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Emblems and Heraldry

By Måns Björkman

Elves, Men, Dwarves, and even Maiar in Middle-earth are all known to have used emblems, arms and heraldic devices of various kinds. These were used to distinguish kingdoms, groups of people, or individuals, much in the same way as in medieval Europe. Below I discuss and give examples of known heraldry and emblems of Arda. The accompanying illustrations are either based on preserved and published material, or reconstructed from written descriptions.


  • The Eldar

    • The Rules of Heraldry and their Application

    • The Twelve Houses of Gondolin

  • The Hildor

    • The Edain of the First Age

    • The Third Age: Arnor and Gondor

  • Others

    • The Istari

    • The Khazâd

    • The Hobbits

    • Morgoth and His Legacy

The Eldar


The Elves had formulated rules or principles for the shaping of heraldic devices, which can be summarized in the following way:

  • Devices for males were placed within a lozenge.

  • Devices for females were placed within a circle.

  • Devices for families, houses or countries were placed within a square.

  • The rank of the owner was shown by the number of "points" reaching the outer rim of the device (see below). Four points signified a prince, six to eight signified a king. The oldest of the Elven kings, like Finwe, could sometimes have as many as 16 points. [1]

Origins and History

The rules of heraldry were usually followed by both the Noldor and the Sindar, which might indicate that they were already in existence (albeit in a crude form) at Cuiviénen; but it is tempting to argue that at that time the Elves were not yet culturally "sophisticated" enough for such ideas. The rules may also have evolved over time, and become known by oral tradition before recieving written form. If the rules were invented by the Noldor, which would otherwise seem likely, it seems strange that the Sindarin heraldry follows these rules, considering Thingol's anti-Noldorin politics. One thing that supports the Noldor as being the originators of the rules is that the Noldorin royals generally seem to have been given higher "status" in their devices, according to the rules above.

That the Sindar invented the rules must be considered a possibility; the Noldor adopted the language of the Sindar when they arrived in Beleriand, so why not the heraldry? Devices are known for Noldor who never had a chance to get aquainted with the Sindar, but that might be explained with that those devices were created at a later time; cf. Finwe's device.

What was the original purpose of the Elvish heraldry? In medieval Europe, heraldry was always connected with warfare: the knights needed a way to be easily recognizable on the battle-field, even in full armour. The heraldic devices thus had to be recognizable from a fair distance, invoking the necessity of stylized symbols and strict use of colours. These demands were clearly not met by the Elvish heraldry, which might either indicate that the devices weren't originally intended for warfare (which seems like a possibility; see below) or that the Elves had extremely good eyesight (which is known for a fact).

Further, in early medieval Europe the shape of the devices was usually restricted by the shield to which it was applied. Does this indicate that the Elves had lozengal and round shields? Round shields are very common in the early civilizations of the world, whereas lozengal shields are rare. The shape of a lozenge also seems a little unpractical for defence purposes.

The inevitable conclusion seems to be that the Elvish heraldry was not originally intended for identification in the battle plain (even though it may have gained such a rôle in the later ages). More likely, its primary function was to represent the kings and queens of Eldalie, and identify them in records and art. Thus it seems even more likely that some or many of the devices were constructed posthumously.

Samples of Eldarin Heraldry

A large number of Elvish heraldic devices has been preserved to this day. The samples below are all based on these preserved and published illustrations.

F inwe. Finwe's heraldic device shows a "winged sun", opposing Elwe's device of a winged moon. Though Finwe actually died before the first rising of the sun, he was the king of the Noldor that reached the light of Aman and saw the Two Trees. Sixteen "points" reach the edges of the sign, signifying Finwe's position as one of the oldest of the Quendi and the High King of the Noldor. His bright yellow and red colours seem to be echoed in the devices of his heirs Feanor, Fingolfin, and Finarfin [2].

T here was also a similar device for Finwe's house, identical except for being tipped forty-five degrees to form a square. This was the device of the High Kings of the Noldor and descended from Finwe to his son Fingolfin and then on to Fingon and Turgon [1].

