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Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary

Species [] - біологічний вид

Rod-shaped - паличкоподібний

Curved [] - вигнутий

Comma-shaped - у формі коми

Cytoskeleton - цитоскелет

Attach [] - прикріплювати(ся)

Acquire []  - набувати, отримувати

Multiply [] - розмножуватися

Tetanus [] - правець (столбняк)

Chemicals - хімічні речовини

Mucous [] - слизовий

Exercise 2. Pay attention to the Singular and Plural forms of the words below

Species – species [

Bacterium – bacteria []

Coccus – cocci []

bacillus – bacilli []

spirillum – spirilla []

Exercise 3. Translate the word-combinations

Atmospheric free oxygen, life and growth of microorganisms, slightly curved in shape, the wide variety of shape, to acquire nutrients, the process of bacterial division, to divide extremely rapidly, to increase in size up to a certain limit, to cause skin infections, the major cause of human death, to secrete chemicals, mucous membrane, a branch of microbiology.

Exercise 4. Make up sentences from the given words

  1. scientists, that, 10,000,000 , are consider, about, red, blood, cells, the, destroyed, every, second, human, in, body (Вчені вважають, що кожної секунди у тілі людини руйнується біля 10 000 000 червоних кров’яних тілець.)

  2. not, oxygen, the, human, for, body, more, than, necessary, is, absorbed, 1%, of, through, the, skin (Через шкіру всмоктується не більше 1% кисню, необхідного для організму людини.)

  3. in, multiply, favourable, may, very, environment, microorganisms, rapidly, a (В сприятливому оточуючому середовищі мікроорганізми можуть розмножуватися дуже швидко.)

  4. the, produce, most, of, when, microorganisms, they, it, the, tissue, enter, and, destroy, disease (Більшість мікроорганізмів викликають захворювання, коли вони потрапляють в тканину і руйнують її.)

Exercise 5. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the modal verbs and their substitutes

Must - to have to

I must go = I have to go

  • I had to go

- I will have to go.

Can - to be able

  • I can swim = I am able to swim

I could swim = I was able to swim

  • = I will be able to swim

May - to be allowed to

I may go = I am allowed to go

I might go = I was allowed to go

  • = I will be allowed to go

  1. Bacteria can be seen under the electron microscope.

  2. The patient with a broken arm was allowed to walk.

  3. Chlamidia may be involved in coronary heart disease.

  4. Pneumococci can cause pneumonia.

  5. Bacterial infections may be treated with antibiotics.

  6. He will be able to lift this weight in some months.

  7. The patient must avoid stress and physical exertion.

  8. Bacteria can have very different morphologies and metabolisms.

  9. The doctor had to change his administrations.

Exercise 6. Read the text and answer the questions below


All the existing microorganisms can be divided into two main groups – aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic microorganisms must have atmospheric free oxygen for their life and growth. However one knows that free oxygen is not favourable for the development of anaerobic microorganisms.

Most bacterial species are either spherical, called cocci (from Greek kokkos, grain, seed) or rod-shaped, called bacilli (from Latin baculus, stick). Some rod-shaped bacteria, called vibrios, are slightly curved or comma-shaped; others, called spirilla, can be spiral-shaped.

This wide variety of shapes is determined by the bacterial cell wall and cytoskeleton, and it is important because it can influence the ability of bacteria to acquire nutrients, attach to surfaces, swim through liquids etc.

When bacteria multiply they divide. The growing organism increases in size up to a certain limit and in due time divides. The process of division depends on the conditions of the environment. Under optimal conditions, bacteria can grow and divide extremely rapidly, and bacterial population can double as quickly as every 9.8 minutes.

If bacteria form a parasitic association with other organisms, they are classed as pathogens. Pathogenic bacteria are a major cause of human death and diseases and cause infections such as tetanus, typhoid fever, diphtheria, cholera and tuberculosis. Some organisms, such as Staphylococcus or Streptococcus, can cause skin infections, pneumonia, meningitis.

Other bacteria are the essential part of the normal human flora and usually exist on the skin or mucous membrane without causing any disease at all.

Bacteria frequently secrete chemicals into their environment in order to modify it favourably. The secretions are often proteins and may act as enzymes that digest some forms of food. The understanding of bacterial metabolism and genetics allow the use of biotechnology for the production of therapeutic proteins, such as insulin.

The study of bacteria is known as bacteriology, a branch of microbiology.

Exercise 7. Answer the questions

  1. What conditions are favourable for aerobic microorganisms?

  2. What shape do cocci have?

  3. What bacteria are called bacilli?

  4. When do bacteria grow and multiple extremely rapidly?

  5. How do pathogens influence the human body?

  6. What diseases can be caused by bacteria?

  7. How can people use bacteria?

  8. What science studies bacteria?

Exercise 8. Complete the sentences

  1. … means grain, seed in Greek.

  2. Oxygen is unfavourable for … .

  3. Vibrio is a slightly … bacterium.

  4. Rod-shaped bacteria are called … .

  5. Spirilla are …

  6. …  is a skeleton contained within a cell’s cytoplasm.

  7. … is a bacterial disease of the lungs.

  8. Pathogens are the microorganisms that can ….

  9. Bacteria are used in medicine for … .

  10. … is a branch of microbiology.

Exercise 9. Write the Plural forms

Foot, bacterium, species, mouse, tooth, nucleus, ray, library, policeman, leaf, fish, series, coccus, vibrio, vertebra, life, diagnosis, box, mouth, ganglion, speech

Exercise 10. Put questions to the underlined words

  1. Bacteria frequently secrete chemicals into their environment.

  2. Disinfectants are used to kill bacteria.

  3. Robert Koch worked on cholera and tuberculosis.

  4. Bacteria were first observed by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek in 1676.

  5. The total number of bacterial species is unknown and cannot be estimated.

  6. The bacterial secretion may act as enzymes.

  7. Bacteria can grow and divide extremely rapidly.

  8. The process of division depends on the conditions of the environment.

  9. Scientists use different techniques to promote the growth of bacteria.

  10. A few bacteria have chemical systems that generate light.

Exercise 11. Translate into English

  1. Студенти повинні регулярно відвідувати анатомічний зал.

  2. - Можна увійти? Вибачте, я запізнився.

  3. Вчора черговий лікар зміг швидко зупинити кровотечу.

  4. Хворий повинен був приймати ліки тричі на день.

  5. Вибачте, я повинен йти, вже дуже пізно.

  6. Патогенні мікроорганізми здатні спричиняти важкі захворювання.

  7. Завтра хворий зможе (йому дозволять)вийти на прогулянку.

  8. Вся інформація про хворого повинна бути записана в історії хвороби.

Exercise 12. Explain the terms

Aerobic bacteria, Anaerobic bacteria, Basillus, Coccus, Vibrio. Spirilla, Pathogen