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Homework 10

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Ex. 2 P. 233

1. reflect the peculiarities of different systems of law - переосмыслить особенности различных правовых систем

2. common division - распространенные подразделения (ветви)

3. subdivision of public law - ветви публичного права

4. contemporary jurists - современные юристы

5. legally binding agreement - юридическое соглашение, имеющее обязательную силу

6. product liability - ответственность производителя за качество товара

7. copyright infringement - нарушение авторских прав

8. child abuse - жестокое обращение с детьми

9. custody of children - опека над детьми

10. to enforce judgment - исполнение судебного решения

11. to enter into a contract - заключить договор

12. breaching party - нарушающая партия

Ex. 3 P. 233-234

1.международная торговля - international trade

2.налогообложение - taxation

3.запрещать противоправное поведение - illegal conduct that is prohibited by the state

4.нарушить закон - break these laws

5.стороны договора - parties to a contract.

6.алименты - alimony

7.трудовое право - Employment law

8.условия труда - conditions of work

9.форма собственности - form of property

10.источники права - sources that are applied by courts

11.решать судебные споры - order to decide lawsuits.

12.вести судебный процесс - the trial is conducted

13.подавать апелляцию - appeals are filed

14.обеспечивать соблюдение прав - enforce these rights

15.иметь право на возмещение ущерба - is entitled to damages

Ex. 4 P. 234

A contract - agreements

a person - citizens, people

a tort - civil wrong

labour law - Employment law

modern - contemporary

land – Land

Ex. 5 P. 234

1. The system of law includes at various classi ments of law, as branches of law are traditionally considered to be the most important elements of this system.

2. Law is frequently classified into public and private and substantive and procedural. Classifications of law are important because they reflelect the peculiarities of different systems of law.

3. Public law governs the relationship between the state and the individual, who is either a company or a citizen.

Private law is also known as civil law involves relationships between individuals, or private relationships between citizens and companies.

4. Public law covers three subdivisions: Constitutional, Administrative and Criminal law.

5. Because criminal law includes illegal conduct that is prohibited by the state and sets out the punishment to be imposed on those who break these laws.

6. Because private law regulates the relationship between individuals, or private relationships between citizens and companies.

7. The main branches of private law are contract, tort, family, employment and land law.

Contract law deals with legally binding agreements between people or companies that are called parties to a contract.

Tort law deals with civil wrongs which result in physical, emotional or financial harm to a person or property.

Family law is an area of the law that deals with family-related issues such as marriage and divorce, adoption, custody of children, child abuse and alimony.

Employment law is the law relating to the employment of workers, their contracts, conditions of work, trade unions and legal aspects of industrial relations.

Land law is the law which deals with rights and interests related to owning and using land.

8. Road accidents, defamation, product liability (for defective consumer products), copyright infringement, environmental pollution (toxic torts), etc.

9. Substantive law is the part of the law that defines rights.

10. Procedural law establishes the procedures which enforce and protect these rights.

Ex. 6 P. 234

1.An area of law which concerns disputes between citizens within one country. Private law

2.A branch of law which regulates relations between private citizens and the government, describes the structure of the government and rights and duties of the citizens. Constitutional law

3.An area of law which describes legal rights, obligations, rules and precedents used by courts in order to give judgement. substantive law

4. An area of law which concerns disputes between private citizens and the state. civil law

5. A branch of law which deals with functions and powers of governmental organisations, their relations with one another and the citizens. Administrative law

6. An area of law which determines how the case must be presented, in which court it shall be heard and when it must be tried. procedural law

7. A branch of law which deals with civil wrongs committed by one individual against another person, his property or reputation. Tort law

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