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Лекции / Гнійні захворювання легень, плеври та середостіння -Англ.pptx
6.18 Mб

Clinical manifistation of the second stage

Condition is worsening (intoxication)

The fever rises to as high as 39-40°С and has a hectic character.

the chest pain increases

troubling cough and dyspnea.

a foul-smelling from the mouth at cough

The amount of sputum is small, after draining can reach to 500 ml

Clinical manifestation at the third stage

Further in favourable cases there is a considerable improvement of state of the patients.

The body temperature falls,

the signs of intoxication reduce and

the appetite increases.

Diagnostic procedures

By palpation – weakened vocal fremitus.

At percussion – a blunted sound over the site of the purulent focus and perifocal infiltration (at subpleural location of the abscess).

By auscultation – tubular sound with a moist rales in the zone of purulent focus

Instrumental methods


Computed tomography

Examination of the sputum (bacteriological, cytological)

General blood and urine analyses

Biochemical blood analysis (protein and its fractions).


X-ray examination

X-ray –frontal and lateral exam (2 plains)

Chronic abscesses

Chronic abscess of lungs occurs at 12-15 % of cases. It is considered to be chronic at existence of a pulmonary abscess more than 6-8 weeks. It is characterized by a cyclic course. In the stage of remission the patients complain of a moderate dyspnea, cough with expectoration of a mucous or mucopurulent discharge. The exacerbation manifests by coughing up of 250-500 ml of a purulent foul sputum, chest pain, dyspnea, hectic temperature with the difference in 1,5-2°С

X-Ray chronic abscess

Lung gangrene