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Англ.яз. Задание №131 Воеводская 12

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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет»

Факультет экономики и управления

Кафедра иностранных языков



для студентов всех специальностeй II курса факультета безотрывных форм обучения





Рецензент д-р филол. наук, доцент Е. И. Варгина (СПбГУ)

Английскийязык: 3адание № 131длястудентов всехспециальностeй II курса факультета безотрывных форм обучения / сост.: Т. Б. Воеводская, Л. Я. Лапшина; СПбГАСУ. – СПб., 2012. – 46 с.

Задание предназначено для аудиторного чтения для студентов II курса факультета безотрывных форм обучения всех специальностей для развития навыков технического перевода. В задании использованы тексты, взятые из оригинальной литературы.

Каждый урок включает тексты для устного и письменного перевода, лексические и грамматические упражнения, направленные на развитие навыков устного и письменного перевода со словарем. В конце задания имеется англорусский словарь, составленный на основе употребляющейся в задании лексики.

Санкт-Петербургскийгосударственный архитектурно-строительныйуниверситет,2012

Урок 1

Задание 1. Прочитайте и устно переведите текст А.

Текст A. Ground Stability

Ground is the term used for the earth’s surface, which varies in composition. There are five groups of ground: rocks; non-cohesive soils; cohesive soils; peat and organic soils; made-up ground and fill. Rocks include the hard, rigid, stronglycemented geological deposits such as granite, sandstone andlimestone. Soils includethe comparativelysoft, loose, geologicaldepositssuchas gravel,sandandclay. Unlike rocks,soils,made-upgroundand fill are compacted under the compression of the loads of buildings on foundations.Thefoundationofabuildingisdesignedtotransmitloadstotheground so thatanymovements of the foundation are limited. Movementof the foundations may be caused by the load of the building on the ground or by the movements of the ground that are independent of the load applied to the building.

The applied load of buildings on foundations may cause settlementeither through the compression of soil below foundations or because of shear failure due to overloading. Settlement movements on non-cohesive soils, such as graveland sand, take place as the buildingis erected andthis settlement is described as ‘immediate settlement’. On cohesive soils, such as clay, settlement is a gradual process as water, or water and air, are expelled from pores in the soil.This settlement, which is described as ‘consolidation settlement’, may continue for several years after completion of the building.

If the building loads are not properly distributed and foundations not designedandconstructedcorrectly,differentialsettlementmayoccur.Differentialsettlementoccurswhendifferentpartsofthebuildingsettleintotheground at different rates.

Correctly designed and constructed, the foundations will provide a firm anddurablebase,helpingtopreventdistortionofthestructureanddamageto underground services.


made-up ground – искусственный грунт fill – насыпной грунт

immediate settlement – начальная осадка фундамента



consolidation settlement – консолидационная осадка cohesive soils – связный грунт

non-cohesive soils – несвязный грунт

Задание 2. Переведите на русский язык и выучите следующие слова: surface, ground, soil, rock, granite, sandstone, limestone, gravel, clay, rigid, durable, soft, loose, transmit, prevent, apply, cause, occur, movement, settlement

Задание 3. Найдите втекстеAпричастия II иопределите их функции.

Задание 4. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний.

1. soil

a. встречаться, иметь место

2. granite

b. насыпной грунт

3. surface

c. мягкий

4. rock

d. глина

5. fill

e. почва

6. sandstone

f. жесткий

7. limestone

g. рыхлый

8. clay

h. применять, прикладывать

9. rigid

i. вызывать, быть причиной

10. durable

j. горная порода

11. soft

k. осаждение, осадка

12. loose

l. известняк

13. prevent

m. поверхность

14. cause

n. препятствовать

15. occur

o. передавать, переносить

16. settlement

p. песчаник

17. transmit

q. движение, перемещение

18. apply

r. долговечный

19. movement

s. гранит

Задание 5. Составьте предложения из двух, подходящих по смыслу частей и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.There are five groups of ground:

