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Brief Historical Survey

The history of the BSTU dates back to 1919 and 1920.Our University was founded in 1930 in Gomel on the basis of these faculties of the Byelorussian State Agricultural Academy. The official opening of the Forestry Institute was held on October 1, 1930 in Gomel. At first, there were only 3 faculties at the Institute.In 1934 the Forestry Institute was renamed into the Byelorussian Forestry ngineering Institute.

In October 2005 the University was granted the status of a leading higher educational institution in the field of forestry, chemical and printing industries.

. Political System of Great Britain

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional monarchy. It has either a king or a queen, but the power of the monarch is limited by the country’s constitution. In practice, the monarch does not rule. The legal authority is given to Parliament, and the executive authority to the Government. All real power lies with Parliament and the existing government. Britain does not actually have a written constitution. The set of rules for governing the country is not contained in any single document. Parliament is the most important law-making body consisting of the House of Commons, the House of Lords and the Sovereign.


The central banking system is a major sector of any modern monetary system. It is of great importance to the fiscal policy of the national government and the functioning of the private sector. Central banks are involved in the issue of money and maintain the country’s foreign currency reserves. Central banks act as bankers to governments as the designers of monetary and credit policies, and as lenders of last resort to commercial banks in the case of a financial crisis. In the countries with the developed market economy there are two-level bank systems. The bank system of Belarus is two-level and consists the National Bank of Belarus and commercial banks.


A market is any one of a variety of systems, institutions, procedures, social relations and infrastructures whereby parties engage in

exchange. While parties may exchange goods and services by barter,

most markets rely on sellers offering their goods or services in exchange for money from buyers. For a market to be competitive, there must be more than a single buyer or seller. A market with single seller and multiple buyers is a monopoly. A market with a single buyer and ultiple sellers is a onopsony. In mainstream economics, the concept of a market is any structure that allows buyers and sellers to exchange any type of goods, services and information.


A fair is a gathering of people to display to parade or display animals and often to enjoy associated carnival or funfair entertainment

Fairs are also known by many different names around the world,

such as agricultural show, county fair, exhibition or state fair, festival, market and show. Fairs are often held in conjunction with a significant event, such as the anniversary of a local historical event, a seasonal event or with a holiday.

Student Life

The University is a modern campus university with all its academic buildings, most of its student housing (five hostels) and all student support facilities (Internet Club, computer classes, branches of the library, a billiard playing room) of the campus itself. The University provides talented students with facilities to develop their artistic and creative skills.


Economics is the science. This science is based upon the facts of our everyday lives. Economists study our everyday lives. The economist tried to describe the facts of the economy in which we live. He tries to explain how the system works. His methods should be objective and scientific. The science of economics is concerned with all our material needs and wants.


Most people work to earn their living. They produce goods and services. Goods are produced on farms, like milk, or in the factories, like cars. Services are produced by such things as schools, shops. Some people provide goods, some people provide services. The work which people do is called their economic activity. Economic activity make up the economic system. Economic system is the sum-total of what people do and what they want.


Science (from the Latin scientia, “knowledge”), in the broadest

sense, refers to any systematic knowledge or practice. Fields of science are commonly classified along two major lines:

– natural sciences, which study natural phenomena;

– social sciences, which study human behaviour and societies. Science produces models with useful predictions. A scientist is a person who uses the scientific method to do research.


Throughout the history, inventions have helped people discover new worlds, build communities, develop resources, increase productivity, curediseases, ease burdens, and enjoy life to the fullest. An invention is an object, process, or technique which displays an element of novelty. Some inventions also represent a radical breakthrough in science or technology which extends the boundaries of human knowledge. An inventor is a person who creates or discovers new methods, means, or devices for performing a task.


Advertising is a form of communication used to help sell products and services. Typically it communicates a message including the name of

the product or service and how that product or service could potentially

benefit the consumer. There are many media used to deliver these messages, including traditional media such as television, radio, cinema, magazines, newspapers, video games, billboards, mail or post and Internet.

