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Vinnitsa Pirogov National Memorial Medical University was founded in 1934 on the initiative of the great scientist

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Vinnitsa Pirogov National Memorial Medical University was founded in 1934 on the initiative of the great scientist-microbiologist and bacteriologist P. K. Zabolotny. In 1994 it was the 60th anniversary of the foundation of the University. There are six faculties: the faculty which trains general practitioners, the dentist's faculty, the pediatric faculty, the pharmaceutical faculty, the advanced training faculty for doctors and the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens.

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The theoretical chairs (those of Anatomy, Histology, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Foreign Languages, Physiology and others) are in the main buildings which are called the Morphological Block and Block №2. The clinical (special) chairs (those of Surgery, Therapy, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Infectious Diseases and others) are in numerous clinics which are situated in different districts of our town (in Pirogov street, in Kievskaya street, in Kotsubinsky street, in Khmelnitsky highway). The administrative staff of the University is in the Morphological Block. Prof. V. M. Moroz is the rector of the University. He has some prorectors. The dean is the head of the department (or faculty).

The lectures, studies, seminars take place in numerous rooms and halls, the largest of which is the assembly-hall. When one stays at the University quite long one can have one's meals at the canteens of the University. The clinical departments function on the basis of therapeutic prophylactic establishments. Technical means with electronic computers besides traditional forms and methods of education are widely used. The students develop clinical thinking directly at patients' bedside, in operating rooms.

The scientists of the University make a valuable contribution to the development of medical science. Scientific research is held on cardio-vascular Pathology, Morphology, Normal Physiology, Pediatrics, Surgery, Chemotherapy, Antiseptics and Pharmacology. Hundreds of young people enter our University every year. Those who pass through the entrance examinations successfully become students. Students get stipends, some get increased stipends. Hundreds of young people graduate from our University every year.