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Rats are amazing animals. During the course of writing the work, I learned, that rats have incredible ability to survive, a diverse diet and a developed social structure. Their role in the ecosystem is also significant, although wild rats can become a problem in certain situations. In general, rats are very interesting creatures that deserve attention and study.

As a result of the work done, the features of the skeletal, muscular and digestive systems of rats were considered. I considered the diseases of these animal systems, their structure and functions. I also studied the nutrition of rats, the diet they need.

Studying the characteristics of rats is useful for several reasons. Firstly, many people nowadays get pet rats as beloved and devoted pets, which are no worse than domestic dogs and cats. Rats, like other animals, suffer from many diseases that require treatment, so in my future practice I would like to treat rodents too. Secondly, the study of rats can help in the development of new drugs for the treatment of human and animal diseases, since rats are laboratory animals. In general, rats are extraordinary animals that are interesting to watch and learn something new about them.

A pet rat is a loyal, kind, funny and trusting friend. She is most interested in humans – she always strives for communication, and sometimes even more than other pets. Rats are taught to appreciate every moment of their time, because every month they live for us is years for them.


Book sources:

  1. Куропаткина М.В. Декоративные мыши и крысы.– М. Издательство «Лань», 2015г. – 97 с.

  2. Машкин В. И., Ларионова М. А., Шевнина М. С. Звери России: учебное пособие для вузов. –Издательство «Лань», 2020г. –216 с.

  3. Ноздрачев А.Д., Поляков Е.Л. Анатомия крысы. –Санкт-Петербург, Издательство «Интеграция», 2001г. –432с.

  4. Рахманов А. И. Декоративные крысы. Уход и содержание. –Издательство «Аквариум-Бук», 2002г. –112 с.

  1. Kuropatkina M.V. Decorative mice and rats. – M. Publishing house "Lan", 2015 – 97 p.

  2. Mashkin V. I., Larionova M. A., Shevnina M. S. Animals of Russia: a textbook for universities. – Publishing house "Lan", 2020. -216 p.

  3. Nozdrachev A.D., Polyakov E.L. Anatomy of a rat. –St. Petersburg, Publishing House "Integration", 2001 –432s.

  4. Rakhmanov A. I. Decorative rats. Care and maintenance. –Publishing house "Aquarium-Buk", 2002. -112 p.

Electronic sources:

  1. Характеристика крыс. URL: https://www.bibliofond.ru/view.aspx?id=55226 (дата обращения: 25.11.2023)

  2. Питание крыс. URL: https://faunistics.com/krysy/ (дата обращения: 12.12.2023)

  3. Происхождение, функциональные системы крыс. URL: https://canis-vet.ru/blogvet.html (дата обращения: 12.12.2023)

  4. Болезни декоративных крыс. URL: https://gretel-cafe-gostinaya.ru/rodents/telo-krysy-osobennosti-stroenia-golovy-mordy-lap-i-zubov-foto.html (дата обращения: 14.12.2023)

  5. Биологические особенности крыс. URL: http://www.libma.ru/domashnie_zhivotnye/krysy/p3.php (дата обращения: 14.12.2023)