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1907 First practical domestic vacuum cleaner is invented. James Spangler invents the first practical domestic vacuum cleaner.

1908 Ford Model T is introduced. Henry Ford begins making the Model T. First-year production is 10,660 cars.

1925 Televisor. Scottish inventor John Logie Baird successfully transmits the first recognizable image—the head of a ventriloquist’s dummy—at a London department store, using a device he calls a Televisor. A mechanical system based on the spinning disk scanner developed in the 1880s by German scientist Paul Nipkow, it requires synchronization of the transmitter and receiver disks. The Televisor images, composed of 30 lines flashing 10 times per second, are so hard to watch they give viewers a headache.

1935 First practical radar. British scientist Sir Robert Watson-Watt patents the first practical radar (for radio detection and ranging) system for meteorological applications. During World War II radar is successfully used in Great Britain to detect incoming aircraft and provide information to intercept bombers.

1947 Sound barrier is broken. U.S. Air Force pilot Captain Charles Yeager becomes the fastest man alive when he pilots the Bell X-1 faster than sound for the first time on October 14 over the town of Victorville, California.

1957 Sputnik I is launched. On October 4 the Soviet Union launches Sputnik I using a liquid-fueled rocket built by Sergei Korolev. About the size of a basketball, the first artificial Earth satellite weighs 184 pounds and takes about 98 minutes to complete one orbit.

1968 Computer mouse makes its public debut. The computer mouse makes its public debut during a demonstration at a computer conference in San Francisco. Its inventor, Douglas Engelbart of the Stanford Research Institute receives a patent for the mouse 2 years later.

1972 Home video game systems become available. In September, Magnavox ships Odyssey 100 home game systems to distributors. The system is test marketed in 25 cities, and 9,000 units are sold in Southern California Alone during the first month at a price of $99.95.

In November, Nolan Bushnell forms Atari and ships Pong, a coin-operated video arcade game, designed and built by Al Alcorn. The following year Atari introduces its home version of the game, which soon outstrips Odyssey 100.

1981 IBM Personal Computer is released. IBM introduces the IBM Personal Computer with an Intel 8088 microprocessor and an operating system— MS-DOS—designed by Microsoft. Fully equipped with 64 kilobytes of memory and a floppy disk drive, it costs under $3,000.

1991 World Wide Web becomes available to the general public. The World Wide Web becomes available to the general public.

Наталья Викторовна Патяева Екатерина Борисовна Михайлова


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