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XV. Express your doubt using expression: “Is it really so?” (Это на самом деле так?) Ask a general question.

Example: Elevating grades are used for digging irrigation ditches.

Is it really so? Are they used for irrigation ditches?

1.Elevating graders can erect fills up to 1.2 –1.5 meters.

2. Elevating graders are classified according to the mode of locomotion.

3. There are trailer, semi-trailer, pendant and self-powered graders.

4. The share arm can be raised and lowered together with the disk knife.

5. In an elevating graders the two functions of cutting and transporting the load are quite separate.

XVI. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Известно, что грейдеры-элеваторы предназначаются для послойной разработки грунта.

2. Известно, что грейдеры-элеваторы применяют для копания оросительных каналов.

3. Мы знаем, что работа выполняется ножом и ленточным транспортером.

4. По устройству рабочего органа грейдеры бывают с дисковым ножом и системой плоских ножей.

5. В зависимости от способа передвижения бывают прицепные, полуприцепные, навесные и самоходные скреперы.

6. При помощи механизмов управления можно отдельно поднять верхнюю и нижнюю часть транспортера.

XVII. Read and retell the following text using the introductory phrases.


A trailer elevating grader has a poor manoeuvrability and it takes much time to turn the machine around at the end of each pass. Besides (кроме того), there must be another operator for maintaining the engine and controlling the knife and the conveyor.

A semi-trailer elevating grader is used together with a 100-horse power tractor. It also has the same disadvantages (недостатки) as a trailer elevating grader. But it is lighter and has a different construction. It does not have a front axle but rests on a tractor. The disk knife, the share arm and the conveyor are raised and lowered with the aid of hydraulic cylinders.

XVIII. Learn the following dialogue.

Situation: Your friend and you discuss the theme “Elevating graders” before the examination in English.

A. Let`s review the theme “Elevating Graders”.

B. I don`t mind. Let`s begin with its use.

A. As far as I know an elevating grader is used for building fills and for digging irrigation ditches.

B. Right you are. And it should be noted that in an elevating grader the two functions of cutting and transporting the load are quite separate.

A. And what is the work done by, I wonder?

B. I think, it is done by a knife and a belt conveyor. And do you know on how many wheels it travels?

A. Yes, it travels on six wheels.

B. Thank you. I think, that`s enough for today. It`s high time to have a rest.

A. Oh, that`s a good idea!


Фонетика: Повторение чтения буквосочетаний «URE», «ERI», «EAR»,

«OUS» и буквы «U» в закрытом слоге.

Грамматика: Способы перевода глагола «to be». The Complex Subject,

the Complex Object and the Infinitive. (Повторение).

Тема: Транспортеры. Conveyors.


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