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  1. Read the text below and describe which answer a, b, c or d best fits each gap. Mount Etna

At 1) ……… 3350 metres, Mount Etna in Sicily is the highest 2) ……… volcano in Europe. In ancient Greek mythology, Mount Etna was the home of Hephaestus, the god of fire and one-eyed monster, Cyclops. Today, it is one of Sicily’s most 3) ……… natural attractions, 4) ……… climbers with a view of the island’s amazing 5) ……… . In winter, people can ski on the mountain and in summer, they can go on hiking tours through its various forests. In autumn, when the leaves on the trees change colour, it is a 6) ……… sight. The volcano has had several 7) ……… eruptions in the past century. The most 8) ……… was in September 2007, when it suddenly started violently spouting lava into the air. In 2002, many tourists had a(n) 9) …….. experience while attempting to 10) ……… the mountain; as they were climbing, the volcano started to erupt violently and molten lava started to flow down the mountain. Several witnesses recorded the eruption from safe distance and claimed that, although it was 11) ………, it was an impressive 12) ……….

1 a) hardly

b) approximately

c) unusually

d) constantly

2 a) active

b) appealing

c) untouched

d) enormous

3 a) valid

b) remarkable

c) traditional

d) luxurious

4 a) indulging

b) providing

c) associating

d) offering

5 a) destination

b) scenery

c) option

d) site

6 a) gentle

b) picturesque

c) spectacular

d) brilliant

7 a) significant

b) challenging

c) unique

d) extraordinary

8 a) recent

b) new

c) late

d) plain

9 a) mysterious

b) scared

c) overwhelming

d) brilliant

10 a) come

b) arrive

c) get

d) approach

11 a) thrilling

b) elegant

c) mild

d) frightening

12 a) spectacle

b) expedition

c) particle

d) obstacle

6. Read the article from a school magazine and fill in each gap with an adjective ending in –ous, -ly, -ic, -y, -ful.

The 1) ………… (fame) Black Forest and the picturesque town of Baden Baden are in south-western Germany. I went there recently in search of a 2) ………… (peace), relaxing holiday and I certainly wasn’t disappointed.

The town is surrounded by 3) ………… (marvel) scenery, clear lakes and tall mountains. The weather during my visit was so cold and 4) ………… (mist) that it created a wonderfully 5) ………… (mystery) atmosphere. There are plenty of interesting places to visit including the town’s 6) ………… (delight) 15th century palace and the Roman baths. I also explored the 7) ………… (shade) Black Forest where all I could hear was the gentle sound of flowing streams. The food was excellent. I tried several 8) ………… (taste) local dishes. I also bought some cuckoo clocks as souvenirs.

I had the holiday of lifetime in Baden Baden. With its 9) ………… (friend) people, and 10) ………… (fantasy) natural surroundings, I would certainly recommend it to anyone who wants to go on holiday in the near future.

7. Read the description and fill in the gaps with the following words: heavy, historic, visual, full, give, limit, highly, sophisticated, cosmopolitan, popular.

On first sight, Milan may 1) ……… the impression of being an unattractive place with 2) ……… traffic and unfriendly people and that you need an extremely 3) ……… wallet so that you can enjoy yourself. It’s true Milan is a 4) ……… city, ideal for those with 5) ……… tastes, but also has a lot to offer in the way of nice parks, 6) ……… sites and general scenic interest. One fascinating place which is definitely not 7) ………with the crowds is the Monumental Cemetery, which offers peace, quiet and a unique experience of the 8) ……… arts in the form of memorial sculptures. Also 9) ……… recommended is the area of canals near Viale d’Annunzio, with its lovely old buildings and scenic views. There is no 10) ……… to the pleasures this trip has to offer.

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