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Змістовий модуль №5. „Подорожі. Митниця”

Практичне заняття №1-2

Тема: Мовний етикет. Особливості ведення бізнесу в різних країнах

I. Робота над текстом за темою заняття.

1. Прочитайте текст про особливості ведення бізнесу у різних країнах.

General DOs AND DON'Ts when doing business in other cultures.

Learn as much of the local language as possible. The absolute minimum should be a greeting or exchange, goodbye and an inquiry as to someone’s health (or as in China, “have you eaten?”). However, the most important word you can learn is “THANK YOU”.

  • Be open minded. Don’t close your mind to something new.

  • They are all pretty smart; the sooner you figure this out, the better.

  • Feelings more often get the job done. In other words, the best price may not win you the contract.

  • Figure out who is advising the decision-maker.

  • Determine when negotiations actually open and when they close.

  • Be sensitive to gender issues.

Some peculiarities of doing business in different countries:


  • BE PATIENT – do not talk about your deadlines.

  • Highest ranking person in business meeting should lead the group.

  • Subordinates should never interrupt.

  • Learn their history.

  • Leave before the Chinese at end of meeting.

  • Never empty your rice bowl. It can be an insult to your host.

  • Use chopsticks. Do not place parallel on the top of the bowl. (Bad luck) Do not stand chopsticks upright in a bowl of rice since it will resemble joss sticks used in religious ceremonies.

  • Do not drop chopsticks. (Bad luck)

  • Formal titles should be used.

  • Avoid exaggerated gestures or dramatic facial expressions.

  • Do not touch the Chinese; this is especially true for children. Under no circumstances should you ever touch anyone on the head.

  • It is okay for people of the same sex to hold hands, but people of the opposite sex should never do so in public.

  • When giving a gift, it is customary for the recipient to refuse the gift three times. This is to not appear to be greedy and expectant. Also know that rarely will your gift be opened in your presence; once again, the receiver does not want to appear greedy.


  • PUNCTUALITY IS ESSENTIAL. Even keeping an executive waiting one or two minutes may totally ruin your prospects of a successful deal.

  • All of your promotional materials, manuals and supporting information should be translated into German.

  • Germans do not appreciate humor in the business context.

  • Do not give or expect compliments. This is clearly embarrassing to the Germans.

  • Remember, the Germans are very formal; therefore, all your correspondence and actions should reflect this.

  • Respect Germans privacy. Doors are closed and you should always knock before you enter.

  • Never discuss business during the meal.

  • As in many parts of the world, the eldest or highest ranking person should enter the room first.

2. Дайте відповіді на наступні запитання:

1) Is doing business all over the world the same in all countries?

2) What are key factors doing successful business internationally?

3) What are peculiarities of doing business in China?

4) What are peculiarities of doing business in Germany?

3. Скажіть, чи є твердження вірним або ні?

1) In China you should be patient and you should not talk about your deadlines.

2)Highest ranking person in business meeting should not lead the group in China.

3)Subordinates should never interrupt in Germany.

4) You should respect Germans privacy. Doors are closed and you should always knock before you enter.

5)Always discuss business during the meal in Germany.

6)As in many parts of the world, the eldest or highest ranking person should enter the room first in Germany.

  1. Do not touch the Chinese; but this is not true for children.

  2. It is okay for people of the same sex to hold hands, but people of the opposite sex should never do so in public.

  3. All of your promotional materials, manuals and supporting information should not be translated into German.

  4. Germans do not appreciate humor in the business context.

4. Підготуйте доповідь про особливості ведення бізнесу у будь-якій країні.

ІІ. Граматичний матеріал (повторення: частини мови, множина іменників, ступені порівняння прикметників, числівники).

Answer the questions:

  1. How many parts of speech in English do you know? Name them.

  2. What are the main grammar categories of the noun? How is the plural of the noun formed? (do exercise 1)

  3. What is the Possessive Case of the noun? When is it used?

  4. Which parts of speech have degrees of comparison? How are they formed? (do exercise 2)

  5. What is the difference between cardinal and ordinal numerals? (do exercises 3-5).

1) Write the plural form of the following nouns:

college, writer, family, wife, child, mouse, parrot, house, bird, man, goose, woman, leaf, roof, day, son-in-law, turkey, swine, box, dish, sheep.

2) Give the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives:

short, tall, large, nice, long, big, high, dirty, fast, easy, good, bad, few, busy, near, far, old, late, thin, thick, comfortable, interesting, difficult, narrow.

3) Write in words the following ordinal numerals:

1st, 3rd, 5th, 9th, 19th, 2nd, 4th, 8th, 12th, 20th.

4) Write in words.

Model: 13+45=58 (thirteen plus forty-five is fifty-eight).

50–31=19 (fifty minus thirty-one is nineteen).

15 * 2=30 (fifteen multiplied by two is thirty).

30 : 2=15 (thirty divided by two is fifteen).

46+18=64 4+40=44 30:5=6 10:5=2

15-8=7 10+8=18 5*5=25 6*8=48

80-30=50 79-50=29 9*9=81 6*6=36

9+11=20 99+1=100 10:2=5 27:3=9

5) Write down the following numerals in words:

134, 298, 355, 948, 3526, 9011, 193, 561, 7 506 017, 35 616 234.

