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Авиационный английский, тема 2 Flight f Safety and the English language (ч.3)

1. Why is the English language so important for flight safety?

2.What kind of events led to a review of ICAO language requirements? (-inadequate language profeciency of flight and ATC personnel, that had played a role in accidents and incidents).

3.What was the purpose of the ANC (Air Navigation Commission) directed by the ICAO Council? (-to consider the matter of the English language profeciency and complete the task of strengthening provisions related to the use of the English language for RT communications).

4. Is only ICAO phraseologies required for safe RT communications? (- No. Both ICAO phraseologies and

plain language are required for safe RT communications).

5. What has ICAO adopted? (- strengthened language profeciency requirements for RT communications).

6. What is the name and the number of the document adopted? (-Manual on the Implementation of ICAO Language Profeciency Requirements. Doc.9835).

7. Which states have to play a role in improving RT communications? (-All states and organizations do).

8. In what language areas/descriptors must the English language proficiency of the personnel be improved? (- pronunciation, structure, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, interactions).

9.In what way is the lexical material of the Aviation English organized in the Document? (-in priority lexical domains).

10.What should the plain English language used in RT communications be like? (- specific, direct and explicit).