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Инновационные процессы в исследовательской и образовательной деятел

4.56 Mб

M.A. Savin

Die nationale polytechnische Forschungsuniversität Perm



The work presents the comparative analysis of the results of fiber optic gyroscope's drift calculation which were derived from two basic computer models. Direct numerical simulation of thermoelasticity for mapped micro-inhomogeneous media of the optical fiber is demonstrated. Actual structure of optical fiber packaging in FOG is demonstrated.

Key words: fiber optic gyroscope, drift, Sagnac effect, computer model.

Das Hauptproblem bei der Benutzung des faseroptischen Kreisels (FOK) ist die Verschiebung des Nutzsignals (die Drift), die durch verschiedene Faktoren, und zwar durch Wärme-, Lärm-, mechanische, elektromagnetische und andere Belastungen bedingt werden kann [1]. Da das Funktionieren vom FOK auf dem Sagnac-Effekt basiert, der Zusammenhänge zwischen der Winkelgeschwindigkeit des optischen Kreises und der Phasenverschiebung der gegen einander in diesem Kreis ausbreitenden Strahlen widerspiegelt, ist die Drift eine fiktive Phasenverschiebung. Bei dem sich im ruhigen Zustand befindenden FOK kann sie bedingt werden entweder durch das ungleichmäßige unstationäre Spannungsdehnungsverhalten (SDV) der Quarzglasfaser oder durch die nichtreziproke Änderung der Lichtpolarisationsebenen [2]. Unsere Forschung bezieht sich auf das Computermodell, das bei der Driftberechnung ausschließlich die unstationäre Wärmebelastung berücksichtigt.

Das Computermodell schließt die CAD-Geometrie der FOK-Konstruktion und den genau quantisierten Array der optischen Faser ein. Es ist erforderlich, um das möglichst genauere Thermo-SDV der optischen Faser zu berechnen. Die

Berechnungsmethode besteht darin, dass zuerst das unstationäre Thermo-SDV der Quarzglasfaser und dann die Drift mit Hilfe des speziell ausgearbeiteten Postprozessors berechnet werden.

Es werden zwei Modelle analysiert, die nach ihren Eigenschaften und ihrer Konstruktionsgeometrie zwar identisch, die Methoden vom Sampling der optischen Faser des Modells aber unterschiedlich sind (Abb. 1) [3].

Das vereinfachte Sampling-Modell unterscheidet sich von dem realen

Modell nur durch die reguläre, zueinander orthogonale Lagerung der optischen

Fasern (Abb. 1, a). Das reale Strukturmodell ist der Mikrostruktur vom Faserarray gleich, die auf dem Foto der Mikroschliffsabbildung des Querschnittes der an die FOK-Spule aufgespulten Glasfaser dargestellt ist (Abb. 1, c).


Die Abb. 2 illustriert die Berechnungsergebnisse. Es ist deutlich zu sehen, dass das Präzisionsmodell durch ein beträchtliches Absenken der Drift gekennzeichnet ist. Dieser Effekt ist auf eine stärkere Abnahme der sich zwischen den Glasfaserumkreisungen und -schichten findenden Kompoundmenge zurückzuführen. Als Folge senkt sich der effektive Aufschlussgrad des Faserarrays, das bedeutet, dass die Spannungsamplitude und die Spannungserschließungsgeschwindigkeit etwas abnehmen.




Abb. 1. Das vereinfachte Modell (a), das reale Strukturmodell (b), der Schliff der optischen Faser (c)

Abb. 2. Die berechnete Drift von FOK; das vereinfachte Modell; das reale Strukturmodell

Ein weiterer die Amplitude der Drift senkender Faktor ist die durch die

Störung des orthogonalen Strukturaufbaus bedingte Hauptspannungsumlagerung in dem die reale Glasfaserkonfiguration darstellenden Modell.

Also, ein fiktiver Zusatzfehler, den die Methode der geometrischen Beschreibung des optischen Faserarrays zulässt, ist bei der Anwendung des realen

Strukturmodells ausgeschlossen.



