occured. 5. he knows where plenary sessions of the joint working groups were held. 6. he remembers who took part in ASTP work in addition to flight crews.

Ex. 12. Listen to the conversation. What is the subject discussed?

A:ASTP was just a step in the development of international cooperation in space research.

B:And a very successeful step, I should say.

C:In 1972 some said it was hardly possible to achieve suc­ cess in «common docking».

A:Yes, some people were not very optimistic about this project, even including some American scientists who were involved in it.

B:And yet, the Soviet scientists and engineers and their American counterparts worked compatibly.

C:Joint working groups did succeed in finding the best way of docking the Apollo and Soyuz spacecraft.

B:ASTP has also been considered the first step towaid real space cooperation.

C:Indeed, by 1970 there had already been COSPAR, but before the Soviet — US Space pact no jointly run space

stations had been planned.

A:One can’t say there were no problems in the work on the project.

B:To begin with, the internal pressure on board the Soyuz is different from that on the Apollo.

C:This problem was resolved by developing a docking module which provided an airlock to accomodate crew transfer between the two spacecraft.

A:One more problem was the language barrier.

B:But a year before the joint flight Alexey Leonov said that ASTP crewmen reached best understanding луЬеп they could speak their counterparts’ language.

C:One more detail: new words were coined as a result of Soviet and American technical specialists working to­ gether, for example «chaibreak» (tea break).

A:If we speak of the results and benefits of the project, they are far reaching indeed, beyond technological progress of international space exploration.

Ex. 13. Read the conversation as if you were A, В or C.

Ex. 14. Translate into English.

A. 12 апреля 1961 г. Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин на космическом корабле «Восток» вышел на орбиту вокруг Земли. Это было началом великого штурма 1 космоса пилотируемыми аппаратами. ...За прошедшие после этого

1 Штурм — assault.

полета годы осуществлено 2 много космических пилоти­ руемых полетов. Созданы многоместные 3 космические корабли, орбитальные станции. ...Увеличивалась длитель­ ность полетов космических кораблей; возрастали объем

исложность программ, выполняемых космонавтами. Вслед за 4 полетами космических кораблей «Восток»

начались полеты многоместных кораблей «Восход». К это­ му времени был накоплен опыт, решены многие техниче­ ские задачи, позволившие перейти с созданию космиче­ ских кораблей серии «Союз». Корабль «Союз» создавался как транспортный корабль, способный осуществлять сбли­ жение и стыковку с другим кораблем или станцией. С 1967 г. корабль «Союз» прошел путь5 от эксперименталь­ ных испытательных полетов до обслуживания 67орбиталь­ ных станций «Салют». Корабль «Союз» участвовал в пер­ вом международном космическом полете по программе ЭПАС.

Б. В США также шла интенсивная работа по освоению космического пространства человеком. Вслед за корабля­ ми «Меркурий» и «Джемини» появился корабль «Аполлон», специально созданный для полетов человека на Луну. Для этой же целп была создана мощная ракета-носитель «Сатурн-5». С использованием комплекса «Аполлон-Са- турн» были успешно осуществлены полеты американских астронавтов на Луну. Корабль «Аполлон» использовался впоследствии также, как транспортный корабль для об­ служивания орбитальной станции «Скайлэб».

В. В советской космической программе, в отличие от американской, пилотируемые корабли применялись толь­ ко для полетов в околоземном космическом пространстве с целью проведения научных исследований, в основном для решения прикладных задач в интересах народного хозяйства.

Научные программы изучения Луны и планет Солнеч­ ной системы успешно осуществлялись с использованием автоматических аппаратов.

Достигнутый уровень развития космической техники, наличие в Советском Союзе космического корабля «Союз»


Осуществлять — to implement, to carry out, to realize.


Многоместный корабль — multiseater.


Вслед за — in the wake of.


Пройти путь — to cover the path....

6Обслуживать — maintain.

7В отличие от — in contrast to.

и в США — космического корабля «Аполлон» создали реальную научно-техническую основу для разработки программы ЭПАС.

Ех. 15. Answer the questions: What was the ASTP objective? How could the ASTP technical directors, Prof. K. Bushuev and Dr. G. Lunny, resolve all technical problems?

Ex. 16. Read the text and retell it in English.

Провозглашенная на X X IV съезде КПСС Программа мира благоприятно влияет на многие стороны междуна­ родной деятельности стран всего мира, в том числе и на сотрудничество в космосе. Вот почему стало возможным подписать 24 мая 1972 года Соглашение между СССР

и США о сотрудничестве в исследовании космического пространства в мирных целях. Одна из статей этого согла­ шения предусматривала в 1975 году полет космических кораблей двух стран с целью проверки совместимых средств сближения и стыковки советских и американских пилотируемых кораблей и станций.

В октябре 1970 года впервые встретились технические специалисты по этому вопросу и сразу же выяснили, что системы кораблей «Союз» и «Аполлон», в общем-то несов­ местимы. Это и не удивительно: корабли разрабатывались в разных странах. Для практической работы по проекту «Союз» — «Аполлон» было создано шесть рабочих групп. Если вкратце подвести итоги работы этих групп, то им удалось решить организационные вопросы, создать прин­ ципиально новый андрогинный периферийный стыковоч­ ный узел, разработать специальную шлюзовую камеру. Такая камера была необходима, для того чтобы избежать несовместимости атмосфер кораблей (как известно, на на­ ших кораблях воздушная среда мало чем отличается от земной, а на американских — чистый кислород при дав­ лении 260 миллиметров ртутного столба). Не существует теперь и проблемы совместимости бортовых и наземных радиотехнических средств.

