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Reported Speech

5 класс

Good afternoon! My name is Ekaterina Igorevna. I will be your teacher for today. And first of all, let me get to know with you.

What is your name? And may I ask your name? And how shall I call you? Pleased to meet you!

Today we will speak about reported speech. I guess you know what it is. Am I right? Ok, then let’s review. When we want to tell somebody what a person said, we use reported speech. How does the present form in direct speech changes in reported speech? Who can answer?

Present Simple in direct speech changes to (Past Simple)

Present Continuous ---->Past Continuous

Future Simple ---->Future in the Past

Present Perfect ---->Past Perfect

Past Simple ---->Past Perfect

Well done! Then, if you have no questions, let’s do some exercises.


You met Alice. Here are some of the things she said to you in direct speech:

Example: My friend is going to London.

  1. My parents are very well today.

  2. John has done his homework.

  3. I want to go to the country on Friday.

  4. I’ll phone Judy when I get back.

You must tell Tom what Alice said. Use reported speech:

Alice said that her friend was going to London.





You have 2 minutes. Are you ready? Let’s check if everything is done correctly. Let’s read the sentences by chain. … Good for you!

2. Now I will give you a text. But it is not finished. Your task is to invent the end of the story, find the sentences in direct speech and change them in reported speech. You have 10 minutes.


One day Peter, a small boy, said to his mother, “I want a puppy for Christmas.” “I think you will get a puppy”, the mother said, “But you must be a good boy.” “I will try”, said Peter. And he really tried. He studied well, helped his mother and did everything what she said. So, on Christmas Eve Peter came to his mother and said, “I am a good boy now and I hope you will give me a puppy!” ….

Your time is over. Are you ready? Good. Who would like to begin?.....You did well!


Now I have an interesting task for you. We will work in pairs. Try to do the exercise as soon as possible.

So, somebody says something to you which is opposite of what they said earlier. Complete the answers.


A: That restaurant is expensive.

B: Is it? I thought you said it was cheap.

Clear? Then start!

  1. A: Sue is coming to the party tonight.

B: Is she? I thought you said she……………………………………………..

  1. A: Sarah liked Paul.

B: Did she? Last week you said………………………………………………

  1. A: I know lots of people.

B: Do you? I thought you said……………………………………………….

  1. A: Jane will be here next week.

B: Will she? But didn’t you say………………………………………………

  1. A: I’m going out this evening.

B: Are you? But you said……………………………………………………..

  1. A: I haven’t been to the cinema for ages.

B: Haven’t you? I thought you said…………………………………………..

So, I see P1 and P2 are ready. Let’s wait for P3 and P4. Are you ready? Good. P1 and P2 will read their variants of sentences. P3, P4, if you disagree with them, call your variant and we will discuss the right answer. Clear? Great. Let’s start. ………Excellent!

4 Interview

You have some strips of paper. You must compose a dialogue in direct speech and then rewrite it in reported speech. Clear?

  1. Hello, Mike! How are you today?

  2. All right, thanks.

  1. I know last month you have visited Great Britain.

  2. Yes, it’s true. It’s a wonderful country.

  1. Was it your first visit to this country?

  2. No, it was the second time I visited Great Britain.

  1. What sights have you seen there this time?

  2. Well, I see the Tower, Buckingham Palace, Hyde Park and Westminster Abbey.

  1. What did you like most?

  2. It’s difficult to say. I liked everything. Each place was great.

  1. I see. Do you want to visit Great Britain next year?

  2. If I have time, I will sure go their.

1. Thank you, for the interview!

Are you ready with a dialogue in direct speech? Let’s read the sentences by chain. …Well done! Now rewrite the sentences in reported speech.


You have direct general questions. You must change them to reported general questions with the help of if or whether.

Example: I said to Boris,”Does your friend live in London?” – I asked Boris if his friend lived in London. 1. They said to the man,”Are you living in a hotel?”

2. He said to his friend,”Will you stay at the Hilton?”

3. Oleg said to me,”Will you come here tomorrow?”

4. Alice said to Frank, “Did you have a dog?”

5. Emma said to me, “Are you hungry?”

6. Mary said to Peter,”Are you going to the cinema?”


You know that if the time or the place of the events described in the direct statement has changed, we change the demonstrative pronouns and the adverbs of time and place.

For example: now changes to then

You have some words in direct speech. Change them to reported speech. If you don’t know the word, then ask me. Clear? Let’s do it one by one.






the day after tomorrow


the day before yesterday


next year

last week/year

And one exercise to this rule. Sarah says:

  1. Dave works very hard today.

  2. I’m going to buy a car tomorrow

  3. Jane was short of money yesterday.

  4. I will go abroad next year.

  5. I have visited London last week.

  6. My aunt has a birthday the day after tomorrow.


And the last exercise for today.

The following sentences are direct speech:

Now choose one of these to complete each of the sentences below. Use reported speech.

  1. Bill was taking a long time to get ready, so I told him to hurry up.

  2. Sarah was driving too fast, so I asked………………………………………...

  3. Sue was nervous about the situation. I told…………………………………...

  4. I couldn’t move the piano alone, so I………………………………………....

  5. The customs officer looked at me suspiciously and…………………………

  6. Tom was going to the shop, so I………………………………………..........

  7. The man started asking me personal questions, so I…………………………

  8. John was very much in love with Mary, so he……………………………….

  9. I didn’t want to delay Helen, so I……………………………………….........

You have 5 minutes. …..Well done!

So, the lesson is over. All of you have worked well today. I hope you have understood reported speech. Thank you for your job.

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