In the world of advertising, selling products is the most important goal

Economy of Great Britain

For many years, the British economy has corresponded with what has been described by some scientists (since the 1980s) as the Anglo-Saxon model, focusing on the principles of liberalisation, the free market, and low taxation and regulation. Based on market exchange rates, the United Kingdom is the fifth largest economy in the world, and the second largest – in Europe after Germany. The British economy is mainly based on private enterprises. Today the policy of the government is aimed at encouraging and expanding the private sector.

Geographical Outline of Great Britain

England, Britain, Great Britain, the British Isles, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – these different names are sometimes used to mean the same thing and they are frequently used wrongly. the official name of the state situated on the British Isles is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (it comprises England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland).

The British Isles lie to the north-west of the continent of Europe and consist of two main islands: the larger of which is Great Britain, the smaller is Ireland. The north-west and the west of Great Britain is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean. In the west the country is washed by the Irish Sea. The eastern coast is open to the waters of the North Sea. The south-eastern part of Great Britain is separated from France.


Money is basically a method of exchange, and coins and notes are just items of exchange. But money was not always the same form as the money today, and is still developing. At first people bartered, which means they exchanged things they had for things they needed. Subsequently both livestock and plant products come to be used as money in many. The coins were made from gold and silver. Now people carry plastic cards instead of cash. The functions of money. The value of money is basically its value as a medium of exchange or as conomists put it, its “purchasing power”. This purchasing power depends on supply and demand. The role of money depends on the state of development of an economy. The most important types of money are commodity money, credit money and fiat money.


Economics, like other sciences, has drawn its own set of laws. In everyday life, we see man is always busy in satisfying means. In doing so, he acts upon certain principles. These principles which an average man usually follows when he is engaged in economic activity are named economic laws. Economic laws are essentially hypothetical. Special characteristic of satisfying a want is known in economics as its “utility”. The consumer’s desire for a commodity tends to diminish as he buys more unit of that commodity. This tendency is called the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility. For the great majority of goods and services, experience shows that the quantity demanded will increase as the price falls.

BSTU – Today

The Belarusian State Technological University as a unique scientific and educational complex and an oldest higher technical school of the country has always been aimed at training highly-competent specialists. Now the University is a large dynamically developing multi-profile educational and scientific centre in the Republic of Belarus The head of the University is the Rector and 5 Vice-Rectors. The University contains 10 faculties: Forestry Faculty; Forestry Engineering Faculty; Organic Substances Technology Faculty; Chemical Technology and Engineering Faculty; Economic Engineering Faculty; Faculty of Printing and Publishing. Correspondence Faculty; Faculty of Retraining and Qualification Upgrade; Faculty of Social Professions; Faculty of Pre-University



Belarus, a generally flat country situated practically in the center of Europe, occupies an area of 207,600 square kilometers. Its area is more than the combined size of Greece, Belgium and Denmark. Its neighbors are Russia to the east and northeast, Latvia to the north, Lithuania to the northwest, Poland to the west, and Ukraine to the south. The population is more than 10 million inhabitants. Belarus’ 3,000 streams and 10,000 lakes are major features of the landscape and are used for floating timber, shipping, and power generation. Major rivers are the west-flowing Zapadnaya Dvina and Nieman, and the south-flowing Dnieper.

The Political System, Constitution and State Symbols

of the Republic of Belarus

Like any country, Belarus has its own constitution, anthem, and state symbols. Constitution is the main document in the state. Belarus is a presidential republic where the role of the President is quite strong. He is the head of the state and the executive power, guarantor of the Constitution and civil rights. The Government is working with current issues of a day-to-day basis, thus exercising executive powers. The Parliament, i.d. the National Assembly comprises two houses – the House of Representatives and the Council of the Republic.

National Economy: Present and Future

Belarus has a well-developed economy. Approximately 5.3 million people contribute to the economy of Belarus Natural Resources. Belarus is relatively poor in terms of natural resources. The country has small reserves of petroleum and natural gas. In the south-west there are small reserves of hard coal, brown coal, and petroleum, but they are not easily accessible and remain undeveloped. The country has large forest reserves.Among the other minerals recovered are salt, building materials chiefly limestone, quartz sands and small deposits of gold and diamonds. Belarus is a highly developed industrial country.