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Приложение б. Подробный отчёт синтеза

Приложение в. Аппаратная имплементация инфраструктуры тестированиия

ЛистингB.1. Протокол синтеза модуля диагностирования


* Synthesis Options Summary *


Input File Name : "diagnosis.prj"

Input Format : mixed

Ignore Synthesis Constraint File : NO

---- Target Parameters

Output File Name : "diagnosis"

Output Format : NGC

Target Device : xc3s1200e-4-fg400


* Advanced HDL Synthesis *


Loading device for application Rf_Device from file '3s1200e.nph' in environment D:\Xilinx92i.


Advanced HDL Synthesis Report

# Counters : 1

4-bit up counter : 1

# Registers : 321

Flip-Flops : 321

# Multiplexers : 1

16-bit 16-to-1 multiplexer : 1


* Final Report *


RTL Top Level Output File Name : diagnosis.ngr

Top Level Output File Name : diagnosis

Output Format : NGC

Optimization Goal : Speed

Keep Hierarchy : NO

Design Statistics

# IOs : 292

Cell Usage :

# BELS : 277

# INV : 1

# LUT2 : 17

# LUT3 : 145

# LUT4 : 2

# MUXF5 : 64

# MUXF6 : 32

# MUXF7 : 16

# FlipFlops/Latches : 336

# FDC : 64

# FDCE : 272

# Clock Buffers : 1

# BUFGP : 1

# IO Buffers : 291

# IBUF : 274

# OBUF : 17


Command Line : D:\Xilinx92i\bin\nt\map.exe -ise

D:/My_Designs/Xilinx/Vova/Vova.ise -intstyle ise -p xc3s1200e-fg400-4 -cm

-pr b -k 4 -c 100 -o diagnosis_map.ncd diagnosis.ngd diagnosis.pcf

Target Device : xc3s1200e

Target Package : fg400

Target Speed : -4

Mapper Version : spartan3e -- $Revision: 1.36 $

Mapped Date : Sun May 29 19:00:07 2011

Design Summary


Number of errors: 0

Number of warnings: 2

Logic Utilization:

Number of Slice Flip Flops: 47 out of 17,344 1%

Number of 4 input LUTs: 164 out of 17,344 1%

Logic Distribution:

Number of occupied Slices: 110 out of 8,672 1%

Number of Slices containing only related logic: 110 out of 110 100%

Number of Slices containing unrelated logic: 0 out of 110 0%

*See NOTES below for an explanation of the effects of unrelated logic

Total Number of 4 input LUTs: 164 out of 17,344 1%

Number of bonded IOBs: 292 out of 304 96%

IOB Flip Flops: 289

Number of GCLKs: 1 out of 24 4%

Total equivalent gate count for design: 4,011

Additional JTAG gate count for IOBs: 14,016

Peak Memory Usage: 160 MB

Total REAL time to MAP completion: 5 secs

Total CPU time to MAP completion: 3 secs

Листинг B.2. Протокол синтеза модуля оптимизации



* Synthesis Options Summary *


Input File Name : "optimization.prj"

Input Format : mixed

Ignore Synthesis Constraint File : NO

Output File Name : "optimization"

Output Format : NGC

Target Device : xc3s1200e-4-fg400


* HDL Synthesis *


Performing bidirectional port resolution...

Synthesizing Unit <optimization>.

Related source file is "D:/My_Designs/Xilinx/optimization/optimization.vhd".

Found 1-bit register for signal <done>.

Found 256-bit register for signal <B>.

Found 16-bit 16-to-1 multiplexer for signal <B_i>.

Found 4-bit up counter for signal <cnt>.

Found 16-bit register for signal <ma>.

Found 16-bit register for signal <mb>.


inferred 1 Counter(s).

inferred 289 D-type flip-flop(s).

inferred 16 Multiplexer(s).

Unit <optimization> synthesized.


HDL Synthesis Report

# Counters : 1

4-bit up counter : 1

# Registers : 4

1-bit register : 1

16-bit register : 2

256-bit register : 1

# Multiplexers : 1

16-bit 16-to-1 multiplexer : 1


* Advanced HDL Synthesis *


Loading device for application Rf_Device from file '3s1200e.nph' in environment D:\Xilinx92i.