1.Шереметьев А.Г. Волоконный оптический гироскоп. – М.: Радио и связь, 1987.

2.Тепловой дрейф волоконного оптического гироскопа / Е.И. Вахрамеев, К.С. Галягин, А.С. Ивонин, М.А. Ошивалов, Т.А. Ульрих // Известия вузов. Приборостроение. – 2011. – Т. 54, № 1. – С. 32–37.

3.Савин М.А. Дрейф волоконно-оптического гироскопа // Современные техника и технологии: сб. докл. ХХ Междунар. науч.-практ. конф. студ., аспир.

имол. ученых / НИТПУ. – Томск, 2014. – Т. 1. – С. 133–134.


M.I. Akhmetova, E.V. Semenova

Perm National Research Polytechnic University


The main task of this research is to estimate the interaction of socio-economic environment factors and the innovative development level of the region. Two systems of indicators have been developed and correlation-regression analysis made for this purpose.

Correlation of the region’s innovative development level and social-economic environment has made it possible to find the connection between the conditions of innovative development in the region. In its turn, the innovative development stimulates social and economic resources of the region.

Key words: innovative environment, socio-economic environment, region, correlation-regression analysis, interaction, factors of economic development.

With the globalization of world economic ties innovative development of economic systems becomes a factor of sustainable growth and enhancement of level competitiveness of the areas.

The current strategy of socio-economic development implies interdependence and interaction between the two dominant priorities – innovation and social and economic development environment. On the one hand, the correlation of the level of innovative development and socio-economic environment of the region will help establish a link between the conditions of innovation development in the region, as the socio-economic environment is a source of resources for the regional innovation system. On the other hand, the level of innovation development of the region has a stimulating effect on its social and economic resources, involving them in innovation processes, generating and enhancing innovation in a particular sector.

The main objective of this study is to evaluate the interaction factors of socioeconomic environment and the level of innovation development of the region.

Complex (aggregate) indicator of the development of innovative environment of the region (Y1) is presented through the system of 20 indicators grouped into 3 categories (z1-z20): the development of science and education, innovative development of organizations, and the development of innovative economy. The factors of socio-economic environment (Y2) have been identified as 28 indicators grouped into 10 categories (x1-x28): security of residence, demographic situation, health and education, the provision of social infrastructure, the level of income, housing conditions, environmental and climatic conditions, transport infrastructure and the level of the territory development, the development of entrepreneurship, and the level of economic development (Figure).


Fig. The system of indicators to assess the interaction of socio-economic and innovation environment in the region (parentheses indicate the number of indicators in the category)

The authors propose an algorithm for estimating interaction of socioeconomic and innovation environment in the region, which includes:

1.The collection of statistical data indicators characterizing the innovation environment and the socio-economic environment of the region, the normalizing of initial data (z1-z20, x1-x28), and the calculation of integral indicators (Y1, Y2);

2.Correlation analysis for aggregates Y1i Y2;

3.Correlation – regression analysis for Y1 and factors x1-x28;

4.Correlation – regression analysis to Y2 and factors z1-z20;

5.Interpretation of econometric models.

Correlation analysis of the interdependence of integral indicators of innovation (Y1) and socio-economic (Y2) environments have shown good results:

rY1Y2 = 0,653.

Next, we establish the relationship between the development of innovation and the conditions of life in the region, based on the position that the socioeconomic environment is a source of resources for the regional innovation system,


and achievements in the sphere of innovations have a direct impact on the economy and standard of living in the area. The tool is multiple regression analysis.

As a result of the construction of multiple econometric model significant functional dependence was obtained:

Y1 0,014433* x13 0,002465* x19 0,01987 * x17 0,505062 (1)

The quality of the model (R – squared) is 77 %

State policy to encourage innovation should cover such areas as the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, the development of the educational environment of the university level and the development of transport infrastructure in the region.

Further, to determine the relation and nature of the innovative achievements influence on the standard of living, multiple econometric model was built and significant functional dependence was received:

Y 2 4,13624*z11 0,00019*z20 11,79977


The quality of the model (R – square) is 47 %.

