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Verb + Preposition 4

Adjective/ Adverb + Preposition 9

Noun + Preposition 12

Compounds 15

Prepositional Phrases 27

Situational Practice 35

Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions 43

Literature 49


Fill the gaps with the appropriate prepositions.

  1. How will you account ..... your absence at the last lesson, Nick?

  2. It seems Diana's depression stems ….. her inability to get over the broken relationship with her former boyfriend.

  3. It's essential that the workers should comply ….. the safety regulations.

  4. Could you please refrain ….. smoking while the plane is taking off?

  5. Did you find it hard to adjust ….. the new conditions?

  6. That rude boy seems to derive enjoyment ….. bullying the younger pupils.

  7. When all conventional methods of persuasion failed, the protesting group resorted ….. violence.

  8. I don't quite get your point. What are you driving …..?

  9. Maria is a little vain. She likes to be complimented ….. her achievements.

  10. Why do you persist ….. criticizing everyone? Do you think you're perfect?

  11. ‘What is it that you wish …..?’, asked the wizard. ‘I can make all your dreams come true.’ he added.

  12. Whenever my parents found out about my poor marks at school, I was banned ….. playing with my friends for a week or two.

  13. Using a blackmail, the criminals forced the terrified couple ….. paying them a huge sum of money.

  14. Since Michael left, Catherine has been despairing ….. ever seeing him again.

  15. In fact we didn't take part in the negotiations. The conditions of the agreement were imposed ….. us.

  16. It makes no sense to entrust such an inexperienced employee ….. so responsible an assignment.

  17. My mother is constantly fretting ….. even the smallest worries and I keep telling her to take things easy.

  18. I'm rather worried that none of you seems to adhere ….. to the principles that we have set before.

  19. Whenever a war strikes, it's the innocent people that get subjected ….. the most horrible pain and suffering.

  20. Should anyone of you refuse to abide ….. the rules, you will be dismissed instantaneously.

  21. Although his wife left him several years ago, Mr Robson still yearns ….. her desperately.

  22. I can't stand to see Paula ingratiating herself ….. the boss. She's only after her personal gain.

  23. We never talk to our neighbours in case they should pry ….. our privacy.

  24. I'd rather you didn't concern yourself so much ….. your professional matters. It influences our family life in a bad way.

  25. We shouldn't give up fighting for the contract easily. There's much to gain ….. it.

  26. The National Geographic film crew were equipped ….. night vision cameras as they were hoping to do some shooting at night.

  27. There don't seem to be any effective means of deterring young people ….. learning bad language.

  28. Judith says she's thinking of committing herself ….. working for charity.

  29. We still need some time to shape this project ….. an effective tool.

  30. The head of the police is promising to do his best to rid the city ….. crime and drug abuse.

  31. For years, I confided ….. my best friend Alan, not knowing that it was him who spread nasty gossips about me.

  32. When it turned out that the baby was out of danger, his parents sighed ….. relief.

  33. The speaker expounded ….. his theories for hours, but hardly any of the listeners understood what he was really talking about.

  34. I'd rather you disposed ….. these obscene materials.

  35. The tyrant said no to the UN resolution, which amounted ….. rejecting the proposal to limit his country's military resources.

  36. You're adult now, John. I'm not going to wait ….. you any longer. You should learn to take care of yourself.

  37. The famous actress has been credited ….. having contributed greatly to the preservation of this marvellous sanctuary of nature.

  38. The coastal waters abound ….. various forms of sea life, most of which makes the basis of the local people's daily diet.

  39. For many years, the man concealed the truth about his past ….. his wife and friends. Only after he died did they find out who he really had been.

  40. The other day, I mistook some man ….. you. Imagine my embarrassment when it turned out he was someone else.

  41. Are you obliged to report ….. your boss about your every strategic decision?

  42. Every morning, I have to coax my baby ….. drinking the medicine by promising to take him to the fairground.

  43. An assignment as hard as this demands a great deal … those who undertake it.

  44. We all sympathized ….. Jason when his father died.

  45. The hostages pleaded ….. the kidnappers to let the women and the children free.

  46. When the news of the earthquake was broken, I feared ….. my brother and his family who were travelling somewhere in the region.