2.Soils include the comparatively soft, loose, geological deposits such as

3.On cohesive soils

4.Ground is the term

5.If the building loads are not

properly distributed

6.The foundation of a building is designed

7.Movement of the foundations may be caused by

8.Rocks include the hard, rigid, strongly cemented geological deposits such as

9.Correctly designed and constructed,

10.The applied load of buildings on foundations may cause

11.Differential settlement occurs

12.Consolidation settlement

a.to transmit loads to the ground.

b.granite, sandstone and limestone.

c.used for the earth’s surface.

d.gravel, sand and clay.

e.settlement is a gradual process.

f.rocks; non-cohesive soils; cohesive soils; peat and organic soils; made-up ground and fill.


h.the load of the building on the ground.

i.may continue for several years after completion of the building.

j.when different parts of the building settle into the ground at different rates.

k.differential settlement may occur.

l.the foundations will provide a firm and durable base.

Задание6.Заменитеданныевскобкахсловаисловосочетаниянарусском языке их английскими эквивалентами и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. (Грунт) is the term used for the earth’s surface. 2. (Горные породы включают) the hard, rigid, strongly cemented geological deposits. 3. Soils include the (сравнительно мягкие, рыхлые) geological deposits such as gravel, sand and clay. 4. The (приложенная нагрузка) of buildings on foundations maycause settlement. 5. Movementofthe foundations(может быть вызвано) by the load of the building on the ground. 6. Settlement movements (на несвязных грунтах, таких как гравий и песок) take placeas the



building is erected. 7. On cohesive soils, (таких как глина), settlement is a gradualprocess.8.Ifthebuildingloadsarenotproperlydistributedandfoundationsnotdesignedandconstructedcorrectly,differentialsettlement(может иметь место). 9. Correctly designed and constructed, the foundations will provide a (долговечное основание).


Текст B. Dimensional Stability

Stabilityofthe building as a whole willbedeterminedbythe independent movement of different materials and components within the structure over time.

Moisturemovement. Dimensionalvariationwilloccurinporousmaterials as they take up or lose moisture through evaporation. Seasonal variations in temperature will occur in temperate climatesand affect manybuildingmaterials.

Thermal movement. All building materials exhibit some amount of thermal movement because of seasonal changes in temperature and day fluctuations. Dimensional variation is usually linear. The extent of movement will be determined by the temperature range, the coefficient of expansion of the material, its size and its colour.

Loading. Dimensional variation will occur in materials that are subjected to load. Deformation under load may be permanent. However, some materials will return to their natural state when the load is removed. Thus live and wind loads should be considered too.

Урок 2

Задание 1. Прочитайте и устно переведите текст А.

Текст A. Foundations

The primary functional requirements of foundations are strength and stability.Thecombineddead, imposedandwindloadsof thebuildingshouldbe safely transmitted to the ground without causing movement of the ground. Thefoundationshouldbedesignedsothatthecombinedloadsfromthebuilding are spread over an area of the ground capable of sustaining the loads without undue movement. The pressure on the ground from the foundations of a new building increases the load on the ground under the foundations of an adjoining building and so increases the possibility of instability.

The building should also be constructed so that ground movement caused by swelling, shrinking or freezing of the subsoil will not impair the stability of any part of the building.

The natural foundation of rock or soil on which a building is constructed shouldbecapable of supportingtheloadsofthe buildingwithoutsuchsettlement due to compression of the ground that may fracture connected services orimpairthe stabilityof thestructure. Forthe majorityof smallbuildingsthe bearing capacities for rocks and soils will provide an acceptable guide in the designoffoundations.Forheavyloadsonfoundationssomedepthbelowthe surface, it may not be sufficient to accept the bearing capacities because of the uncertain nature of the subsoil. The descriptions of hard clays and soft clays may not in practice give a sufficiently clear indication of an allowable bearing pressure to design an economical, safe foundation. Clay soils, when overloaded, maybe subjected to shear failure due to the plastic nature of the soil. It is necessary to have some indication of the nature of subsoils under a foundation by soil exploration.

Задание 2. Переведите на русский язык и выучите следующие слова: foundation,requirement,strength,deadload,imposedload,windload,transmit, spread, pressure, increase, allowable, shear failure

Задание 3. Найдите в тексте Aмодальные глаголы.



Задание 4. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний.

