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10. Past Continuous

1) For a long time we were studing the basic provisions and patterns characterizing this process.

2) Scientists long and carefully were studing the ways of improving the composition of the substance.

3) In the first half of the XIX century significant development was receiving a very different idea about this phenomenon.

4) For many years Professor Grave was studing this problem.

5) For hundreds of years, the computational capabilities of hand accounts was constraining the development of accurate methods for solving problems.

6) Further development of science was going on line deepen our knowledge of these phenomena.

7) In the 30s of the XX century Advisers on Science of U.S. President Roosevelt were exploring the prospects of leading technologies and accounted development forecasts for the next decade.

8) For a long time, scientists were trying to find out why the planets rotate around its axis.

9) At that time we were working on a totally new challenge, therefore, used the method of trial and error.

10) When Professor headed the Department, we were working on the creation of semiconductor materials, the properties of which meet the highest requirements.

11. Past Perfect

1) After he developed this method, he had presented the results of calculations in the form of tables.

2) After the translations of articles appeared in all foreign scientific journals, their author had became known to the whole of the scientific and technical world.

3) By the end of 20-ies of the XX century for theoretical study the Academy of Sciences hsd organized several scientific institutions.

4) After the scientists combined their efforts, the result had not kept itself waiting long.

5) He reported that a number of samples had developed by German scientists.

6) After John Nash at the dawn of his career, has done a tremendous job in the field of game theory, he had received international celebrity and turned this branch of mathematics.

7) By the middle of last century Cybernetics had formed as an independent science.

8) After scientist introduced this concept, other researchers successfully had described the characteristics and potential of this phenomenon.

9) By the beginning of the XIX century scientific world had known about this phenomenon is still very little.

10) When French military engineers invented a recording device, they had the opportunity of studed process at high pressures.

12. Future Simple

1) In this brief tutorial, we shall cover only the main factors.

2) We shallconsider this phenomenon in detail in subsequent sections of the book.

3) A group of researchers shall take the first attempts to explain the observed facts.

4) You will find details about this concept in the works of British scientists and philosophers of the nineteenth century.

5) Preliminary period will require careful experimental study.

6) On the new stage of the experiment will help to clarify the chemical, thermal, mechanical, gas and other processes.

7) Success here will depend on the clarification of the system of equations.

8) In his report, we shall seize the analysis of remote forecasts of the development of various areas of knowledge.

9) Dynamics of paradigms will inevitably lead to a change targets.

10) This provision will remain fair, even for complex cases.

13. If–Clause

1) If he put on their tables complete information, it will be a real breakthrough.

2) If any body will affect another body with a certain strength, the second body will also impact on the first a force equal in magnitude and directed in the opposite direction.

3) If any numbers to put in a specific schedule, there will be a system.

4) If it is not theory, these assumptions will look only a set of unrelated facts.

5) If we try to collect and organize all that is currently known for this question data will be very scarce.

6) If during the experiment will change at least one condition, we can not reproduce the result with such precision.

7) If we do not give a definition of each term in the future there will confusion in terminology.

8) If you keep this matter in the light, it will be decompose.

9) If the experimenter will not repeat experience a few times, there is a risk of instrumental errors.

10) If we use this methodthe result will be much more accurate.

14. Future Continuous

1) He believes that he will working a few more years to test this idea experimentally.

2) Genetic engineering, microbiology, microelectronics and nanoelectronics will continue to growing rapidly.

3) Ideas and principles of modern natural science will penetrate the humanities, there will be a reversing process.

4) Whatever the mankind developed , it will always reflecting and speculating on the future of science.

5) Information technology will playing an increasing role.

6) In the future, in all developed countries public spending on science will growing in both academic and industrial institutions.

7) Large states will continue to building sophisticated installations enormous size, such as accelerators for many millions of volts, powerful nuclear reactors to run high-tech satellites for space exploration.

8) Scientists yet long will be looking solutions to the problem of controlled thermonuclear reactions.

9) Future research in physics, chemistry and biology will studying the mechanism of muscular contraction.

10) Scientists will be looking an objective approach to the science of society.

15. Future Perfect

1) He will have published a full course of lectures on the discipline by the end year.

2) Apparently, the next stage this science will have completed by the middle of this century.

3) Next stage of development science will have solved most important task associated with the theory of risk management, neuroscience and theoretical history by the end the

4) Scientists will have learned to carry out the forecast and prevent any disasters, accidents and other hazards in the natural, technological and social spheres by 2020 year.

5) Scientists will have comprehend the rapidly growing dataset neurobiology, neurochemistry, cognitive psychology and many other disciplines only by mid-century.

6) Researchers will have solved a number of major problems in the field of biology-related requests Machinery, livestock, medicine by mid-century.

7) According to many experts, one of the most important achievements of science projected will have opened of the "psychological code", namely finding a method of encoding, transmission, data processing algorithms in the nervous system, the biochemical analysis of consciousness by 2020 year.

8) After five to ten years, not only the state but also all multinationals will have created research forecasting centers.

9) The world scientific community will have created a single, unified language of science for the general idea of ​​the whole, on strategic and global problems, not just local.

10) Scientists will have solved a number of important scientific and technical problems that we can not decide now because of the limited teaching opportunities that we have by 2015.

16. Future Simple–in–the– Past

1) He was sure that the link between theory and experiment will lead them to a perfect agreement.

2) We promised that we shall consider only those circumstances that really conducted an experiment to fail.

3) Bacon believed that education will be a safeguard against inhumane application of science.

4) The lecturer said that we will only guess what the new knowledge.

5) He assumed that he will change some of the details of his method.

6) The speaker said that in the future the amount of scientific knowledge will double every 10 years due to the increasing discoveries of scientific information and the number of scientific workers.

7) We knew that the development of science will always alternate extensive and revolutionary periods.

8) Young researcher hoped that membership in the Academy of Sciences will be the highest level of his scientific career.

9) All conference participants agreed that characteristic feature of the next stage of the development of science will be the convergence of Sciences and Humanities.

10) He noted that nobody will be able talk about the future of science without the risk of falling into naivete or exaggeration.

17. Passive Voice

1) The test results are shown in Table.

2) First calculation tables were gone.

3) As a result, the selection and synthesis of stable facts are evolved rules of thumb that explain this phenomenon.

4) These examples show that the message body any speed is associated with giving back to the other direction of the velocity weight.

5) This principle was known in antiquity.

6) The activities of many disciples and followers scientist was focused on the practical application of the ideas of his teacher.

7) The main characteristics are shown in the table.

8) Each of the major classes are divided into subclasses and types for a variety of ancillary features.

9) Much attention is paid to describe the properties of which knowledge will help in the study of the device and the principle of operation of the mechanism in the organization of its operation and storage.

10) Today clear are loomed new horizons of many scientific fields.

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