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29  Pleural Anatomy




Fig. 29.14  Functional and systemic pulmonary circulation relationship. Both circuits are interconnected before and after the pulmonary capillary through Leford and Von Hayeck anastomoses

\(b)\ A deep network that, from the aforementioned subpleural network, penetrates radially into the lung parenchyma thickness, forming lymph node relays, known as: intra-­ segmental (without capsule) or level 13, inter-segmental (with rudimentary capsule) or level 12, interlobar (with capsule) or level 11, and hilar or level 10.

Both parietal and visceral pleura lymphatic circulations communicate with each other through the exchange zones or anastomoses located in the mediastinum, where in turn the lymph from more caudal territories also drains, especially from the abdomen supramesocolic compartment.

pleura peripheral part, transmitting the serosa general sensitivity.

Stimulation of these areas is perceived as pain that is referred or projected segmentally, according to the corresponding metamere, towards the adjacent chest wall. In contrast, the diaphragmatic pleura central part is innervated by the phrenic nerve (C3), and stimulation of this pleural part causes pain referred to the supraclavicular fossa, the ipsilateral shoulder, and even radiating to the jaw angle.

The visceral pleura is only innervated by vegetative endings from the pulmonary plexus (sympathetic) and the vagus nerves; however, the sensitivity is deep and unconscious, in relation to pulmonary distension refexes described by Hering Breuer [22].

Pleural Innervation

Somatic sensory or proprioceptive nerve endings are present in the costal and diaphragmatic parietal pleura. Intercostal nerves D1 to D12 innervate the costal pleura and the diaphragmatic


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