1. foundation

a. постоянная нагрузка

2. requirement

b. допустимый

3. strength

c. ветровая нагрузка

4. dead load

d. передавать, переносить

5. imposed load

e. основание, фундамент

6. wind load

f. увеличиваться

7. transmit

g. прочность, сила

8. spread

h. приложенная нагрузка

9. pressure

i. требование

10. increase

j. давление


k. разрушение от сдвига

12. shear failure

l. распространять

Задание 5. Составьте предложения из двух, подходящих по смыслу частей и переведите предложения на русский язык.


The primary functional

a. may not give a clear indication of an

requirements of foundations are

allowable bearing pressure to design



an economical, safe foundation.


The natural foundation of

b. strength and stability.

rock or soil



Clay soils, when overloaded,

c. safely transmitted to the ground.


The pressure on the ground

d. should be capable of supporting the

from the foundations of a new

loads of the building.




It is necessary to have some

e. increases the load on the ground

indication of the nature of

under the foundations of an adjoining




The combined dead, imposed

f. the bearing capacities for rocks and

and wind loads of the building

soils will provide an acceptable guide

should be

in the design of foundations.


The descriptions of hard clays

g. may be subjected to shear failure.

and soft clays


8. For the majority of small

h. under a foundation by soil



Задание6.Заменитеданныевскобкахсловаисловосочетаниянарусском языке их английскими эквивалентами и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. (Давление) on the ground from the foundations of a new building increases the load on the ground under the foundations of an adjoining building. 2.The natural(фундамент) of rockor soilshould be capable of supportingtheloadsofthebuilding.3.Theprimaryfunctionalrequirementsoffoundationsare(прочностьиустойчивость).4.Forsmallbuildingsthe(несущие способности) for rocks and soils will provide an acceptable guide in the design of foundations. 5. The descriptions of hard clays and soft clays may not in practice give a clear indication of an (допустимого) bearingpressure. 6.Claysoils,whenoverloaded,maybesubjectedto(разрушениюотсдвига) due to the plastic nature of the soil. 7. For heavy loads on foundations some depthbelowthesurface,itmaynotbesufficienttoacceptthebearingcapacities because of the uncertain nature of the subsoil. 8. The combined (постоянные, приложенные и ветровые нагрузки) of the building should besafelytransmittedtothe groundwithoutcausingmovementof theground.


Текст B. Foundation types

Foundations may be classified as:

1)Strip foundations

2)Pad foundations

3)Raft foundations

4)Pile foundations.

Strip foundations consist of a continuous, longitudinal strip of concrete designedtospreadtheloadfromuniformlyloadedwallsofbrick,masonryor concrete to a sufficient area of subsoil. The spread of the strip depends on foundation loads and the bearing capacity and shearing strength of the subsoil. The thickness of the foundation depends on the strength of the foundation material.

The foundation to piers of brick, masonry and reinforced concrete and steel columns is often in the form of a square or rectangular isolated pad of concrete to spread a concentrated load. The area of this type of foundation



depends on the load on the foundation and the bearing and shear strength of the subsoil. The thickness of the foundation depends on the strength of the foundation material.

Araftfoundationisacontinuousslabofconcrete.Itusuallycoversanarea equal to or greater than the base of a building. This slab should provide supportforwallandserveasabaseforthegroundfloor.Raftfoundationsare used for lightly loaded structures on soil with poor bearing capacity.

The word “pile” is used to describe columns, usually of reinforced concrete,driven intoorcastinthe ground inordertocarryfoundationloads.The main function of a pile is to transmit loads to lower levels of ground.

Урок 3

Задание 1. Прочитайте и устно переведите текст А.

ТекстA. Structural Frame

The strength of a structural frame depends on the strength of the material used in the fabrication of the members of the frame. It also depends on the stability of the frame. Steel is the material most used in framed structures because of its good compressive and tensile strength, and good strength to weightratio.Concretehasgoodcompressivestrengthbutpoortensilestrength and so it is used as reinforced concrete in structural frames. Concrete also provides protection against corrosion and damage by fire to steel.