In the formation of high-quality living and vital activity environment for people the leading role is played by the possibility to use advanced production technology and, in particular, to conduct applied scientific research.

The constructed multiple econometric models of interdependence between the levels of socio-economic and innovation environments are only part of the study. The results of further research will enable the authors to offer theoretical and practical recommendations for the development of socio-economic strategy of the region, which will provide for the innovative activity of economic agents and balanced decision-making by the authorities.


1.Ахметова М.И. Подход к оценке уровня развития инновационной системы региона // Экономические и социальные науки: прошлое, настоящее и будущее: материалы III Междунар. заоч. науч.-практ. конф.; 30 апреля 2014 г. – М.: Экономическая газета, 2014. – С. 330–334.

2.Ахметова М.И., Перский Ю.К., Семенова Е.В. Построение типологического ряда регионов по признаку инновационного потенциала // Научное обозрение. – 2014. – № 8.

3.Система оценки и мониторинга инновационного развития регионов России / И.М. Бортник, Г.И. Сенченя, Н.Н. Михеева [и др.] // Инновации. – 2012. – № 9 (167). – С. 48–61.

4.Федеральная служба государственной статистики РФ [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: http://www.gks.ru (дата обращения: 25.02.2015).


V.S. Spirina

Perm National Research Polytechnic University



Rules of the basic business simulation game intended for research of the competition of managing directors in the market of objects of commercial real estate are described. The main objective of this business simulation game consists of research of different managing directors’ behavior in identical conditions.

Key words: behavioural experiment, imitating business game, behavioural economics, competition, managing directors of commercial real estate.

One of the fundamental factors of successful development of trade objects in the commercial real estate market is its competitiveness which is provided by managing directors of trade objects. This determines an object, a subject and an objective of this research. The choice of a method of research such as business simulation games is caused by the fact that in the market of services in management of commercial real estate it is impossible to make real experiment on research the possible ways of increasing efficiency in this social and economic system.

The organization and carrying out business simulation games [1, 2] with participation of people – the carriers of subject domain possessing experience of professional activity is an effective way of research in the field of behavioural economy. The participants of this game act as managing directors of commercial real estate.

Business simulation games are applied as a way of experimental check of theoretical results and practical offers on creation new and improvement of the existing mechanisms of real estate management.

In this business simulation game managing directors of commercial real estate act as an operating subject. Tenants of outlets are also participants of this game and act as operated subjects who are capable to influence the operating subject actively. In the theory of active systems [3] and in the theory of management of organizational systems [4] the operating subject is called as the Center, and the operated subjects are active elements. Active elements possess activity and seek for achievement of their own purposes. Managing director (Center) is interested in maximizing profitability of the commercial real estate formed due to rent payments. Tenants are in turn interested in maximizing the profit formed from sale of the goods to end-users. The general aim for all the participants of the game is their interest in increasing attendance of outlets by


potential buyers as this increase theoretically results in the increase of the tenant sales. It leads to increasing its revenue that eventually brings to increasing its ability to pay a big rent to the managing director.

During the sociological research [5] eight essential factors having impact on the choice of consumers about their visit to shopping centers were revealed:


2)transport availability,

3)esthetic view,


5)quality of goods,



8)existence of brands.

The area and transport availability of the object of commercial real estate in the basic business simulation game are accepted by not operated factors.

The player acting as the managing director of commercial real estate can invest money to promote the shopping center, to improve esthetic appeal and to organize entertaining actions for visitors.

Players acting as tenants can sell goods of various qualities, change the range, offer discounts, get the franchise on the branded production advertized by the producer or invest money in order to promote of unknown goods.

The player – managing director gives players-tenants information on a rent. The tenants take into account information about attendance of their outlet, trying to maximize their own profit, make the administrative decision on what production they will sell, in what assortment, at what price, with what discount, and how much many they will spend on advertizing their outlet. The playerstenants give this information to the moderator. The moderator requests information from the managing director on how much many he/she plans to promote the shopping center, to improve esthetic appeal and to organize entertaining actions for visitors.

