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No problem! You are exactly the kind of person our centres are designed for. We can give you a short programme to ease you gently back into exercise and help you to make it a regular part of your life.


Even if you can only spare half an hour twice a week, we will find the most beneficial way for you to use it. Most of our centres have ‘early bird’ openings three or four times a week when they open at 7 a.m., so you could easily fit in half an hour in the gym before work.


Yes, we can. Every centre has a nutrition expert who can design a diet for you, based on your needs and lifestyle, or simply give you advice about healthy eating and help you to change bad dietary habits forever. f)…………………………………………………………………………………

Other facilities include: a daily timetable of fitness classes such as aerobics, kick boxing and yoga, treatments such as massage and physiotherapy, a sauna and steam room, a range of healthy refreshments. g)…………………………………………………………………………………

You can join for as little as four weeks to start with. We have a range of membership deals from one month to a year. h)…………………………………………………………………………………

To find out where your nearest centre is, give us a call on 08002312000, or visit

our website at fitasafiddle.com

(From: “Cutting Edge. Advanced. Student’s Book”. P. 44–45)

4. Read the sports club information leaflet. Based on the information in the leaflet, complete the letter which follows. Use no more than two words for each group. The words you need do not appear in the brief. There is an example (0).

Phoenix Sports Club

Dear Harry,

Gymnasium Information

Looking forward so much to your visit.

Opening hours:

Think I’ve found what you’re looking

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 6.30 am –

for. Anyway, it’s the nearest club to

10.30 pm.

where we are. It’s open 0) every day

Tuesday, Thursday 8.00 am – 10.30 pm.

of the week, and it opens really

Saturday, Sunday, Bank Holidays 9.00 am –

1) …….… on Mon, Wed and Fri –

5.30 pm.

6.30 am! It closes at 10.30 pm, but if

– The gym and the swimming pool close

you want an evening dip or 2) …….…

30 minutes before the Club closes.

bear in mind the pool and the gym

– Occasionally it may be necessary to close

close a 3) …….… before that. The

the pool for other activities. Notice of such

pool is 4) …….… closed for one rea-

closure will be displayed in advance on the

son or another, but they 5) …….…

Club notice boards.

know in advance. If you’ve 6) …….…

– We require at least two hours’ notice for

a court and then you can’t 7) …….…,

cancellation of a class or court: for cancella-

you have to 8) …….… them at least

tion within two hours, a £ 5 ‘no-show’ fee

two hours before – if you don’t you

will be charged.

will be 9) …….… £ 5. You have to use


You are free to use the gym whenever it is

the gym whenever you 10) …….…,

open once you have completed your fitness




you to


assessment. When you have completed about

11) …….… test after 15–20 sessions.

15–20 sessions, book in for a re-assessment,






when an instructor will monitor the im-

12) …….… track of your progress –

provements in your fitness level and adjust

but I don’t suppose you’ll be here that

your programme accordingly. Our instruc-






tors are highly qualified and experienced and

Tell me if it sounds OK.


we ask you to follow their advice to get the






maximum benefit from your exercise pro-






gramme. Should you feel your programme






needs amending at any time, do not hesitate






to consult an instructor, as he or she will be






happy to devise a new programme to meet






your needs.






(From: “ Upstream Advanced. Workbook”. P. 67)

5. Which of the sports clubs/centres above would you like to go to? What do you like about it? Do you think the leaflets of these centres are affective? What do you think could be done to make them more attractive for potential members?

Translate one of the leaflets into Russian. Show it to other students. Would this text attract the potential members? Together edit the leaflet in Russian to make it more appealing for the potential members.

III. On Your Own

Project Work

1. You are going to write a leaflet for a sport centre.

First complete this advice for writing leaflets using words and phrases from the box. Use this advice then when making your own leaflet.

too complex layout bullet points stand out sentences

long blocks of prose general to the specific

1.The ………. should be visually attractive.

2.It is a good idea to use ………., illustrations, colours, etc.

3.The language should not be ………. .

4.………. should be avoided.

5.Headings should ………. .

6.………. should be quite short.

7.The information given should move from the ………. .


2. Work in small groups. Together make a leaflet for a new sport centre in your city. Think of the following:

kind of facilities available; opening times;

free events;

membership regulations and instructions; directions etc.

Think of how to make your leaflet visually attractive and effective.

Alternative task.

