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39_text lnguistics

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Textual Lingustics 40-s 20th c.

K. Boast, Hollday, Waterhouse, Pospelov, Bulakhovsky

The basic unit is not a sentence as in tradit. Grammar but a super sentence construction. It is a succession either of at least 2 simple sentences or 1 composite sentence.

Text Linguistics studies a discourse not of separate sentences in isolation – a combination of at least 2 predicative groups. The connection between simple sentences or clauses is called Cumulation.

It deals with: cumulemes – a one direction sequence, represented by sentences in a monologue, directed from 1 speaker to the listener.

Text linguistic deal with Occurrence – a two directon sequence. It is expressed by sentences in a dialogue uttered by the speakers in turn. The occurseme consists of at least 2 cumulemes.

Types of cumulemes:

  • Factual (narrative & descriptive) simple narrations of events, people, etc.

  • Modal (reasoning & perceptive)

Don't worry. There will be a certain amount of unpleasantness but I will have some photographs taken. You're perfectly all right. A reasoning cumuleme expressing reassurance.

  • Mixed

Types of cumulation:

  • Prospective (cataphoric) cumulation is such connection when what proceeds is not clear without what follows.

  • Retrospective (anaphoric) is such connection when what follows correlates with what proceeds.

it is the basic type of cumulation in ordinary speech. E.g.: What curious

Means of cumulation – personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, nouns with a generic meaning, demonstrative pronouns, synonyms

Blokh: inner/ auto cumulation

  • Conjunctive cumulation is effected by conjunction-like connectors. To these belong, first, regular

conjunctions, both coordinative and subordinative; second, adverbial and parenthetical sentence-connectors

(then, yet, however, consequently, hence, besides, moreover, nevertheless, etc.)

  • Correlative cumulation is effected by a pair of elements one of which, the "succeedent", refers to the other,

the "antecedent". (I saw Mary going out. She was holding a cup in her hands) чую или не чую?

A discourse is a sourse of organized language means used in 1 single communicative act.

Means of cohesion: sentences which constitute the text are connected logically and writing makes them coherent.

Coherence – is defined as the relationship which links the meaning of sentences in a discourse. It is cause by correlation of what proceedes and what follows.

  • Grammatical (word order, substitution, representation and other kinds of ellipsis)

Lexical (personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, synonyms, antonyms, word repetition; or the choice of a word that is related in some way to a previous one

On the bass of functional nature:

  • Conjunctive

  • Correlative: substitutional – the use of substitute pronouns, nouns as “man, thing”

Representative – the use of modal verbs, “not” “to”

Topic sentence – makes it easy for the reader to know what a particular paragraph is about. It states the main thought, the sensial idea, a starting point aims at giving a central idea.

Comment sen-ce – comment on the topic sentence and develop the idea expressed in the topic sen-ce.

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