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13 Bladder Exstrophy-Epispadias Complex



Figs. 13.24, 13.25, 13.26, and 13.27 Clinical operative photographs showing repair of glandular epispadias. Note the good size and normal shape of the penis

The tubularized urethra is usually shorter than the actual corpora, resulting in hypospadias which necessitate further urethroplasty.

Postoperatively, the patients undergo yearly gravity cystograms to measure bladder capacity. Bladder augmentation may be necessary for those with small bladder capacity.

Procedures to improve continence are usually done at 5–9 years of age.

The Young-Dees-Leadbetter bladder neck reconstruction.

Bladder neck transection, bladder augmentation, and continent urinary diversion can be done simultaneously in those with small bladder capacity.

13.3.6 Female Epispadias

Female epispadias is extremely rare.

The reported incidence is approximately 1 of 500,000–600,000 live girls.

Epispadias in females is commonly associated with separated pubic bones.

Female epispadias is characterized by:

A bifid clitoris.

Diastases of the corpora cavernosa.

Flattening of the mons.

Separation of the labia.

The diagnosis of epispadias in females is always delayed as the defect may not be obvious.

The bladder neck is almost always involved in these patients leading to urinary incontinence.

13.3 Epispadias




Figs. 13.28, 13.29, and 13.30 Clinical operative photographs showing repair of epispadias after closure of bladder extrohy. Note the scar of closure of the bladder extrophy and the normal size and shape of the penis

Repair of female epispadias is much simpler than male epispadias.

The two parts of the clitoris are sutured together and the urethra is positioned in its normal place.

The prognosis of these patients is good and fertility is not affected.

Like male epispadias patients, if the bladder template does not grow after bladder neck reconstruction, the patient may require bladder neck transection, bladder augmentation, and continent urinary diversion.

Bilateral iliac osteotomies may be necessary to correct the associated pubic diastasis.

13.3.7Surgical Repair of Female Epispadias

Repair of isolated female epispadias is generally done along with Young-Dees-Leadbetter bladder neck reconstruction, monsplasty, and clitoroplasty.

13.3.8 Prognosis

The prognosis for male patients with epispadias depends on the extent of the defect.

Most patients with mild degrees of epispadias do well.