Make your leaflet in Russian. Let your partner translate it. Check his/her translation. Do you like it? Would this English text attract the foreign members to your club?

3. Use the Internet resources to find the answers to the questions of the quiz. Say if any of the answers surprised you.


1. Which of these is a real stadium?

a)McDonalds Happy Meal Stadium

b)Burger King Castle

c)KFC Yum! Center

d)Wimpy Way

2.Which actually exists? a) High Five Field

b) Okey Dokey Avenue c) Stadium A-OK

d) Hunky Dorys Park

3.Which of these stadiums with a money theme in their titles actually exists? a) Mastercard Stadium

b) Cashpoint Arena c) Stadion ATM

d) Direct Debit Oval

4.Which of these was around until 2005?

a)Arnold Schwarzeneggar Stadium

b)Dolph Lungren Valla

c)Van Damme Arena

d)Sly Stallone Stadium

5. Which of these used to be an actual stadium name?

a)Snickers Stadium

b)Penguin Palace

c)KitKat Crescent

d)Viscount Valley


4. Whatever your taste, Britain is home to some of the greatest sporting venues in the world. Watch the video and go behind the scenes at Silverstone Circuit, home of F1, and Wembley Stadium, temple of football at: https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/britain-great/sport-great-part-1. Complete the tasks on the site. Are you satisfied with your results?


(from page 22)

1.horse-racing бега, скачки

2.equestrian sports конный спорт

3.weightlifting тяжелая атлетика

4.sporting gear спортивное снаряжение

5.golf links поле для игры в гольф

6.archery стрельба из лука

7.track and field Am, легкая атлетика

8.sports facilities спортивные сооружения

9.modern pentathlon современное пятиборье

10.a ring боксерский ринг

11.cycling велосипедный спорт

12.fencing фехтование

13.field hockey хоккей на траве,

14.luge санный спорт

15.a stopwatch секундомер

16.handball гандбол

17.rowing гребля

18.yachting парусный спорт

19.bandy хоккей с мячом


Module 3


I. Lead-in

1. Discuss the following questions in the group:

a)What physical and mental preparation do athletes and sportspeople do? What do you understand by the expression “mind over matter”? Can you give any examples from your own experience of how mental preparation has helped your physical performance, or vice versa?

b)What do you know about the life-style of professional athletes? Does it differ from that of amateurs? Do you think professional sportsmen have to sacrifice anything to achieve top results?

Work in groups and discuss what kinds of sacrifices they have to make. Then compare the results of your discussion with those of the other groups.

c)What kind of qualities do you think athletes need to have. Choose ten of the adjectives which you think are most suitable to describe a successful athlete. Add some adjectives on your own.

Aggressive, brave, compassionate, competitive, confident, consistent, dedicated, determined, dignified, disciplined, easygoing, emotional, fearless, humourous, intelligent, knowledgeable, methodical, modest, obstinate, persistent, resourceful, ruthless, single-minded, sociable, temperamental.

2. What qualities do you think a person should have to practise:

1) figure skating

2) shooting

3) volley-ball

4) slalom

5) boxing

artistic gymnastics





II. Focus on Vocabulary

1. Read the rule below and complete the task that follows.

People who do particular sports

For many sports -er is used to form the name of the participants.

E.g. swimming – swimmer; football – footballer; high jump – high – jumper, windsurfing – windsurfer, cricket – cricketer, golf – golfer.

Sometimes the word player is added.

E.g. tennis-player, billiards-player, snooker-player, darts-player. We can also say football-player, cricket-player.

Some names must be learnt.

E.g. archer, canoeist, mountaineer, jockey, gymnast and some others.

What do we call people who…?


1) throw javelin/discus;

5) play golf;

8) do gymnastics;

2) play hockey;

6) play basketball;

9) ride horses in races;

3) do cycling;

7) do windsurfing;

10) do weightlifting.

4) drive cars in racing;




2. Read about the use of words related to doing sports and the examples. Translate the examples.



To beat is followed by a direct object: to

Roma beat Juventus. They all seem

beat somebody in a sport, game; to beat a

to be trying to beat the record.

team; to beat a record; smb’s time .


The word to defeat has the same mean-

E.g. The team have never been de-

ing as to beat, but it’s a formal word.


To win can be followed by a direct object

E.g. Manchester United won. Who

(to win smth, but not to win smb.) or can

won the match? They won it by

be used without an object.

3 points.

To lose is the opposite of to win.

