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Unit 1 1

Unit 2 3

Unit 3 4

Unit 4 6

Unit 5 10

Unit 6 12

Unit 7 16

Unit 8 21

Unit 9 24

Unit 10 26

Unit 11 27

Unit 12 29

Unit 13 31

Unit 14 33

Unit 15 36

Unit 16 39

Unit 17 41

Unit 18 45

Unit 19 47

Unit 20 51


Text 1 58

Text 2 58

Text 3 59

Text 4 59

Text 5 60

Text 6 60

Text 7 61

Text 8 61

Text 9 62

Text 10 63

Text 11 64

Text 12 64

Text 13 66

Text 14 69

Vocabulary 71

Bibliography 85

Part one

Unit 1

1. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

1. accident — несчастный случай

2. drive — вести машину

3. upside-down — перевернутый вверх ногами

4. unconscious — бессознательный

5. ambulance — скорая помощь

6. trap — заманить в ловушку; захватить; зажать

7. fire brigade (firefighters) — пожарная команда

8. emergency — чрезвычайная ситуация

9. emergency (service) — служба спасения

2. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What did Mr. Jones see at the side of the road?

2. What did the car behind do?

3. What did Mr. Jones and the other driver do after they got out of their cars?

4. In what condition was the driver of the crashed car?

5. What did Mr. Jones say?

6. What was the problem regarding the driver’s legs?

7. What suggestion did the driver of the second car make to Mr. Jones?

8. Why did Mr. Jones run back to his car?

9. Who answered the telephone?

10. What question did the operator ask Mr. Jones?

The Accident on the Motorway

It was winter and there was ice on the roads. Mr. Jones was driving down the motorway when he saw a car, upside-down, at the side of the road. Another car drove to the side of the road and stopped too.

Mr. Jones and the other driver hurried to the spot where the car lay.

"The driver is still inside. He is unconscious," said Mr. Jones. I’ll telephone for an ambulance."

"I’m afraid his legs are trapped. You’d better go and telephone for the police and fire brigade as well," suggested the other man.

"Right." Mr. Jones ran back to his car, jumped in, found his cel­lular phone and dialed 999.

"Emergency, which service do you require?” asked the operator.

"All three," replied Mr. Jones.

Обратите внимание на следующее предложение:

I’ll telephone for the ambulance.

Форма I'll (I will) + инфинитив употребляется, когда со­беседнику предлагают какую-л. услугу (offer).

3. Представьте, что мистер Джонс — это вы. Предложите по-английски помощь водителю машины, попавшей в аварию, напри­мер: Я принесу воды.

1. The driver says he is thirsty.

2. The driver would like you to send message to his wife.

3. The driver is worried about some important papers in his briefcase.

4. The driver would like you to come and visit him in the hos­pital.

5. The driver wonders if you could stay with his car till the breakdown truck comes.

6. The driver asks you to look after his case which is in the boot.

Услуги можно предложить с помощью другой формы Shall I + инфинитив,

например: Shall I get you some water? — Принести воды?