Timber is often used in the fabrication of roof frames because it has adequate tensile and compressive strength to support the comparatively light loads. Timber is often used instead of steel to form lightweight roof frames because of its ease of handling and fixing.


All load bearing structures should be designed so that they do not fail during a fire. Elements of the structure that give support or stability to another element of the building must have no less fire resistance than the other supporting elements. If a roof provides stability and supportto columns then the roof must have at least the same fire resistance as the columns.

Mediumand long-span flat roof structures are less efficient structurally and therefore less economic than truss, lattice or portal frames. The advantage of a flat roof is that there is little unused roof space to be heated, compared with pitched roofs. The main disadvantage is a deflection of the flat roof structure under load that leads to ponding of water on the surface of the roof. The most common form of framed flat roof construction is with lattice beam or with space frames.


space frame – пространственная стержневая конструкция load bearing structure – несущая конструкция



Задание 2. Переведите на русский язык и выучите следующие слова: fabrication, frame, connect, compressive strength, tensile strength, ratio, reinforced concrete, timber, lightweight, handling, maintenance, flat, pitched roof, lattice beam, due to, at least, same

Задание 3. Найдите в тексте А глаголы в форме пассивного залога.

Задание 4. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний.

1. fabrication

a. легковесный

2. frame

b. прочность на растяжение

3. compressive strength

c. древесина

4. tensile strength

d. скатная крыша

5. ratio

e. изготовление

6. reinforced concrete

f. подача, транспортирование

7. timber

g. техническое обслуживание

8. lightweight

h. прочность на сжатие

9. handling

i. тот же самый

10. maintenance

j. каркас, рама

11. flat

k. по крайней мере

12. connect

l. соотношение, коэффициент

13. pitched roof

m. вследствие

14. lattice beam

n. железобетон

15. due to

o. плоский

16. at least

p. соединять

17. same

q. решетчатая балка

Задание 5. Составьте предложения из двух, подходящих по смыслу частей и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.Concrete has good compressive strength but

2.If a roof provides stability and support to columns

3.Steel is the material

4.Timber is often used instead of steel

a.to form lightweight roof frames because of its ease of handling and fixing.

b.the strength of the material used in the fabrication of the members of the frame.

c.poor tensile strength

d. then the roof must have at least the same fire resistance as the columns.

5.The strength of a structural frame depends on

6.The surface will need

7.The most common form of framed flat roof construction is

8.Reinforced concrete is

9.The advantage of a flat roof is that

10.Mediumand long-span flat roof structures

11.All load bearing structures should be designed

e.most used in framed structures.

f.highly durable.

g.are less efficient structurally than truss, lattice or portal frames.

h.little maintenance.

i.so that they do not fail during a fire.

j.The most common form of framed flat roof construction is

k.there is little unused roof space to be heated, compared with pitched roofs.

Задание6.Заменитеданныевскобкахсловаисловосочетаниянарусском языке их английскими эквивалентами и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The strength of a structural frame depends on the strength of the material used in the (изготовление) of the members of the frame. 2. Steel is the material most used in (каркасных конструкциях) because of its good compressive andtensilestrength. 3. (Железобетон) ishighlydurable andthe surfacewillneedlittlemaintenance.4.Timberisoftenusedinthefabrication ofroofframesbecauseithasadequate(прочностьнарастяжениеисжатие) to support the comparatively light loads. 5. If a roof provides stability and supporttocolumnsthentheroof musthave(покрайнеймеретужесамую) fire resistance as the columns. 6. (Бетон) also provides protection against corrosionand damagebyfiretosteel. 7.All (несущиеконструкции)should be designed so that they do not fail during a fire. 9. The advantage of a flat roof is that there is little unused roof space to be heated, compared with. 10. Themostcommonformofframedflatroofconstructioniswith(решетчатая балка) or with space frames.




Текст B. Flat Roof Construction

The terms ‘beam’and ‘girder’are used in a general sense to describe latticeconstruction.Theterm‘beam’isusedtodescribesmalldepthsassociated with most roof construction and ‘girder’ for deeper depths associated with, forexample,bridge construction.Forflatandlow pitchroofs itisconvenient to fabricate the top boom to provide a fall for the roof decking. The majority of lattice beams used for flat and low pitch roofs are fabricated from hollow round and rectangular steel sections.

