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  1. Stone age on the territory of Kazakhstan. Divisions into periods, archaeological monuments. Main characteristics.

The term "Stone Age" was used by archaeologists to designate this vast pre-metallurgic period. It is the first age in the three-age system. The subdivision into the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic periods that still is in use today, was made by John Lubbock in his now classic 1865 book Pre-historic Times.The Paleolithic (The term Paleolithic derives from Greek: palaios, "old"; and, lithos, "stone", literally meaning "old age of the stone" or "Old Stone Age.") Age, Era, or Period, or Old Stone Age, is a broad prehistoric time period during which humans widely used stone for toolmaking (and covers roughly 99% of human technological history).

Paleolithic: Early (lower) - 800-140 thousand years BC At that time people appeared on the territory of Kazakhstan. The earliest human remains found in Kenya (Africa), where the oldest person («skillful people») was found. Ancient people of Kazakhstan - a contemporary of pithecanthropus (found on the island of Java) and sinantropus (found in China). The oldest people are similar to monkeys - gatherers. Main information about the ancient culture of people give the stone tools (river gravel). Tools: chopper, choppling, rubilo, otschepy. In the early Paleolithic primitive stage appeared - the association for the joint defense, attack, hunting and gathering. The first stop (stand, стоянка) on the territory of Kazakhstan was found in the area of the spine Karatau (Southern Kazakhstan).

Middle Paleolithic (Must) - 140-40 thousand years BC People of this period - contemporary Neanderthals - which has been found in Germany. Tools - scraping knife (strickle). Origin religious beliefs.

Late (top) Paleolithic - 40-12 thousand years BC A modern type of man - «reasonable man». Fossil remains of «reasonable man» (kromanontsa) is found in France. Tools: - scrapers knife, cutters, harpoons, darts, prokolki. Animals: Mammoth. Tribal community appeared. There is an art.

Mesolithic (12-5 thousand years BC): The climate change of Mesolithic age led to the rise of the temperature on the earth surface. It caused some changes in flora and fauna. Mammoths completely diappeared. The characteristic features of Mesolithic age: a wide use of bows and arrows, application of auxiliary techniques to make tools for labour and increase of population density. The development of methods to satisfy domestic demands resulted in some regions in tilling and cattle-breeding, whereas in other regions fishing, raising crops and hunting. Technology of making labour tools underwent significant changes in the Mesolithic age. The characteristic features of that time are: a wide use of bows and arrows: application of the auxiliary techniques in making tools - which made “man’s hand lengthened” -and increase of people density.

  1. Bronze Age Stone age on the territory of Kazakhstan. Divisions into periods, archaeological monuments. Main characteristics.

The Bronze Age is the period between VII-V centuries B.C. and the end of the III millennium B.C., characterized by the formation of highly-developed metallurgy, cattle-breeding and agriculture, turning to the production process a house-keeping, collapsing of tribe communities.Nowadays there are more than 30 settlements and more than 150 burial mounds there. The archaeological culture of Central Kazakhstan in the Upper Bronze Age is called Begdhazy-Dandybay culture. As the basic material was an alloy of copper with tin, this period is called by archaeologists as Bronze Age. By bronze was made various tools - hoes, sickles, guns, jewelry. All of these local groups were largely similar, which will allow a new archaeological culture – andronovsk (named for the place where the first excavations of burial grounds near the village of Andronov under Achinsk town in Southern Siberia). Andonov people - is related by birth, anthropological, linguistic warehouse, on the economic and cultural life of the tribes. As evidenced by archaeological data andronovtsy overwhelmingly led sedentary lives. Sign of andronovsk culture is a hand-molding manufacturing kitchenware, which was flat with the complex geometric patterns, specific forms of metal jewelry (earrings made of gold leaf). In the Central Kazakhstan discovered more than 30 settlements and over 150 cemeteries. Examples of first towns of Bronze Age on the territory of Kazakhstan can be a settlement Arkaim (18-16), Kent and other. During the middle Bronze changed house building, the organization of settlements. Bronze Age tribes formed the original layer, through which the culture of early nomads was formed. There were felt nomad tent (kibitki) suited for nomadic. Centers of ancient metallurgy was in Eastern and Central Kazakhstan. «Kaylovanie», the method of flame penetration. There have been significant changes in the organization of public life. Matriarchy turned to patriarchy. The primeval attitude gradually decompose, increasing property differentiation. This is evidenced by the burial of his anthropological andronov warehouse. Andronovtsy worshiped the sky, the sun, the sacred flame, believed in the afterlife, there existed a cult of ancestors, a tradition funeral, a ritual sacrifice. There is a custom ban - taboo. Have been sufficiently developed religious representations. In andronov society to replace the generic collective ownership of property has a separate family. The tribes of the Bronze Age spoke on Indo-Iranian. On the territory of Kazakhstan, jewelry art emerged in the 2 thousand BC Complex system of representations of the afterlife andronovtsev reflect the cult of the dead. An important part of the celebration of spring equinox is the first slot, a right granted to the king. An example is the complex domestic settlement Tasty-Butakov in western Kazakhstan. In eastern Kazakhstan andronovsk’s monuments of culture are found in the valleys of the rivers Irtysh, Kurchum in the Altai and Tarbagatae. In southern Kazakhstan, found concentrations of rock paintings and Tamgaly in Karatau. The middle Bronze monuments were found in Semirechje -cemetery Karakuduk, in the region of Karatau - Tautary cemetery. In the lower reaches of the Syr-Darya in the Aral area attractions are open late Bronze - Tegiskana mausoleum.

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