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10. Cloud and Mobile Technologies

  1. What is NOT true about cloud computing?

    1. Requires internet access

    2. Processing happens on both the client and the server

    3. Users access cloud computer through a web browser

    4. Requires the user to install special software or applications

    5. Data centers store cloud data

  1. What is NOT an example of cloud computing

    1. Checking your mail.ru email

    2. Editing a document in Google Drive

    3. Typing a document in Microsoft Word

    4. Watching a video on YouTube

    5. Using the online version of Google Translate

  1. What is a frontend component of cloud computing? Study hint: Identify the other answers

    1. Web server

    2. Web browser

    3. Databases

    4. Storage devices

    5. Data center

  1. What describes the internet infrastructure?

    1. allows for building applications and services over the internet

    2. the resources that support the flow, storage, processing, and analysis of data

    3. an environment in which a piece of software is executed

    4. applications that run on a server

    5. a development stack for developers to build applications

  1. What is an example of a computing platform?

    1. A data center that processes and stores data

    2. Google Photos

    3. An internet-based application

    4. An operating system that hosts an application

    5. Hardware, such as a server

  1. What is a web application?

    1. applications that run on a server

    2. an operating system that hosts an application

    3. a data center that processes and stores data

    4. a development stack for developers to build applications

    5. an environment in which a piece of software is executed

  1. What does IaaS stand for in cloud computing? Study hint: Identify the other answers

    1. Internet as a Service

    2. Information as a Service

    3. Infrastructure as a Service

    4. International Association of Agricultural Students

    5. Integration as a Service

  1. What components are associated with SaaS? Study hint: Identify the other answers

    1. client, web browser, mobile device

    2. database, runtime, server applications

    3. operating systems, software development platforms

    4. server, storage, network

    5. data center, bandwidth, power supply backup

  1. In simple terms, define PaaS Study hint: Identify the answer

    1. provides and manages the hardware

    2. runs software in the cloud

    3. apps that allow a user to access cloud data

    4. hosts an application or service

    5. large data centers that contain servers

  1. Which is an advantage of cloud computing?

    1. Increased data reliability

    2. Universal document access

    3. Device independence

    4. Easier group collaboration

    5. All are advantages of cloud computing

  1. Which is a disadvantage of cloud computing?

    1. Access documents anytime, anywhere

    2. Use any device to access the same data

    3. No required software updates on the client

    4. Security concerns of stored data

    5. Automatic backup of data

  1. What is mobile technology?

    1. Technology that you can carry

    2. Technology that is portable and can communicate

    3. Technology that can communicate

    4. Technology developed using miniaturization

    5. Technology that is compact

  1. What is a typical form of how mobile devices communicate?

    1. Ethernet cables

    2. USB cables

    3. WiFi

    4. Flash drives

    5. Memory cards

  1. What does MCC stand for in cloud computing?

    1. Mainframe Cloud Computing

    2. Markup Cloud Computing

    3. Massive Cloud Computing

    4. Mobile Cloud Computing

    5. Modern Cloud Computing

  1. What is a characteristic of mobile devices?

    1. scalable bandwidth

    2. centralized

    3. scalable storage

    4. limited storage

    5. scalable processing power

  1. What is a characteristic of mobile cloud computing?

    1. portable

    2. scalable bandwidth

    3. centralized

    4. scalable storage

    5. scalable processing power

  1. Which resource does mobile cloud computing consume the most?

    1. mobile battery consumption

    2. mobile processing power

    3. mobile storage space

    4. mobile bandwidth

    5. mobile cloud computing does not consume any of these resources

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