Where there is a requirement for a large unobstructed floor area, such as exhibition areas and sports halls, a space deck roof can be used.Atwo-layer space deck comprises a grid of standard prefabricatedunits, eachin the form of an inverted pyramid. The units are bolted together and connected with tie bars to form the roof structure.

Space deckroofs maybedesignedasa two-wayspanningstructurewitha square grid, or as a one-way spanning structure with a rectangular grid. Economic grid sizes are 12 × 12 m, 18 × 18 m and 12 × 18 m. The main advantages of the space deck roof are:1) the wide spacing of the supporting columns, 2) the economy of the structure in the use of standard units and 3) the speed of erection. One disadvantage is that the members tend to attract dust and will require regular cleaning. Regular maintenance is also required to prevent rust.

Урок 4

Задание 1. Прочитайте и устно переведите текст А.

ТекстA. Cement

The cement used today was first developed by Joseph Aspdin, a Leeds builder, who took out a patent in 1824 for the manufacture of Portland cement. He developed the material for the production of artificial stone and named it Portland cement because, in its hardened state, it resembled natural Portland limestone in texture and colour. The materials of Aspdin’s cement were limestone and clay.These materials were later burned at a high temperature by Isaac Johnson in 1845. A clinker was produced and ground to a fine powder.ThisiswhatwenowtermPortlandcement.AvarietyofPortlandcements are produced, each with characteristics suited to a particular use.

Ordinary Portland cement is the cheapest and most commonly used cement. It is made by heating limestone and clay to a temperature of about 1300єC toform a clinker, rich in calcium silicates.The clinkeris ground to a fine powder with a small proportion of gypsum, which regulates the rate of setting when the cement is mixed with water.

Rapid hardening Portland cement is similar to ordinary Portland except thatthecementpowderismorefinelyground.Theeffectofthefinergrinding is that the constituents of the cement powder react more quickly with water, and the cement develops strength more rapidly. Rapid hardening cement develops in three days a strength which is similar to that developed by ordinary Portland in seven days.Although rapid hardening is more expensive than ordinary Portland cement, it is often used because of its early strength advantage.

Задание 2. Переведите на русский язык и выучите следующие слова: artificial,develop,harden,clinker,fine,grind(ground,ground),suit(v),common, ordinary, constituent, rapid, expensive, cheap, although

Задание 3. Найдите в тексте А прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степени сравнения.

Задание 4. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний.



1. artificial

a. дорогой

2. harden

b. мелкий

3. grind

c. искусственный

4. suit

d. общий, общепринятый

5. clinker

e. составная часть

6. develop

f. твердеть, затвердевать

7. fine

g. быстрый

8. expensive

h. молоть, размалывать

9. common

i. обычный

10. constituent

j. дешевый

11. rapid

k. удовлетворять, соответствовать

12. ordinary

l. хотя

13. cheap

m. развивать, разрабатывать

14. although

n. клинкерный кирпич

Задание 5. Составьте предложения из двух, подходящих по смыслу частей и переведите предложения на русский язык.


The cement used today was

a. Portland cement.

first developed by



The materials of Aspdin’s

b. for the production of artificial




These materials were later

c. in texture and colour.

burned at a high temperature by



Joseph Aspdin developed the

d. Joseph Aspdin, a Leeds builder.




This is what we now term

e. Isaac Johnson in 1845.


The material resembled

f. it is often used because of its

natural Portland limestone

early strength advantage.

7. The clinker is ground to a

g. are limestone and clay.

fine powder



Ordinary Portland cement is

h. with a small proportion of





Rapid hardening cement

i. to ordinary Portland cement.

develops in three days


10. Although rapid hardening is

j. a strength which is similar to that

more expensive than ordinary

developed by ordinary Portland in

Portland cement,

seven days.

11. Rapid hardening Portland

k. the cheapest and most commonly

cement is similar

used cement.

