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  1. A child triple their birth weight by age of:

    1. One year.

    2. Two year.

    3. Sex months.

    4. Three months.

    5. Nine months.


  1. Craniotabes could be seen in all of the following condition Except:

    1. Rickets.

    2. Vitamin E deficiency.

    3. Hydrocephalus.

    4. Syphilis.

    5. Premature baby.

  1. Physical features of vitamin D-deficient rickets included all of the following Except:

    1. Bitot Spots.

    2. Craniotabes.

    3. Enlagement of the costochondral junction.

    4. Thickening of the ankles and wrists.

    5. Large anterin fontranell.

    6. Bowed legs.

  1. All of the following are true about the clinical manifestations of kwashiorkor Except:

    1. the presence of edema.

    2. Rash in sun exposed area.

    3. Hair changes.

    4. Weak muscles.

    5. An increased susceptibility to infection.

  1. The recommended daily dietary allowance of vitamin D per young infant is:

    1. 100 I.U

    2. 400 I.U

    3. 800 I.U

    4. 1600 I.U.

    5. 4000 I.U.

  1. Which of the following Vitamin are Fat soluble:

    1. A, D and C.

    2. D, K and B1

    3. A, D, K and E.

    4. C, D, K and E

    5. B1, K and E.

  1. Supplementation with which of the following Vitamins is most important for an exclusively breast feed infant:

    1. Vitamin A

    2. Vitamin E

    3. Vitamin C

    4. Vitamin B1

    5. Vitamin D

  1. All of the following are clinical signs of rickets Except:

    1. Craniotabes.

    2. Enlargement of the costochordral junction.

    3. Thickening of wrists and ankles.

    4. Poor growth.

    5. Conjunctivitis.

  1. Which of the following statement concerning Vitamin D metabolism is false:

    1. it is Activated to cholecalciferol in the skin.

    2. It requires bile for absorption.

    3. The kidney is active in its metabolism.

    4. It circulates in plasma as 25OH cholecalciferol.

    5. It is stored in the liver but not metabolized there.

  1. In the absence of Vitamin D, Serum calcium may be maintained by:

    1. Parathyroid hormone secretion.

    2. Decreased renal excretion of phosphate.

    3. Small dietary increases.

    4. Decreased renal excretion of alkali.

    5. Increased amounts of Vitamin A in diet.

  1. Clinical disorders associated with increased incidence of Vitamin D deficiency include all of the following Except:

    1. cystic fibrosis.

    2. Hepatic disease.

    3. Celiac disease.

    4. Chronic anticonvulsant therapy.

    5. Obesity.

  1. Rickets may be treated by all of the following Except:

    1. 1500 to 5000 I.U of Vitamin D daily for 2 to 4 weeks.

    2. Sun light plus 1500-5000 I.U of Vitamin D daily until heading demonstrated on x-ray.

    3. Sun lights.

    4. 6000 I.U of Vitamin D as single dose.

    5. ↑Ca+2 in diet and ↓phosphate.

  1. In infant rickets all of the following is correct Except:

    1. craniotabes is an early finding.

    2. Serum calcium is usually normal.

    3. Muscle are a atrophied.

    4. Low serum phosphoric.

    5. Rosary.

  1. All of the following are regarding Vitamin D Except:

    1. the required prophylactic dose is 400I.U one day.

    2. Vitamin D is metabolized in liver and kidney.

    3. Causes muscle weakness when deficient.

    4. Causes limb pain when deficient.

    5. Excessive dose is safe.