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    1. Appendix 1


Capitalize the following:

1. The first word of a sentence

a) We saw a movie last night. It was very good.

Capitalize = use a big letter, not a small letter.

2. The names of people

I met George Adams yesterday.

3. Titles used with the names of people.

I met Professor Steiner yesterday.


I saw a doctor.

I saw Doctor Wilson.

4. Months, days, holidays

I was born in April.

Bob arrived on Friday.

It snowed on Thanksgiving Day.

Note: seasons are not capitalized: spring, summer …….

5. The names of places:

Russia, Asia, the Volga River, the Lake of Baikal,

the Rocky Mountains,

on Gagarin Avenue.

The names of courses

I take English.

The names of languages

She speaks fluent French.

The names of religions

Tatar is a Moslem

Exercise 1. Add capital letters where necessary.

1. we’re going to have a test next Friday.

2. Do you know richard smith? He is a professor at this university.

3. professor smith teaches at the university of virginia.

4. the nile river flows into the mediterranean sea.

5. john is a catholic, ali is a Moslem.

6. anna speaks French, she studied in france for two years.

7. I’m taking a history course this semester.

8. I’m taking modern european history 101 this semester.

9. we went to Vancouver, british Columbia, for our vacation last summer.

10. Venezuela is a spanish-speaking country.

11. canada is in north America *.

12. canada is north of the united states.

13. the sun rises in the east.

14. the mississippi river flows south.

Exercise 2. Add capital letters where necessary.

1. We don’t have class on saturday.

2. I’m taking biology 101 this semester.

3. I’m taking history, English and calculus this semester.

4. We went to a zoo. We went to brookfield zoo in chicago.

5. I live on a nice street. I live at 2558 olive street.

6. We went to canada last summer. We went to montreal in july.

7. I like chineese food.

8. The religion of saudy arabia is islam.

9. She works for the xerox corporation. It’s a very large corporation.

10. Pedro is from latin america.

11. Are you going to go to the university of oregon or oregon state university?

12. I voted for senator jones. A senator is an important person.

* When north, south, east and west refer to the direction on a compass, they are not capitalized: Japan is east of China.

When they are part of a geographical name, they are capitalized: Japan is in the Far East.

    1. Appendix 2

        1. Preposition combinations with verbs and adjectives

A be absent from

be accustomed to

be acquainted with

to admire (someone) for something

be afraid of

to agree with (someone) about something

be angry at/with

to apologize to (someone) for something

to apply to (a place) for something

to approve of

to argue with (someone) about something

to arrive at (a building, a room)

to arrive in (a city, a country)

to ask (someone) for something

to ask (someone) about something

B be bad for

to believe in

to belong to

bored be/by

to borrow (something) from someone

C be clear to

to compare (X) to/with (Y)

to complain to (someone) about something

to consist of

crowded with

D to depend on/upon (someone) for something

be different from

disappointed in

divorced from

done with

to dream about/of

drunk on

E be engaged to

equal to

excited about

to excuse (someone) for something

exhausted from

F be familiar to

famous for

finished with

to forgive (someone) for something

friendly to/with

frightened of/by

full of

G be to get rid of

gone from

good for

to graduate from

H to happen to

to hear from

to hear about/of

to help (someone) with something

to hope for

be hungry for

I to insist on

be interested in

to introduce (someone) to someone

to invite (someone) to something

be involved in

K be kind to

to know about

L to laugh at

to listen to

to look at

to look after

to look for

to look in

to look forward to

M be mad at

married to

matter to

the matter with

N be nice to

opposed to

P to pay for

be polite to

prepared for

to protect (X) from (Y)

be proud of

Q be qualified for

R be ready for

related to

to rely on/upon

be responsible for

S be satisfied with

scared of/by

to search for

to separate (X) from (Y)

be similar to

to speak to/with (someone) about something

to stare at

T to talk to/with (someone) about something

be terrified of/by

to thank (someone) for something

be thirsty for

tired from

to travel to

tired of

W to wait for

to wait on

be worried about


A ask out …………………………….. ask someone to go on a date

C call back ……………………………return a phone call

call off …………………………….. cancel

call on ……………………………. ask to speak in class

call up ……………………………. make a phone call

cross out …………………………. draw a line through

D do over ………………………….. do again

drop in (on) ……………………… visit without calling first or without an


drop out (of) ……………………. stop attending school

F figure out ………………………. find a solution to a problem

fill in …………………………… complete a sentence by writing in a blank

fill out …………………………. write information in a form (e.g. an

application form)

fill up ………………………….. fill completely with gas, water, coffee

find out ………………………… discover information

fool around (with) …………….. have fun while wasting time

G get along (with) ……………….. have a good relationship with

get back (from) ………………. return from a trip

get in (into) …………………… enter a car, a taxi

get off ………………………… leave a bus, an airplane, a train, a subway

get on …………………………. enter a bus, an airplane, a train, a subway

get out (of) ……………………. leave a car, a taxi

get over ……………………….. recover from an illness

get through (with) …………….. finish

give back ……………………… return something to someone

give up ………………………… quit doing something or quit trying

grow up (in) …………………… become an adult

H hand in ………………………… give homework, test papers to a teacher

hand out ………………………. give something to this person, to that

person, then to another person, etc.

hang up ………………………… 1. hang on a hanger or a hook. 2. end a

a phone call

K keep on ………………………… continue

L leave out ……………………….. omit

look out (for) ……………………be careful

look up …………………………. look for information in a reference

M make up ……………………….. invent

P pay back ………………………. return money to someone

pick up ………………………… lift

put away ………………………. put something in its usual or proper place

put back ………………………. return something to its original place

put down ……………………… stop holding or carrying

put off ………………………… postpone

put on …………………………. put clothes on one’s body

put out ………………………… extinguish (stop) a fire, a cigarette

R run into ………………………... meet by chance

run out (of) …………………… finish the supply of something

S shut off ………………………. stop a machine, a light, turn off

start over …………………….. start again

T take off ……………………… remove clothes from one’s body

tear down …………………….. destroy a building

tear out (of) …………………… detach, tear along a dotted line

tear up ………………………… tear into small pieces

throw away/out ……………….. put in the trash, discard

try on …………………………. put on clothing to see if it fits

turn down …………………….. decrease the volume

turn off ……………………….. stop a machine, a light, shut off

turn on ……………………….. begin a machine or a light

turn up ……………………….. increase the volume

W wake up ………………………. stop sleeping

watch out (for) ……………….. be careful

write down …………………… write a note on a piece of paper

Н.А. Клушин


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