До встречи на орбите советские космонавты и амери­ канские астронавты много поработали на земле. В про­ цессе подготовки к этому полету каждый член экипажа накопил в своем активе около 2000 часов учебных занятий, в том числе 700 часов — совместные тренировки и 700 ча­ сов — занятия по изучению языка. Американские астро­ навты трижды побывали в Центре подготовки космонавтов имени 10. А. Гагарина, советские — трижды в Центре пилотируемых полетов имени Л. Джонсона в Хьюстоне.4

4 И. А. Трущеико


В деталях была известна и схема предстоящего сов­ местного полета. Начало космического эксперимента бы­ ло положено па космодроме «Байконур». Отсюда 15 июля 1975 года в 15 часов 20 минут московского времени стар­ товал «Союз». В 22 часа 50 минут по московскому времени или в 14 часов 50 минут по хьюстонскому времени с кос­ модрома на мысе Канаверал в США стартовала ракетаноситель «Сатурн-IB» с кораблем «Аполлон».

Через 51 час 55 минут после старта «Союза» над Чер­ ным морем произошла стыковка кораблей.

Совместных научных экспериментов было пять:

1.Искусственное солнечное затмение.

2.Ультрафиолетовое поглощение.

3.Универсальная печь.

4.Зонообразующие грибки.

5.Микробный обмен.

провозглашать — proclaim статья (соглашения) —

с] ause предусматривать — pro­

vide lor (не)совместимый — (in)


сближение — rendezvous выяснить — find out неудивительно — no won­


вкратце — in brief андрогинпый периферий­

ный стыковочный узел — androgynous periphery type docking assembly

шлюзовая камера — air­ lock

совместные — joint затмение — eclipse поглощение — absorption универсальный — multi­

purpose печь — furnace

грибки — fungi обмен — exchange


Read the space terms (Russian equivalents are on p. 134).

S p a c e

term s:

Committee on Space




surveys, rocket-propelled


space technology



Read the key words. Find their Russian equivalents in «Active


if necessary.



К e у

w o r d s : international council, scientific unions,

interdisciplinary scientific organization, satellite, inter­ national cooperation, annual congress, economic and so­ cial problems.

Ex. 1. Listen to the space terms and the key words and repeat them after the speaker.

Ex. 2. Listen to the word combinations and their Russian equi­ valents, repeat them after the speaker.

cooperative programmes, satellite research, primary purpose, world scientific community, resulting data, on an international scale, the United Nations General Assemb­ ly, peaceful uses, international cooperation in space rese­ arch, new frontier, as evidenced by the work, to encourage international cooperation, to serve as a catalist, mutual understanding and confidence, to apply scientific expertise and resourses.

R u s s i a n e q u i v a l e n t s : программы сотруд­ ничества, исследования при помощи спутников, глав­ ная цель, мировая научная общественность, получае­ мые данные, в международном масштабе, Генеральная Ассамблея Объединенных Наций, использование в мирных целях, международное сотрудничество в об­ ласти космических исследований, новая область, как свидетельствует работа, поощрять/приветствовать меж­ дународное сотрудничество, служить катализатором, взаимопонимание и доверие, использовать авторитет­ ное мнение и возможности ученых.

Ех. 3. Listen to the sentences and repeat them after the speaker.

1. COSPAR was established by the International Coun­ cil of Scientific Unions (ICSU). 2. The primary purpose of COSPAR was to provide the world scientific community with the means to exploit satellites for scientific purposes. 3. One of the purposes of COSPAR is to exchange the satellites and space probes data on a cooperative basis.

4.COSPAR is an interdisciplinary scientific organization.

5.COSPAR considers all questions solely from the scientific viewpoint. 6. International cooperation in the peaceful uses of space research is necessary for all nations. 7. Space science can resolve some of the economic and social prob­

lems of

the world.


provided the leadership

in the



of outer space during the

formative years of the space age.


Ex. 4. Make up questions for which the following would be the answers.

1. COSPAR was established in October 1958. 2. COSPAR was established by the International Council of Scientific

Unions. 3. COSPAR was established by ICSU to continue cooperative programmes of rocket and satellite research. 4. COSPAR objectives are carried out by the international community of scientists working through ICSU. 5. Space science can resolve some of the economic problems of the world. 6. Global participation in space cooperation is ne­ cessary for all nations.

Ex. 5. Translate into Russian.

1. COSPAR is concerned with the progress on an inter national scale of all fundamental research carried out with



of rocket

propelled vehicles. 2. His Excellency




addressed a message to COSPAR at

its annual congress. 3. Man has already witnessed the pro­ mise and challenge of the space age. 4. New complex prob­ lems of global concern have been created by space techno­ logy. 5. The United Nations General Assembly has emphasi­ zed the need for international cooperation in the peaceful uses of space research. 6. The United Nations makes ef­ forts to spur the international scientific community to find ways and means by which space science can assist in resol­ ving some of the economic and social problems of the world. 7. I am hopeful that COSPAR will continue to apply its scientific expertise and resources towards these objectives and thereby encourage international cooperation in this field. 8. It is in this spirit that I send you my greeting and best wishes for a successful congress.

Ex. 6a. Rewrite or rephrase the sentences using the model.

M o d e l :

Traditional patterns of life have been revolutionized by space activities.

It is by space activities that traditional patterns of life have been revolutionized.

1. I have no doubt that COSPAR can provide the lea­ dership in resolving some of the economic and social prob­ lems of the world. 2. COSPAR provided the leadership in the scientific exploration of outer space during the formati­ ve years of the space age. 3. In this spirit I send you my greeting and best wishes. 4. In this common task the Uniled Nations looks to COSPAR, particularly in its efforts to spur international scientific community to assist in re­ solving the economic and social problems of the world.