ІІІ. Робота над текстом за професійним спрямуванням.

  1. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст. Випишіть підкреслені слова та перекладіть їх.


Law is a system of rules established by the state. The main aim of law is to consolidate and safeguard the social and state system and its economic foundation. The system of law in our country consists of different categories of law. Constitutional law is a leading category of the whole system of law. Its principal source is the country’s Constitution. It deals with social structure, the state system, organization of state power and the legal status of citizens. Administrative law is closely connected with constitutional law but it deals with the legal forms of concrete executive and administrative activity of a government and ministries. Criminal law defines the general principles of criminal responsibility, individual types of crimes and punishments applied to criminals. Criminal law takes the form of a criminal code. International law regulates relations between governments and also between private citizens of one country and those of another. Financial law regulates the budget, taxation, state credits and other spheres of financial activity. Civil law is connected with relations in the economic sphere of life, with relations involving property, its distribution and exchange. The right in property is the central institution of civil law. The rules of employment law include the legislation on the employment of industrial and office workers and regulate matters arising from employment relations.

2. Дайте відповіді на наступні запитання:

1) What is law?

2) What is the main aim of law?

3) What categories of law does the system of law in Ukraine consist of?

4) What is the principal source of constitutional law?

5) What category of law is closely connected with constitutional law?

6) What is the central institution of civil law?

7) What does criminal law define?

8) What forms does criminal law take?

9) What is civil law connected with?

10) What rules does employment law include?

3. Скажіть, який вид права має справу з наступними питаннями:

a) is connected with relations involving property;

b) is a leading category of the whole system of law;

c) defines the general principles of criminal responsibility;

d) includes the legislation on the labour of industrial and office workers;

e) deals with administrative activity of government and ministries;

f) regulates the budget, taxation, state credit

4. Знайдіть англійські еквіваленти до на ступних словосполучень та підготуйте їх на словниковий диктант:

1) основне джерело права

2) застосовувати покарання

3) галузь права

4) норма права

5) мати справу з фінансовими питаннями

6) адміністративна діяльність уряду

7) право на майно

8) загальні принципи кримінальної відповідальності

9) регулювати питаннязайнятості

Практичне заняття №3

Тема: Реєстрація в аеропорту (на вокзалі, в порту). Митний контроль

І. Робота над текстом за темою заняття.

1. Прочитайте діалоги, випишіть за словником незнайомі слова та перекладіть їх. Вивчіть діалог “At the Custom House” напам’ять.

In the Port

N. (to a passer-by). How do we get to Pier 2, please?

P. You are on your right way. Straight ahead and then to the right.

(They see the ship at the pier.)

M. My, what a beauty she is!

N. Yes. How many passengers can she accommodate, I wonder?

M. Some 500-600 at least. She is on her maiden voyage, don't you know?

N. Really? They have lowered the gangway. Let's hurry on board.

M. (on board the ship). Which is the way to Cabin 24, 3rd class, please.

SAILOR. Straight ahead, then right and down. You'll be attended to there.

N. It's rather difficult to find one's way here with all these narrow corridors, isn't it?

2ND SAILOR. You'll get accustomed to things here in no time, gentlemen. Well, here we are, Cabin 24, 3rd class. These are your berths.

M. But how small the cabin is! There is hardly any room to turn in here.

SAILOR. You may put your things here in this locker.

N. Who are we sharing the cabin with, I wonder?

SAILOR. You'll find out in due time, I hope. The restaurant is on the main deck. A pleasant voyage, gentlemen.

N. We hope so. Thank you very much.

M. What shall we do now? Go up on deck?

N. Of course. Let's go up now.


Passenger Will you examine my things?

Officer. Presently, sir, I will ask you to look through these lists in the meantime, please.

P. What lists?

O. The Prohibited Articles List and the Duty-free Quota List. Here they are, please.

P. Thank you.

O. What have you to declare, sir?

P. I have nothing that's listed in this first list.

O. What have you above the fixed quote?

P. Well, I didn't get through the second list, you know. They are both rather long.

O. Will you, please, open your trunks, sir?

P. Yes, of course. Here you are.

O. What are these things?

P. They are for my personal use.

O. You have suits above the fixed quote, sir.

P. But they are not new.

O. All the same. You will have to pay duty on this extra one.

P. Well, all right.

O. Now, I see you have books.

P. Yes. Are they prohibited?

O. They'll have to be looked through, sir. I'd ask you to put them aside, please.

P. What! Are you going to read them all?

O. No, our interpreter will just skip through them, that's all. Now, what are these things?

P. Oh, only a few trifles for my family. Are they liable to duty too?

O. No, these are not. Well. The examination is over, sir. You may pay the duty for the suit over there, please.

P. Yes. Thank you.

O. When you bring the receipt, I'll stamp your luggage, sir.

2. Як ви розумієте назви “the Prohibited Articles List” та “the Duty-free Quota List”?

3. Дайте відповіді на запитання:

a) Have you ever travelled by ship/by train/by plane/by car?

b) How long was your trip?

c) Woud you like to have a round-the-world cruise? Which countries would you like to visit?

d) What do you know about the duty paid at the customs? What things are usually subject to the duty payment?

ІІ. Граматичний матеріал (повторення: Simple and Continuous Tenses)