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HEALTHY AND HAPPY active vocabulary 2012.doc
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Healthy and happy – Active Vocabulary Diseases:

Disease, ailment, illness, sickness, malady

An allergy (to)






A chill

A cold

Chickenpox Concussion



A fever

(The) flu / influenza

Food poisoning

Hay fever

A heart attack







A nervous breakdown

Pneumonia Rheumatism

Scarlet fever

Stomach ulcer

A stroke




Travel-, motion-, air-, car-, seasickness

A headache

(A) toothache

Earache, backache, stomach-ache, heartache

To be ill with a disease (Compare: to be sick), To be down with a disease, To be laid up with a disease

To fall ill with a disease / To be taken ill with a disease / To come (go) down with a disease

An acute, common, serious, sudden, rare, chronic, mental, incurable / untreatable; fatal / terminal disease

To be prone to minor ailments

A contagious / infectious / catching disease

To spread / to pass on / to give / to carry a disease

To catch / to pick up a disease (from smb)

Isolated cases of – There is a lot of it about – An outbreak of – To reach epidemic proportions

Feeling unwell:

To feel out of sorts / To feel a bit funny / To feel off colour / To feel under the weather;

Ant: to be as fit as a fiddle

To feel run down, Compare: To be worn out

To look faint / feel faint / be faint

To be sickening for smth

Not to feel up to doing something


To ache – To hurt – To be painful – To be sore

To feel a dull ache in smth

To be in pain, Ant: To be out of pain

An acute / severe / sharp, constant, dull, steady, sudden, shooting, slight pain

To feel pain rather like pins and needles

To be aching all over / to be all aches and pains

To suffer from smth, Compare: To suffer smth (a heart attack)

To hurt / injure smth badly / seriously / severely

To cause / bring on pain

To affect (heart, lungs…)

A bad / heavy / nasty cold; Ant: A slight cold

To develop / get a temperature /

To feel feverish / To have a (slight, high, constant) fever / To run a temperature

To shiver / To feel shivery

To shiver all over with cold

A bout of (the shivers) / a fit of (coughing) / an attack of asthma / a touch of (rheumatism)

Inflammation sets in

To be inflamed (by / with an infection)

To be allergic to smth / To have an allergy to smth

To lose consciousness / pass out / faint (from hunger)

HEAD To have a (splitting) headache, To feel giddy / dizzy, To suffer from giddiness / dizziness

EYES Eyes are running, sore, swollen, itchy, inflamed;

NOSE To have a cold in the head – To sneeze, The nose is running, The nose is stuffed up

THROAT To have a sore throat, It hurts to swallow, Swollen glands

CHEST To cough; To have a bad / heavy, dry, persistent cough; To suffer from chest pains, heartache, a pain in the chest; To be short of breath, Compare: To be out of breath; A fit of coughing, To cough away all night

STOMACH Stomach-ache, To lose appetite, A pain on eating, A pain in my side, Indigestion, Diarrhea, Constipation, To feel nauseous / to feel sick, To vomit / to throw up

SKIN To come out in (a rash) / To break into (sweat); Tomatoes bring me out in a rash; Spots, rash, bruises, blisters, cuts, wounds, inflammation, swelling; To itch

JOINTS Painful, stiff, hot to the touch, To swell up (Swollen joints)

ANKLE Sprained, twisted, broken / fractured

MUSCLES Aching, Pulled

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