E.g. Manchester United lost. Have

But to lose can be used by an indirect ob-

they lost the game?

ject with to.

Juventus lost to Roma.

To draw can be used without an object.

Spartak Moscow drew.

When followed by an object, the proposi-

Spartak Moscow drew with/against

tions with or against are used.


A draw is a result of a game or competi-

The match was a draw.

tion in which two or more people draw.


To coach and to train are both used with

He trains them for the London mara-

an indirect object.

thon. Who coached her for the

To train can be used without an object.



I must train hard to win the race.

A coach or a trainer is someone who

a boxing trainer, a famous football

trains a person or a team in a particular




A training/training session is physical

He didn’t turn up for training today.

exercise you do regularly in order to keep


fit or prepare your body for a sport match


or race. The synonym is a work-out also


spelt workout.


The person who controls a football match

He is weary of the idea that referees

and so on is a referee.

are the only people who make mis-


takes in football.

Umpire is used if the person who con-

Some of the players complained

trols the sport does not move.

about the standards of umpiring.

Both referee and umpire can be used as




3. Say who controls the following sports and games:

Tennis, basketball, volleyball, figure-skating, wrestling, rugby, water polo, boxing, diving.


4.Think of the words to fill in the gaps in the following sentences. Complete the gaps.

1.He ___ his own previous best time of three minutes fifty four seconds.

2.The match ended in a goalless ___ .

3.Bob ___Tom in the semi-final and will now play David in the final.

4.“Did you win?” – “No, we ___ again. We’re bottom of the division now.”

5.To keep fit Liz ___ running twice a week.

6.Mr Peters is a brilliant golf ___ .

7.The ___ blew his whistle and the football match started.

8.Well done! I didn’t think you would ___ the record but you did.

9.Alice’s good at basketball but she gets tired very quickly. She should ___


10.She lost interest in judo and decided to ___ it ___ .

11.When you are playing you mustn’t shout at the ___ .She’s there to control the game.

12.The fans were furious. In their opinion Mat Stuart ___ the match badly and helped the Rovers score the last goal and win.

13.Congratulations! How many points did you win ___ ?

14.He felt tired because of the strenuous ___ he had just had.

15.When he was at school he ___ cycling and very soon made great progress in it.

16.Our coach has fallen ill and there’ll be no ___ today.

17.If I had more spare time, I’d ___ tennis.

18.Who ___ that tennis game?

19.He’s a well-known football ___ .Thanks to him the team is now in the upper league.

20.Were many records ___ at the Olympics?

21.We’ve been ___ so many times we deserve to be bottom of the league!

22.You should ___ jogging. That would help you lose weight.

23.Who ___ the world record for the 1000 metres? Is it a Russian?

24.I only ever once ___ a goal, and that was sheer luck.

25.Since he started to ___John and Dick they’ve improved a lot.

Work in pairs. One of you should look at the sentences above and translate them at sight into Russian. The other student should translate by ear back into English. Check the translation.

5. Talk about what these people do as in the example. Use the prompts to help you.


Jobs in Football




Goalkeeper, defender, midfielder, striker, substitute


Referee, linesman

Managerial Staff

Manager, physiotherapist, scout, groundsman


Sponsor, commentator


– ensure / play / fair

Example: The referee’s job is to ensure fair play.

a)search / talented / player

b)pick / team, arrange / transfers, supervise / training

c)responsible / player / fitness, help / injured players / rehabilitate

d)pass / ball / players / scoring position

e)help / referee / decide / ball / cross / line

f)monitor / condition/ ground

g)describe / progress / match

h)replace / injured / out-of-form player

i)finish off / attacking move

j)try / stop / opposition / scoring

k)support / club / financially / exchange / advertising

(From: “Upstream Proficiency. Student’s book”. P. 148)

6. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.

A Famous Sportsman

You have probably never heard of Charles Burgess Fry but in the (1) ___

years of the last century, he was the most famous man in England. He became famous while (2) ___ at university, mainly on (3) ___ of his achievements in sport. He was at the same time, captain of the university football, cricket and athletics teams and (4) ___ the world record for the long jump. He was also a (5)

___ sports journalist. He was so famous that letters addressed to “Mr Fry, Oxford” were (6) ___ to him without any difficulty. His college, (7) ___ it had quite a different name, was (8) ___ as “Fry’s College”.