Задание6.Заменитеданныевскобкахсловаисловосочетаниянарусском языке их английскими эквивалентами и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Joseph Aspdin developed the material for the production of (искусственного камня) and named it Portland cement. 2. This material in its (затвердевшем состоянии) resembled natural Portland limestone in textureandcolour. 3.Aclinkerwasproducedandgroundtoa(мелкий)powder. 4. Ordinary Portland cement (самый дешевый) and most commonly used cement. 5. The clinker(перемалывают) to a fine powder with a small proportion of gypsum. 6. (Быстро затвердевающий) Portland cement is similar to ordinaryPortlandcement.7.The(составляющие) of the cementpowderreact quicklywithwater.8.(Хотя)rapidhardeningis(болеедорогой)thanordinary Portland cement, it is often used because of its early strength advantage.


Текст B

Reinforced concrete is one of the primary materials used in engineering and building works. French engineer Josef Monier got a patent in 1867 for the process of strengthening concrete by embedding steel in it. Since the early days of reinforcing concrete with steel to enhance its strength, reinforced concrete has become a common material on construction sites. It is used extensively for civil engineering works and widely applied in the construction of buildings.

The three materials used in the production of concrete are cement, aggregate, sand and water.

The strength and durability of concrete are affected by the voids in concrete caused bypoor grading of aggregate, incomplete compaction or excessive water in the mix.

Note: voids – пустоты



Урок 5

Задание 1. Прочитайте и устно переведите текст А.


Concrete is a mix of particles of hard material, the aggregate, bound with a paste of cementandwater.Atleast three quarters of thevolume of concrete are occupied by aggregate. Cement is generally more costly than aggregate and it is advantageous, therefore, to use as little cement as necessary to produce a dense, durable concrete.

A wet concrete mix is spread in the form of slabs and compacted into a dense mass. There is a direct relation between the density and strength of finished concrete and the ease with which concrete can be compacted. The characteristicsoftheaggregateplayaconsiderablepartintheeasewithwhich concretecanbecompacted.Themeasureoftheeasewithwhichconcretecan be compacted is described as the workability of the mix. Workability is affectedby the characteristicsof the particles of the aggregate such as sizeand shape. So workability can be improved by careful selection of aggregate.

The grading of the size and the shape of the particles of aggregate affects the amount of cement and water required to produce a mix of concrete. The more cement and water are needed for workability, the greater the shrinkage will be as the concrete dries and hardens.

Aggregate for concrete should be hard, durable and contain no materials which can affect reinforcement. Clay, coal or pyrites in aggregate may soften, decompose and cause stains in concrete.Aggregate should be clean and freefromorganic impurities andcoatingof dustor clayastheycanlowerthe strength of the concrete.

Задание 2. Переведите на русский язык и выучите следующие слова: aggregate, concrete, paste, quarter, occupy, bind (bound, bound), volume, mix, measure, ease, workability, particle, shrinkage, loss, dry, dust

Задание 3. Найдите в тексте А модальные глаголы.

Задание 4. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний.

1. concrete

a. потеря

2. paste

b. пыль

3. dry

c. усадка

4. quarter

d. бетон

5. dust

e. удобоукладываемость

6. volume

f. пластичная смесь

7. mix

g. легкость, удобство

8. shrinkage

h. сухой

9. aggregate

i. частица

10. measure

j. четверть

11. ease

k. мера

12. occupy

l. смесь

13. particle

m. объем

14. loss

n. занимать

15. workability

o. заполнитель

Задание 5. Составьте предложения из двух, подходящих по смыслу частей и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.Aggregate should be clean

2.Aggregate for concrete should


3.The more cement and water are needed for workability,

4.Concrete is a mix of particles of hard material,

5.Workability can be improved

6.It is advantageous to use as little cement as necessary

7.Clay, coal or pyrites in aggregate may soften, decompose

8.At least three quarters of the volume of concrete

9.The grading of the size and the shape of the particles of aggregate affects the amount of cement and water

a.by careful selection of aggregate.

b.the aggregate.

c.to produce a dense, durable concrete.

d.decompose and cause stains in concrete.

e.are occupied by aggregate.

f.hard, durable and contain no materials which can affect reinforcement.

g.and free from organic impurities.

h.water required to produce a mix of concrete.

i.the greater the shrinkage will be as the concrete dries and hardens.