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Some food is peculiar to the particular classes.

All classes love bacon sandwiches (the northern working classes cann them 'bacon butties'), but some more pretentios members of the lower- and middle-middle classes pretend to have daintier, more refined tastes, and some affectedly health-conscious upper-middles make disapproving noises about fat,salt, cholesterol and heart disease.

Lower-Class Food

- prawn cocktail (the oink 'cocktail' sause)
- eggs and chips (classless unless together)
- pasta salad (if cold and mixed with mayo - working)
- rice salad (particularly with sweetcorn)
- tinned fruit (in syrop - working, in fruit juice - lower-middle)
- sliced hard-boiled eggs and/or slised tomato in a green salad (whole cherry tomatoes - OK)
- tinned fish (if on its own)
- chip butties (a northern tradition)

If a representative of uppers or upper-middles likes lower-class food, he or she will be regardeedas charmingly eccentric. Tip to those who areclass-anxious: to seem charmingly eccentric, you should pick your food from the very bottom of the scale, to avoid misunderstanding.

Health-Correctness Indicator

Since the mid-1980s, HC has become themain gastronomic class-divider. Middles are higlysusceptible to the latest healthy-eating fashions. Highest and lowest - more robust in their views and secure in their food preferences.

Middles have appointed themselves quardians of the nation's culinary morals, they want the working class to eat up its vegetables.

Upper-class females define one's identity according to what one eats. Before throwing a chattering-class dinner party the host must get to know all guests' fashionable food allergies, intoletances and ideological positions. These females thinnk that their extreme sensitiveness about food willsomehow demonstrate that they are exquisitely sensitive, finely bred people, not like vulgar ones whoeat anything.

If they cannot manage to have any such problem for themselves, they will say their children might have them.

Lower- and middle-middles adopt food-fears fromupper-middles,and thenupper-middles have tomakeupnew ones.

Working class doesn't care about all of this, they have real problems and do not need to invent fancy food allergies to make their lives more interesting. The upper class doesn't have any insecurity about their identity, so they do not need to compensate.

Timing and Linguistic Indicators

Evening meal:
- tea, 6:30PM - working class (or W.c. origin; when personalize the meal - northern w.c.)
- dinner, 7PM - lower- or middle-middle
- supper (upper-middle or upper) - 7:30PM, dinner - more formal evening meals - 8:30PM

Tea (except w.c. - afternoon tea) - a light meal taken ~4PM, tea + cakes, scones, jam.

Lunch/Dinner Rules

Dinner - working class, all others - lunch (1PM). D'lunch - trying to conceal their w.c. origin.

Business lunches came from US to bond people. But the British usually judge the foo, not the atmosphere.

Breakfast Rules - and Tea Beliefs

Traditional English breakfast is nutritious, but English themselves do noteat the whole of it really often. The tradition is maintained moreat the top andbottom of the social scale. Sugar in the tea - low class. Putting milk first - lower class. The higher class - the weaker tea.

Tea creates miracles. It canbe used as a sedative or stimulant, to calm and sooth or to revive and invigorate.

Whenever the English feel awkwardoruncomfortable, they make tea.A universal rule: when ind oubt, put the kettle on.

Toast is also important. If tea alone doesn't cure, tea and toast will. While American toasts are sweaty and indiscreet, English ones have reserve and dignity because ofthe toast rack. Toasts are no class indicators. Spreads are: margarine - w.c., butter - middle und upper, dark, thick-cut Oxford or Dundee marmalade - higher echelons. Jam the same: the darker, the thicker - the higher the class, lower-middles call it 'preserves' to sound posh.

Table Manners and 'Material Culture' Indicators

Table Manners

Showing consideration for others, not being selfish or greedy, general fairness, politeness and sociability. Children of all classes are brought up to say pleas and thank you for food. In restaurant - polite to the waiters, no snapping our fingers or bellowing across the room. Lean to the back of you chair and look at the waiter. If the waiter is nearby, you can raise a hand and quietly ask 'excuse me?' No fuss about money.

'Material Culture' Indicators: Material culture - things.

The Knife-Holding Rule: The handle goes under you palm, not between the thumb and the index finger.

Forks and the Pea-eating Rules: Upper - prongs down, spear and squash (8 peas), lower - prongs up, scoop-and-shovel technique (13 peas). In fact, for all eating.

The ‘Small/Slow Is Beautiful’ Principle: Lowers adopt American system of first cutting up all the food, then putting down the knife and eating. The English cut up and eat their food one small piece at a time and slowly.Because they show theyare not greedyand do not give priority to food.

Napkin Rings and Other Horrors

Only napkins, not serviettes (l.c. origin).


- setting the table with napkins folded into over-elaborate, origami-like shapes (‘smart’ people just fold them simply);
- standing folded napkins upright in glasses (they should be placed either on or next to the plates);
- tucking one’s napkin into waistband or collar (it should be left loose on the lap);
- using one’s napkin to scrub or wipe vigorously at one’s mouth (gentle dabbing is correct);
- folding one’s napkin up carefully at the end of the meal (it should be left carelessly crumpled on the table);
- or, even worse, putting rolled-up napkins into napkin rings (only people who say ‘serviette’ use napkin rings).

Finger bowls - upper-middles and uppers.

Port-passing Rules

At the end of the dinner women withdraw to another room and port is served.Port must always travel around the table clocwise in the bottle or decanter, but not in a glass. Never askfor the port to be passed back to you.

The Meaning of Chips

Inventedin Belgiumand are popular allover the world, but English people tend to think of them as British. 'Fish and chips' is regarded as the English national dish. English are patriotic and enthusiastic about the chip. "It's basic,simple in a good way".

Chip-sharing Rules and Sociability

The only English food that can be shared. While eating chhips, the English behave in a very sociable, intimate, un-English manner: all pitching in messily to eat with our fingers off the same plate or out of the same bag, pinching chips off each other’s plates – and even feeding chips to each other. Chips seem to promote sociability.
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