  47. Greg's told me he's thinking of enlisting ….. a political party, but he hasn't decided which one to choose yet.

  48. Nobody had warned the tourists ….. the risk of an avalanche and they got into serious trouble up in the mountains.

  49. Working as a TV reporter at the front line, Steven was exposed ….. violence and brutality of the war.

  50. The legal problems that arise ….. tax evasion may have many unpleasant consequences.

  51. Installing the computer logging system will dispense ….. the need of signing the list upon entering and leaving the company.

  52. It's interesting whether the story behind the film originated ….. real events or whether it's a fiction.

  53. When he was laid off, Mark consoled himself ….. the thought that he would not have to work under his hard-to-please superiors any longer.

  54. Upon being admitted in the organization I was pledged ….. secrecy.

  55. The police investigators found it extremely hard to elicit any information ….. the captured member of the gang.

  56. The losses that the company made last year are estimated ….. over one million.

  57. 'Have you heard Mr Davidson is staying in hospital?' 'No, I haven't. What's he being treated …..?'

  58. Over the time I had to spend waiting for my turn to be interviewed, I occupied myself ….. doing crossword puzzles.

  59. The minister of education has announced that she's going to appropriate a certain sum of money ….. extra bonuses for the best teachers.

  60. It's never too late to embark ….. a sports activity.

  61. Let us consider some of the factors which discourage these people ….. getting married.

  62. Businessmen invest vast amounts ….. profitable industries.

  63. This small booklet is a useful handbook for anyone who aspires ….. make a career in salesmanship.

  64. We insured ….. disappointment by making an early reservation.

  65. Oscillating universe theory is the theory that the universe is oscillating ….. periods of expansion and collapse.

  66. The lady has ticker. She didn’t opt ….. the soft life.

  67. I think your hotel business is booming. For most of the year the area is teeming ….. tourists.

  68. As it is well known, many prisoners, on being freed, revert ….. a life of crime.

  69. The judge based his decision ….. constitutional rights.

  70. In spite of the period of losses and the replacement of the coach, the team qualified for the finals.

  71. A good teacher is one who can relate ….. the students, not one who has a lot of information.

  72. Many children are deprived ….. a good education, simply because they live in the wrong place.

  73. The crowd pelted the speaker ….. questions until the chairman had to stop them.

  74. Pirates boarded the vessels and robbed the crew ….. money and valuables.

  75. Once, in order to put food on the table, he swapped his watch ….. a pig!

  76. He is an ideal accountant for your company. He may be trusted ….. large sums of money.

  77. The chairman's opinion collided ….. that of the rest of the committee.

  78. The moment I was going to leave I felt someone tugging ….. my arm.

  79. After aiming carefully ….. the bird, he missed it completely.

  80. What I’m convinced ….. is that the world’s population will grow to an unforeseen extent.

  81. The story, expressly or by implication, alluded ….. a mystery in his past.

  82. Jim had to contend ….. the world's best runners, and did well to come third.

  83. Dependence on alcohol often emanates ….. unhappiness in the home.

  84. However strong your rival might be, you must always strive ….. victory.

  85. You know, I’m not envious at all, but after her marriage she is just wallowing ….. money.

  86. The next morning all the newspapers commented on his being imprisoned for plotting ….. the government.

  87. Mrs Page is still mourning ….. her dead son, a year after he was killed in the accident.

  88. She brushed ….. him as she left the room, but he hardly noticed that.

  89. I wish he would stop chasing about the town ….. young women, and spend his time more sensibly.

  90. The singer's performance was so terrible that the crowd hissed ….. her.

  91. The Government fought ….. suggestions that it should take full blame for the affair.

  92. After he had died, all his paintings were consigned ….. the local museum.

  93. Stylography is the art or method of writing, drawing, or engraving ….. a stylus or style.

  94. Mr Claude Cheysoon regards the third world ….. his top priority.

  95. What I will never believe in is that the government can be prevailed ….. to lower taxes?

  96. A well-known local lawyer has been appointed to liaise ….. the employers and the union leaders.

  97. Shakespeare was grappled ….. before our time, and has been predigested for us.

  98. A lot of companies will profit ….. the fall in interest rates.

  99. Poor mother clung ….. the hope that her son was not dead.

  100. The Child-minders’ Action Movement has successfully campaigned ….. many improvements.


Fill the gaps with the appropriate prepositions.

  1. Irrespective ….. the stormy weather, the divers went on looking for the missing crew members.

  2. Ross is known to have spent a few years in prison for a number of offences he committed. He's capable ….. any mischief.