Some people have (9) ___ Fry’s sporting achievements. They (10) ___ out that he lived at a time when standards were quite (11) ___ and it was much easier to (12) ___ well in several sports. It is certainly true that athletes of that time did not have the totally dedicated (13) ___ of modern athletes. However, it is only (14) ___ to judge him (15) ___ the standards of his own time. There is no doubt that he had extraordinary skill (16) ___ with an ability to write about sport with style and intelligence.


A primary

B early

C beginning

D initial


A still

B yet

C then

D already


A case

B account

C view

D regard


A held

B did

C made

D reached


A common

B usual

C normal

D popular


A posted

B diverted

C delivered

D carried


A despite

B although

C however

D otherwise


A referred

B named

C called

D known


A complained

B contradicted

C criticised

D contrasted

10. A point

B give

C put

D speak



A bad

B small

C low

D weak


A make

B be

C go

D do


A approach

B style

C method

D skill


A balanced

B rational

C fair

D precise


A for

B by

C as

D with


A attached

B combined

C connected

D related

III. Focus on Reading and Speaking

1.What does a referee’s job involve? What difficulties might he encounter?

2.You will read an article about Pierluigi Collina, a famous referee. Before you read, look at the title of the article. What attitude do you expect him to have towards his job?

3.The following comments are made by Collina in the article. What do you think he means? Discuss with a partner, then read the article quickly to see if you were right.

‘I’m quite a normal man, really.’

‘At each step I was considered one of the best...’

‘Nobody is perfect.’

‘I don’t want to start the match without trusting the players.’

4.Read the article. For questions 1–7, choose the best answer (А, В, C or D).

1. Collina’s health disorder:

A. Has at times affected his refereeing. В. Makes players view him with respect.

C.Made him more popular with the public.

D.Affected his appearance dramatically.

2. When the writer sees Collina for the first time, he is:

A. Disappointed by his appearance.

В. Impressed by his command of english.

C.Surprised at how ordinary he is.

D.Shocked by his manner.

3.Collina’s university studies in bologna:

A. Enabled him to succeed in refereeing. В. Made him want to become the best.

C. Took place alongside his refereeing career. D. Suffered from his involvement in football.

4.Collina quotes the fiorentina coach in order to show that:

A. Mistakes in football must be forgiven. В. Footballers should not make mistakes. C. Refereeing mistakes can be quite serious. D. Attitudes towards goalkeepers are unfair.


5.According to Collina, why do people say referees make more mistakes today than in the past?

A. Football techniques have changed. В. TV coverage is more effective.

C. TV cameras cause confusion

D. Refereeing decisions are more difficult.

6.What does Collina refer to as ‘simulation’?

A. А form of cheating. В. А style of refereeing.

C.А form of strategy.

D.А kind of injury.

7. What does Collina imply about the 1999 Barcelona match?

A. Manchester United didn’t really deserve to win. В. Refereeing stopped him from enjoying the game.

C.He would have liked his presence to have been noticed.

D.He found the end of the match very exciting.

Whistle While You Work

You can argue about the best team in the world-but not about the best referee. Pierluigi Collina tells Jon Henderson that he’s much less fierce off the pitch and explains why diving is a crime against football.

About 18 years ago, Pierluigi Collina lost all his hair in the space of 15 days due to an attack of the littleunderstood disease alopecia. ‘I don’t know what happened,’ he says. ‘I don’t remember anything in particular that could have triggered the attack. All I can tell you is that I was 24. It is Collina’s great achievement that the disorder which gave him such a distinctive look, and would have been the most memorable thing about almost any other referee, is not the reason why we all know him so well. Earlier this year he was voted best referee in the world for the fourth time in a row.

As his wife, Gianna, opens the front door of the family home in Viareggio, Collina skips down the stairs. He extends a hand and greets me in English. He is clearly as diligent a foreign language student as he is a referee.

The first impression is that Collina looks much younger in the flesh than he does on television. He says that a combination of his looks and the concentration involved in refereeing may make him seem older – and, occasionally, angrier – than he is. ‘But I’m quite a normal man, really.’

Collina, born and brought up in Bologna, played football until he was 17 when a school friend suggested they attend referees’ course together. ‘At each step I was considered one of the best, sometimes the best,’ he says of the 14 years it took him to work his way through the ranks to become a Serie A referee. He also went to the University of Bologna, graduating with a degree in Economics. In 1991 he moved to Viareggio to work for a bank, which he still


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