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1. Найдите эквиваленты к русским словам и выражениям из Unit 1. 1) мировой судья – justice of peace 2) вооружение – firearms 3) звания – ranks 4) носить форму – wear uniforms 5) подчиняться правилам – to obey regulations 6) проводить закон в жизнь – to enforce the law 7) полномочия полиции – duties of the police 8) транспортное средство – transport vehicle 9) допрашивать – to interrogate, to examine 10) адвокат – lawyer 11) собирать информацию – to collect information 12) предотвращение – prevention 13) правоохранительные органы – law-enforcement authorities 14) сохранение – preservation 15) назначить – to appoint 2. Соотнесите определения и термины. 1) a person who is held in prison = b) a prisoner; 2) the money the criminal pays for the damage he/she has inflicted = d) compensation; 3) a person who saw a crime = a witness;  4) a person who passes a sentence in court = h) a judge; 5) not guilty = i) innocent;  6) correct somebody’s behavior = j) reform; 7) death penalty = g) capital punishment; 8) a person who was harmed as a result of a crime = f) a victim; 9) the place where policemen work = c) a police station; 10) committing crime again = a) recidivism. a) recidivism;  b) a prisoner; c) a police station;  d) compensation;  e) a witness;  f) a victim;  g) capital punishment; h) a judge; i) innocent;  j) reform. 3. Ответьте на вопросы о Британской полиции. 1. What are the duties of the police? The duties of the police are varied, ranging from assisting at accidents to safeguarding public order and dealing with lost property. One of their main functions is, of course, apprehending criminals and would be criminals 2. Do British policemen wear uniforms? British policemen usually wear uniforms except for members of CIDs and traffic wardens. 3. What ranks do they have in the British police? There are a number of ranks: after the Chief Constable comes the Assistant Chief Constable, Chief Superintendent, Chief Inspector, Inspector, Sergeant and Constable. 4. Who works in the Criminal Investigation Department? Detectives work in the Criminal Investigation Department 5. What are the powers of the police? The police officer have the power to question or interview persons suspected of crime, to stop and search a suspect, to arrest persons if they see a crime being committed. But all these powers are limited by the law. 6. In what situation do the British policemen carry guns? The British police generally do not carry firearms, except in Northern Ireland. Only a few police are regularly armed – for instance, those who guard politicians and diplomats or who patrol airports. In certain circumstances specially trained police officers can be armed, but only with the signed permission of a magistrate. 7. Do women work in the police? Yes, they do. Women make up about 10 per cent of the police force. 8. What is the structure of Scotland Yard? Scotland Yard is organized into the following directorates: Territorial Policing Directorate, Specialist Crime and Operations Directorate, Specialist Operations Directorate, Professionalism Directorate, Shared Support Services. Each division is overseen by an Assistant Commissioner, or in the case of administrative departments, a director of police staff, which is the equivalent civilian staff grade. The management board is made up of the Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, Assistant Commissioners and Directors. 9. Why did Scotland Yard get its name? The name derives from the location of the original Metropolitan Police headquarters at 4 Whitehall Place, which had a rear entrance on a street called Great Scotland Yard. The Scotland Yard entrance became the public entrance to the police station, and over time the street and the Metropolitan Police became synonymous. 10. How many people work in the CID today? Smaller CIDs usually have five Detective Constables (DC) with a Detective Sergeant (DS) in overall command. In larger departments many DCs, DSs and Detective Inspectors are


present under the overall responsibility of the Detective Chief Inspector. 4. Выберите нужный предлог: before, in, of, to with 1. He is kept in custody. 2. He was sentenced to five years. 3. She got a sentence of six months. 4. He was accused of murder. 5. She was charged with theft.  6. He appeared before court in handcuffs. 7. They were brought to the judge. 5. Переведите следующие предложения из активного залога в пассивный. 1. The policeman arrested the suspect in the street. 2. They founded Scotland Yard in 1842. 3. The police fulfils many functions. 4. He will interrogate the offender tomorrow.  5. They collect all the data. 6. Scotland Yard keeps files of all criminals. 7. They train police officers every year. 8. The police protects citizens.

10. How many people work in the CID today? Smaller CIDs usually have five Detective Constables (DC) with a Detective Sergeant (DS) in overall command. In larger departments many DCs, DSs and Detective Inspectors are present under the overall responsibility of the Detective Chief Inspector. 4. Выберите нужный предлог: before, in, of, to with 1. He is kept in custody. 2. He was sentenced to five years. 3. She got a sentence of six months. 4. He was accused of murder. 5. She was charged with theft.  6. He appeared before court in handcuffs. 7. They were brought to the judge. 5. Переведите следующие предложения из активного залога в пассивный. 1. The policeman arrested the suspect in the street. 2. They founded Scotland Yard in 1842. 3. The police fulfils many functions. 4. He will interrogate the offender tomorrow.  5. They collect all the data. 6. Scotland Yard keeps files of all criminals. 7. They train police officers every year. 8. The police protects citizens.