  3. Though she's over thirty, Fiona still lives with her parents. She's very attached ….. them.

  4. There's no need to be so hard ….. the children. They haven't done anything wrong.

  5. This particular part of the nature reserve is notable ….. an immense variety of wildlife.

  6. I guess Leo is rather unconscious ….. the changes that have come about in Poland since he last visited our country in the eighties.

  7. The Lovells don't care about what's going on in the neighbourhood. They're always so indifferent ….. the problems.

  8. Who's accountable ….. the damage to the equipment? Who's done it?

  9. You talk as though you aren't familiar ….. the latest goings-on in the politics. Don't you read any newspapers?

  10. This kind of behaviour is quite typical ….. children of Mark's age. There's nothing to be worried about.

  11. If you're not married to the man, you're not liable ….. his debts.

  12. Mr Russel was rather indignant ….. his secretary when he found out she had forgotten to collect his mail.

  13. I'm sorry I can't talk to you now. I'm pressed ….. time.

  14. It annoys me to think how reckless ….. the consequences of his foolish acting Vincent is.

  15. I'm afraid the figures and the statistical data you have just presented are not fully relative ….. the topic of our discussion.

  16. Can you remember the events subsequent ….. the explosion? What happened afterwards?

  17. This old church is reminiscent ….. the one I and Ann got married in.

  18. I've been engaged ….. a number of research projects led by professor Nichols.

  19. According to the police, the escaping criminals are travelling on a train bound ….. Toronto.

  20. Deprivation of sleep is known to be detrimental ….. one's physical and psychical health.

  21. My grandfather will tell us whether this kind of mushroom is edible or poisonous. He's knowledgeable ….. mushrooms.

  22. Don't touch the parts adjacent ….. the lamp. They may be very hot.

  23. I'm awfully sorry to say that, but your style of working is not correspondent ….. the company rules. So, change your style or change the job, Tom.

  24. Little babies may be prone ….. this kind of infection, so immunization is advisable.

  25. I won't sleep in the attic. It's infested ….. mice.

  26. Our investment plans are not definite. They are subject ….. change.

  27. Visitors to the city are advised to keep out of this district. It's notorious ….. widespread crime and violence.

  28. In the beginning, I found it hard to be observant ….. the sophisticated Japanese customs because I knew too little about them.

  29. Emily seems to be obsessed ….. the idea of getting a role in the new film. It worries me to think how distraught she may be if she doesn't get the part.

  30. Wendy's a very kind and gentle person. Violence is foreign ….. her nature.

  31. Tapirs are hoofed mammals indigenous ….. the dense forests and grassy areas of Central and South America and Asia.

  32. The supporters of the team are hopeful ….. another victory in the tournament.

  33. Our daughter is rather apt ….. foreign languages, but she has some problems with maths and physics.

  34. Whether the prices of petroleum will increase or decrease is largely reliant ….. the current situation at the New York Stock Exchange.

  35. Our boss is always too ready ….. his critical remarks and he's never willing to compliment his staff on their achievements.

  36. The impoverished society is desirous ….. an immediate betterment in the country's economy.

  37. Thorough knowledge of law is indispensable ….. the job of a tax advisor.

  38. Terry claims to be descended ….. the royal family. He says that his great-grandmother was king George's cousin.

  39. The elderly lady says she doesn't understand much of the modern technologies and that's why she's rather wary ….. them.

  40. The atmosphere of mutual accusations and nasty rumours is hardly conducive ….. achieving an agreement.

  41. He seemed to be becoming accustomed ….. my presence.

  42. You’ll never bring him round to go with us to such a hot country. He is allergic ….. the heat.

  43. It’s quite clear that the risks are inherent ….. investing in the stock market.

  44. We couldn’t but admire that beautiful old song tinged ….. certain grief.

  45. She was totally impervious ….. reasoning, relentlessly determined to get her own way.

  46. Icarus was the son of Daedalus, with whom he escaped from Crete, flying with wings made of wax and feathers. Heedless ….. his father's warning he flew too near the sun, causing the wax to melt, and fell into the Aegean and drowned.

  47. His mind seemed to have become incapable ….. any thought.

  48. Her surprise became tinged ….. just the smallest suspicion of disbelief.

  49. The plastic has to be compatible ….. the body tissues that make contact with it.

  50. Didn’t you say the raid was contingent ….. the weather.

  51. This way of life is fraught ….. danger.

  52. Such names were arbitrarily given and were not connected ….. any particular event.

  53. ‘Tea bread’ is a loaf-shaped cake that contains dried fruit which has been steeped ….. cold tea before baking: served sliced and buttered.