E lwe. The device of Elwe Sindicollo, better known as Elu Thingol, shows a "winged moon" on black surrounded by stars. It is the antipole to Finwe's winged sun. The reason for this is probably that both started on the Great Journey, but Elwe was enchanted by Melian and never left Middle-earth, at that time lit only by the stars of Elbereth. Finwe, on the other hand, came to Aman and settled in the light of the Trees. Judging by the number of "points" in Elwe's device (eight), he only got half the "rank" of Finwe. [1]

M elian. The Maia of Doriath is given a complex device, very unlike any other male or female device. Within it both stars and flower-like shapes are found, reflecting both the devices of Elwe (her husband) and Lúthien (her daughter). It might also recall (or, indeed, be) her seal, which was "a single flower of Telperion". Within the circle that marks her as female is seen a lozenge, which is usually the escutcheon of male devices. This might symbolize her ability as a Maia, to determine her bodily "raiment" and sex herself. [1]

F eanor. Feanor's device shares the fiery colours of his father's device, and carries the connotation of fire further by having wavy flames that go from the centre outwards. These may be associated with Feanor's name, meaning "Spirit of Fire". (But these flames are also found in Fingolfin's device, where the same association can't be made.) In the centre is depicted a Silmaril, the greatest of Feanor's creations. It is surrounded by a number of coloured fields, possibly representing the art of creating crystals, which he invented. [2] T he Star of Feanor, seen on the west gate of Moria, was apparently an emblem for all the Noldor in Feanor's following. It was properly silver-coloured, and had eight rays and eight "spikes" which were arranged much in the same way as in Feanor's heraldic device. This indicates that the former was based on the latter, or vice versa. [4]

F ingolfin. Fingolfin's device shows a distinct relatedness with the device of Fingolfin's brother Feanor, with the natural exception of Feanor's Silmaril. The silver stars on blue background is probably the source of the blue and silver of Fingolfin's banners mentioned in The Silmarillion. Eight "points" reach the edges, as is the case with all the devices for the sons of Finwe. [1]

F inarfin. Though sharing the "fiery" appearance of the devices of his father and brothers, the fire-rays in Finarfin's device are calmer, giving the device a more balanced appearance. Being distinctly set apart from the devices of his brothers, an inclination is perhaps made to the fact that he, at the rebellion of the Noldor, stayed in Aman, while his brothers proceeded to Middle-earth. This device was also used by Finarfin's heirs, and apparently especially Finrod (though he was also given another device). [1]

F inrod. Finrod Felagund was given a device much different from any of the other Elvish devices: it is not symmetrical and the colours are distinctly earth-like. The image of a harp and a torch recalls the legend about Finrod walking in the woods of east Beleriand and his appearing among Men playing a harp. The Men that Finrod met belonged to the people of Beor, and it is possible that the device was made by one of that people. [2] Finrod also used a badge that depicted a crown of golden flowers. The motive of the badge was probably directly or indirectly related to the device of Finarfin.

L úthien. Lúthien Tinúviel is the only person known to have had two distinct heraldic devices; both are based on patterns with flowers. The first shows the white niphredil that grew at her birth (it has been described as similar to a delicate snowdrop). T he second probably holds an elanor in the centre. The stars in this device echo those found in her father Thingol's device. At a first glance it is hard to tell if there are any "points" that reach the rim, but it seems like they would be no more than four in both devices. In the first device they point in the compass directions northeast, northwest, southeast and southwest. In the second, the only thing similar to "points" are the white flowers that each symbolizes one point. This would give her the correct status as a princess of Doriath. [1]

I dril. The device of Idril Celebrindal reveals a cornflower-like pattern. Apparently Idril was especially associated with this flower, possibly through the golden corn that echoed her golden hair. An inscription found together with the device reads Menelluin Írildeo Ondolindello ("Cornflower of Idril from Gondolin"; Írilde is a Quenyaization of Idril's name). It is possible Menelluin (literally "Sky-blue") was the name, or designation, of the device. In it, twelve points reach the edge of the circle, suggesting the status fitting for the daughter of a High King. [1]

The device of Idril was preserved and brought from Gondolin to Númenor, where it became the inspiration of many similar Númenorean designs. It was then brought to Gondor by Elendil. Even though Gondolin is known to have had its very own heraldic customs, these do not apply to this device, which might indicate that the customs were reserved for the Twelve Houses of the city (q.v.).

G il-galad. His name means "Radiant star", and remembering also the words from The Fall of Gil-galad: "The countless stars of heaven's field / were mirrored in his silver shield" [5], it is only natural that Gil-galad's device shows a star-covered sky. It is hard to tell how many "points" meet the edge, but his status should allow at least four. [1]

T he Silmarils. There is only one known device that is designated for objects instead of a person. Why the Silmarilli should have their own heraldic device is unclear. Perhaps the device was used as a banner by the Noldor in the wars with Morgoth, to mark their intentions. The tree in the background is probably Laurelin, the Golden Tree, from which the Silmarils got part of their light. [2] The Silmarils are also used as emblems in the devices of Feanor, Earendil, and Beren.

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