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1. Выделите суффиксы. Определите, к какой части речи относятся слова с этими суффиксами:

surgery, experiment, surgical, painful, painless, assistant, important difference, assistance, absent, absence, disappearance, nervous, septic various, medical, operation, experimental, treatment, usually, sterilize preparation, unconscious, irresponsive, cellular, infectious, tendency respiratory, complication, acuteness, palpation, organize, realize, simplify, intensively, normally, shorten, ulceration, syphilitic, curative.

2. Определите значения префиксов и переведите слова на русский язык:

deformation, desintegration, dissection, diffusion, injection, regressive, transfusion, bilateral, inactive, prenatal, reoperate, renew, decomposition, displacement, intradermal, inoperable, insanitary, antibiotic intravenous, uncurable, subacute, disproportion, intraabdominal, invisible, abduction.

3. Определите значения следующих слов по словообразующих элементам и сходству их корней с русскими и латинскими корнями:

immobilization, unusual, insanitary, decompose, inseparable, unconscious, decolorize, immortal, sleepless, irregular, disinfection, bloodless, incomplete, indefinite, invisible, histology, cranial, cervical, lateral, cerebral, dermatology, insane, irresponsive.

4. Образуйте при помощи префиксов новые слова и переведите их на русский язык. Проверьте себя по словарю: re- to organize, to construct, to act, to form, to admit, to produce, to infect, to inoculate

de- to compose, to mobilize, formation

un- able, necessary, sufficient, healthy, to dress, equal, natural, usual

dis- to appear, to place, proportion, comfort

over-to work, to eat, to heat, production, weight

5. Дайте значение исходных и производных слов. develop – development acute – acuteness pain - painless sudden – suddenly certain – certainly hospital – hospitalize important – importance pulse – pulsation change – changeable – changeability bleed - bleeding 6. Переведите на английский язык с помощью приставок: intra- внутримолекулярный, внутривенный sub- слабая инфекция, меньше нормального in- (il, ir, im) неполный, нераздельный, несварение, нерегулярный, нерациональный dis- беспорядок, смещение, обеззараживание


1. Study the paraphrase of a part of the text. Which part of the text is the paraphrase of? Much of the information that pharmacologists possess today about the medicinal properties of plants has been passed down through generations. The first muscle relaxant, curare, originated with the indigenous population of South America, a hunting people who used it to paralyze their prey. These days, patients going into surgery are given a drug with similar properties to relax their muscles. early entries on cocaine can be found, highlighting its uses and effects on the body.

2. Write a paraphrase of a different part of the text. 3. Study the words in the box. - What parts of speech are they in the text? - Find one or more words in the text with a similar meaning to each word.

eliminate adverse soothing therapeutic toxic characteristics substance

4. Complete the summary with words from ex.1. You may need to change the form of the words. Pharmacology is essentially the study of drugs. Drugs are ___that are both ___and beneficial, with different ___that react on the human body. Some drugs might be used in the treatment of certain diseases, for example ___infection, while others are ___and relieve the patient’s symptoms. However, some drugs can have quite ___effects on the human body. Such drugs are the subject of the study of toxicology, which also takes into consideration the effects of contaminants from the patient’s environment.

5. Study the words in the box. -What is each base word and its meaning? - How does the affix change the part of speech? - What is the meaning in the text ‘Principles of Pharmacology’?

beneficial biochemical functioning molecular interact scientific relaxant immobilize antiviral

Prescriptions and drugs As part of treatment, a doctor may prescribe medication, commonly referred to as medicine or drugs. A prescription may take these forms:

In the UK patients take prescriptions to a chemist’s shop, which sells a wide range of non-prescription medicines and other products such as cosmetics, for dispensing by a pharmacist (the person who prepares the medicines). In hospitals, prescriptions are dispensed by the pharmacy (the department where the drugs are prepared).

Drugs come in many different forms.

The British National Formulary provides information on prescribing and administering prescription drugs in the UK.

An indication is a situation r a sign that suggests a specific treatment should be given. A contraindication is a situation or sign that a specific drug or treatment should not be used or is contraindicated.

Exelderm® is a propriety - commercial- name for a medication containing sulconazole nitrate. The same drug may have both a propriety name and a generic name. For example, Prozac and Fluoxetine are the propriety and generic names for the same drug. 6. Match the abbreviations (1-9) with their meanings (a-i).

1 p.c. 2. q.d.s. 3. s.c. 4. s.l. 5. p.o. 6. c.c. 7. p.r.n. 8. i.v. 9. infus

a.by mouth b.sublingual c.with meals d.as required e.after food f.intravenous g.four times a day h.infusion i.subcutaneous

7. Complete the sentences. 1.____of the skin may be caused by drugs such as asoirin which can produce a rash. 2.At a ___ you can get your prescription and all sorts of other medical products. 3.Gastro-intestinal irritation is a ___ of aspirin. 4.Aspirin is ___for patients with previous or active peptic ulceration. 5.When bubbles appear on the skin due to heat or irritation, this is called ___. 6.The maximum ___of paracetamol for an adult is 4 gramma daily. 7.____means a drug is not contraindicated but care must be taken in its use. 8.___for codeine phosphate are mild to moderate pain and cough suppression. 9.A person who dispenses drugs is a ___. 10.The place where drugs are dispensed in a hospital is a ___.

*8. Study the notes which a student has made about an example from the history of pharmacology. Make full sentences from the notes, joining ideas where possible, to make one continuous text. Make the necessary grammatical and lexical changes.

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