The moderator using the model of consumer appeal estimation [6], calculates the probability of consumers’ choice of each outlet. Further, multiplying probabilities by the number of the consumers living in various foot and transport zones [7], the moderator defines the expected number of visitors. Information about the total number of the expected visitors is given to the managing director of the commercial real estate who takes into account this information, corrects or leaves rent payments without any changes. The personalized information on the number of expected visitors into each outlet is given to all the


players. They takes into account which players - tenants plan their future commercial activity.

The purpose of basic game is research of strategic behavior of managing directors of commercial real estate.

This game is basic and can be modified in three directions:

1.Changes of rules of the game regarding knowledge of players, sequences of the courses, a set of possible actions;

2.Changes in the number of players managing directors; addition of one more class of players – consumers; replacement of some players with machine guns (artificial participants);

3.Changes or increases in parameters of consumer appeal model of commercial real estate objects.


1.Баркалов С.А., Бабкин В.Ф., Щепкин А.В. Деловые имитационные игры в организации и управлении: учеб. пособие. – М.: АСВ, 2003. – 200 с.

2.Деловые игры в принятии управленческих решений: учебное пособие / B.H. Бурков, А.Г. Ивановский, А.А. Малевич, А.Н. Немцева. – М.: Изд-во МИСиС, 1986.

3.Бурков В.Н., Новиков Д.А. Теория активных систем: состояние и перспективы. – М.: Синтег, 1999. – 128 с.

4.Бурков В.Н., Новиков Д.А., Коргин Н.А. Введение в теорию управления организационными системами: учебник / под ред. Д.А. Новикова. – М.: ЛИБРОКОМ, 2009. – 264 с.

5.Форма опроса потребителей г. Перми [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1OwlORWTm25uTYWsw7XKIyL35UWBKlFfk T1ODZdj3g8Y/viewform#start=openform (дата обращения: 04.03.2013).

6.Спирина В.С., Алексеев А.О. Разработка и исследование модели комплексного оценивания потребительской привлекательности объектов коммерческой недвижимости // Master's Journal. – 2013. – № 2. – С. 153–164.

7.Спирина В.С. Эмпирическое определение коэффициента λ, описывающего степень влияния времени корреспонденции потребителей до

торгового центра в формуле Д. Хаффа // Master's Journal. – 2013. – № 1. –

С. 243–251.


R.N. Suleymanov

Perm National Research Polytechnic University


The paper deals with the formation a mathematical modeling of heat transfer at the freezing well effect on the rock massif during the shaft deepening. The dynamics modeling of the temperature field around the shaft was made in the application package «ANSYS». The approximate formation time of the frozen rock massif of desired thickness, which is necessary for sinking the shaft, was determined.

Key words: shaft deepening, mathematical model, freezing wells.

Construction of underground facilities, including vertical shafts, is a knowledge and resource-intensive process. It requires tackling many problems related to safety in the construction and subsequent operation of the facilities. Influence of various factors, such as: loss of stability, the impact of heavy water inflows [1], and others – may contribute to the destruction of the excavation walls.

The paper considers the Talitsky area of Verkhnekamsky deposit. This area is characterized by a complex structure and the presence of several aquifers. The freezing method was proposed to ensure safe penetration and protection from blur and soil destruction [2].

The preliminary time of the active freezing to form the frozen rock fence of 6.2m thickness (δ) and the shaft diameter 9m had been calculated before the start of shaft excavation. The calculation of the active rock freezing duration, according to the project documentation, is performed by the rate of frozen rock fence increase, which was taken as υ=0.012 m/day (1). This method is based on the analysis of the rock freezing at different sites [3]. It enables time calculation for the formation of a frozen rock massif of required thickness, in a relatively short time using empirical indicators and reliability coefficients. But with this method the calculation result may differ from the real figures, which can lead to an increase in frozen rock fencing costs and roof supports collapse.

Analytical solutions and numerical modeling allow values close to real. The analytical calculation of transient heat conduction for a flat (2) and cylindrical (3) semi-infinite walls with the first order boundary conditions was performed in the present work.

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