Advanced HDL Synthesis Report

# Counters : 1

4-bit up counter : 1

# Registers : 289

Flip-Flops : 289

# Multiplexers : 1

16-bit 16-to-1 multiplexer : 1


Command Line : D:\Xilinx92i\bin\nt\map.exe -ise

D:/My_Designs/Xilinx/optimization/optimization.ise -intstyle ise -p

xc3s1200e-fg400-4 -cm area -pr b -k 4 -c 100 -o optimization_map.ncd

optimization.ngd optimization.pcf

Target Device : xc3s1200e

Target Package : fg400

Target Speed : -4

Mapper Version : spartan3e -- $Revision: 1.36 $

Mapped Date : Sun May 29 19:39:50 2011

Design Summary


Number of errors: 0

Number of warnings: 2

Logic Utilization:

Number of Slice Flip Flops: 31 out of 17,344 1%

Number of 4 input LUTs: 164 out of 17,344 1%

Logic Distribution:

Number of occupied Slices: 94 out of 8,672 1%

Number of Slices containing only related logic: 94 out of 94 100%

Number of Slices containing unrelated logic: 0 out of 94 0%

*See NOTES below for an explanation of the effects of unrelated logic

Total Number of 4 input LUTs: 164 out of 17,344 1%

Number of bonded IOBs: 292 out of 304 96%

IOB Flip Flops: 273

Number of GCLKs: 1 out of 24 4%

Total equivalent gate count for design: 3,707

Additional JTAG gate count for IOBs: 14,016

Peak Memory Usage: 160 MB

Total REAL time to MAP completion: 4 secs

Total CPU time to MAP completion: 3 secs

Листинг B.3. HDL-код синтеза модуля выполнения операций

timescale 1 ns / 1 ps

`define n 4

`define m 4

module LU

( input direction,

input [`m*`n-1:0] R0_in, input [`m-1:0] R1_in,

input [`n-1:0] R2_in, input clk, rst,

input Load_R0, Load_R1, Load_R2, Load_R, Load_R3,

input rst_R, rst_R3, R2_sel,

output [`n-1:0] R2, output R3);

reg [`m*`n-1:0] R0_reg, R0_w; reg [`m-1:0] R1_reg;

reg [`n-1:0] R2_reg, R_reg; reg R3_reg, rstR_reg;

wire [`n-1:0] R_w, R2_w; wire R3_w;

integer temp1, temp2, ii, j;


genvar i;

for (i = 0; i <`n; i=i + 1) begin: xi

assign R_w[i]=|(R0_reg[(i+1)*`m-1:`m*i]& R1_reg);



assign R2_w = (~R2_sel)? R2_in: (R_reg&R2_reg);

assign R3_w = (R2_reg == R2_w)? 0: 1;

///////// OUTPUTS ///////////

assign R2 = R2_reg; assign R3 = R3_reg;

always @(*) begin


if (direction==0) R0_w = R0_in;

else //decoder

for(ii=`n; ii>0; ii=ii-1) for(j=`n; j>0; j=j-1) begin

temp1=temp1-1; temp2= (j-1)*`n+ii-1;

R0_w[temp1] = R0_in[temp2];

end end

// Registers

always @(posedge rst, posedge clk)

if (rst) R0_reg = 0;

else if (Load_R0) R0_reg = R0_w;

always @(posedge rst, posedge clk)

if (rst) R1_reg = 0;

else if (Load_R1) R1_reg = R1_in;

always @(posedge rst, posedge clk)

if (rst) R2_reg = 0;

else if (Load_R2) R2_reg = R2_w;

always @(posedge clk)

if (rst_R) rstR_reg = 1;

else rstR_reg = 0;

always @(posedge rst, posedge clk)

if (rst) R_reg = 0;

else if (Load_R && rst_R) R_reg = R_w;

else if (Load_R) R_reg = R_w | R_reg;

always @(posedge rst, posedge clk)

if (rst) R3_reg = 0;

else if (rst_R3) R3_reg = 0;

else if (Load_R3) R3_reg = R3_w | R3_reg;


Selected Device : 3s500ecp132-5

Number of Slices: 20 out of 4656 0%

Number of Slice Flip Flops: 29 out of 9312 0%

Number of 4 input LUTs: 35 out of 9312 0%

Number of IOs: 40

Number of bonded IOBs: 40 out of 92 43%

Number of GCLKs: 1 out of 24 4%

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