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Multimedia technology in English language teaching.docx
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2. The practical use of interactive whiteboards in the educational process

2.1 Lesson Plan

Teacher’s name: Assel Bakyt

Part 1. General description

Table 1

Description of Course

Type of Course

General English

Target audience

Student’s educational level: They are 8th grade pupils in Middle School.

Student’s English level: Pre- Intermediate

Classroom eqipment

Interactive whiteboard

Lesson Aims

To help students learn and practice English phraseological units on various theme


Grammar exercises

Vocabulary exercises







Formative Assessment: I will assess my students’ learning progress by monitoring how they perform while doing the activities I have developed for this lesson.

Summative Assessment: I will assess my students’ learning of the overall content by having them prepare a dialogue (with a partner) or a slide presentation (individually) in which they will need to use the phrasal verbs presented in this lesson

Class time

100 minutes divided by two lessons

Part 2: Developing skills

Oral speech is speech delivered in the process of speaking; The main form of using natural language in speech activity.

Figure 1 - Types of speech

Improving speaking skills includes increasing readiness to maintain conversations on various topics and mastering speech techniques. In order to be ready to maintain a conversation on various topics, a person needs to acquire new knowledge. The main elements of the speech technique are:

  • phonation (speech breathing);

  • voting (correct voice-formation skills);

  • diction (degree of distinctness of pronunciation).

The proper organization of speech breathing is of great importance for oral speech. Interrupted, choking speech does not make a favorable impression and even sometimes annoys the audience. In addition, improper speech breathing tires the speaker.

Why is it necessary to listen? This question helps to evaluate what is useful that you can learn for yourself when listening to a lecture, oral presentation, TV show, speech of the interlocutor.

Figure 2 - Factors for effective listening are:

Improving writing skills is possible on the basis of constant training in compiling the written genres that a person needs in his work. The development of writing skills helps reading fiction, good works of a journalistic style, scientific literature. For the preparation of official business texts, you must familiarize yourself with the relevant regulations and sample documents. Recently, collections of sample documents (investigative, judicial, notarial) have been published to assist lawyers.

Reading skills vary from person to person. Sometimes school graduates read fast enough, but ineffectively, quickly forgetting what they read. Developing reading skills helps you process more information and save time. Typical reading flaws are:

Regressions, i.e. unjustified, mechanical returns to what has already been read, slowing down the reading process.

Articulation, i.e., internal pronunciation of the text being read, slowing down the reading speed by 3-4 times.

Small field of view. When 2-3 words are perceived in one fixation of the eye, the eyes have to make many stops. The wider the field of view, the more information is perceived at each eye stop. A person trained in the technique of reading can perceive the whole line, and sometimes a paragraph, in one fixation of his gaze.

Table 2