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The Subjunctive Mood Сослагательное наклонение

41. Read the following sentences, containing the Subjunctive Mood forms. Which of the sentences refer to the Present (the Future) and which to the Past?

1. Zero-resistance transmission lines would be very economical!

2. Without these means of communication the scientists would have great difficulties in observing man-made satellites.

3. If thin wires had been used in this device the wires would have melted.

4. If the operators had used some additional components they would have been able to actuate the relay.

5. We know a moving magnet to induce a current in a wire, the effect being stronger if the wire were in the form of a coil.

6. It was a job one could have done much better.

7. Without the Sun there would be no light, no heat, no energy of any kind.

8. Oxygen is an element of greatest importance to the Earth as all living things would die without it.

9. If it were not for lasers a great number of technological developments would not have taken place.

10. In some hot countries the use of only one percent of the solar energy would serve an enormous source of energy.

11. No subject is more surprising than magnetism; what would you think if you found that on mixing ebonite and bakelite in some definite proportions a good conductor is formed or that a mixture of copper and iron forms a good insulator?

The Emphatic Construction Эмфатическая конструкция

42. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. It is from the Greek word electron that the word electricity is formed.

2. It is the force of gravitation that makes the satellites move round the Earth.

3. It was the need for large-scale ballistic computations which gave rise to the development of electronic computers.

4. It was in 1882 that P. Chebyshev invented the arithmometer performing multiplication and division.

43. Change the following sentences into the emphatic ones in writing.


B. Pascal invented the mechanical computer.

It was B. Pascal that invented the mechanical computer.

1. N. Wiener is considered to be the father of cybernetics.

2. The special terms in any subject serve the keys to understanding it.

3. Oil, natural gas and nuclear power each have important roles to play in the energy industry.

4. The most precise clocks are being produced due to the invention of radio frequency quantum generators.

Punctuation Marks Знаки препинания

Правила постановки запятых в английском языке отличаются от этих правил в русском языке.

Запятая ставится:

1) для выделения вводных элементов предложения:

Big power stations, up to 4,800,000 kW, were being constructed.

2) для отделения самостоятельного причастного оборота:

Measuring devices being widely used, their characteristics are constantly improved.

3) для выделения придаточных предложений, если они сообщают дополнительные сведения или служат пояснением к главной мысли:

The insulation, that may be of air or of a solid dielectric, separates the conductor from the axis.

4) после обстоятельственного причастного оборота в начале предложения:

When tested, the motor broke down.

5) запятая ставится перед словом which, если оно относится не к одному слову, а к предыдущей части предложения:

New plastic materials had been produced, which led to producing new types of isolators.

6) однородные члены предложения отделяются друг от друга запятой. Перед завершающим перечисление союзом and часто также ставится запятая:

Frequency is known to be the number of cycles, oscillations, and vibrations of a wave motion or oscillations in unit time, usually one second

Common faults in a transformer are an open in the winding, a short between the primary and the secondary, and a short between turns.

Запятая не ставится:

1) перед придаточными предложениями:

Devices are classed according to the use they are designed for.

Fijitsu transmission systems (Japan) can carry information very effectively. It is done by transmission systems which get it across the city and into the home.

2) перед союзами but, because, provided, as, since … :

The discharge of heated water into natural water systems has not developed any big problems as yet but continued growth in electrical power production may result in damaging environmental processes.

Соседние файлы в предмете Английский язык