  54. I’ve no idea why these people are so antagonistically inclined ….. me.

  55. When I saw him the other day he looked very depressed. I’d say he was stricken ….. his grief.

  56. The success of their labours was answerable ….. the purity of their motives.

  57. He had always been mindful ….. his health even in his pleasures.

  58. If the baby is swathed ….. too many wool covers, he will get overheated.

  59. A car appeared from nowhere and the man was riddled ….. machine gun bullets.

  60. Smoking, drinking, drugs taking are habits injurious ….. one's health.

  61. Don’t keep him from taking that risk. It is consonant ….. our aim.

  62. They found him still sleeping like one o'clock, quite insensible ….. any external sounds.

  63. He will never achieve anything in his life. He is lacking ….. character.

  64. A good leader's policies must be subservient ….. the needs of the people.

  65. A book on Natural History should have a bird, insect, shell or other tool indicative ….. the contents.

  66. If you want to be a prosperous businessman you should always proportionate your expenditures ….. your income.

  67. She is a talented girl and, to my mind, she is bent ….. becoming an actress.

  68. To my surprise, the University took me, already a middle aged man devoid ….. any academic credentials.

  69. Fires are usually attributable ….. carelessness.

  70. He turned all colours of rainbow and was temporally bereft ….. speech.


Fill the gaps with the appropriate prepositions.

  1. That painting bears no resemblance ….. the one that has been stolen from the gallery.

  2. The promise of a higher salary always acts as an incentive ….. a harder work.

  3. Don't swear in my presence. I have a profound distaste ….. dirty language.

  4. This stone wall is the only remnant ….. the Medieval church that once stood in this place.

  5. I appreciate your expertise ….. advertising, but we need an experienced accountant to do the job.

  6. Mark's attitude ….. our proposals never changes. He's always critical of them.

  7. Is there a McDonald's restaurant nearby? I have a craving ….. a hamburger with fries.

  8. We're so proud to have Professor Burke, the outstanding anthropologist, within the ranks of our staff. She's a credit ….. our university.

  9. Jack's propensity ….. criticizing everybody earns him more enemies than friends.

  10. It's estimated that the government's expenditure ….. the privatization of the state-owned companies has been much higher than it was expected.

  11. 'The instability of the infant's heart rate is the real cause ….. distress', said the doctor.

  12. The TV reporters were denied access ….. the bank files, which aroused great suspicion among the clients and the press.

  13. Amanda doesn't have a good taste ….. clothes. She's never dressed well.

  14. I don't want to watch the thriller. I have a preference ….. the comedy.

  15. Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce Doctor Whittaker, the respectable surgeon and an authority ….. plastic surgery.

  16. Everyone knows Frank's got a crush ….. Irene but he's too shy to come up and talk to her.

  17. Is there any profound basis ….. your statement or is it just a sheer speculation?

  18. My brother has a unique aptitude ….. imitating animals' voices. He's really good at it.

  19. You don't seem to put much emphasis ….. learning the rules of grammar. You can't learn to speak a foreign language just by learning the words.

  20. We were astonished to learn about our partner's sudden withdrawal ….. the negotiations. He'd seemed to be keen on the co-operation.

  21. When I read the book, I gained a thorough insight ….. the intricate methods of work of secret agents.

  22. This case is not an exception ….. the rule. We've already had to deal with similar cases in our hospital.

  23. Josh has already had six goes ….. the driving test, all of which he has failed.

  24. Because he's so handsome and gentlemanly, all the girls in our school have a soft spot ….. Nicholas.

  25. The recent revelations of numerous bribery affairs and abuses of authority have undermined many people's confidence ….. the present government.

  26. The recommended diets for removing cellulite are similar to those advocated for general good health: reduced intake ….. fat, sugar, salt, meat, and dairy products.

  27. The inhabitants of Sherwood take great pride ….. Robin Hood who, according to a legend, once lived in the place.

  28. Lorna's incapacity ….. greater effort stems from her depression caused by her private problems.

  29. The private investigator has been praised for his remarkable contribution ….. solving the mystery of the murder and catching the culprit.

  30. Lack of money wasn't the only hindrance ….. our holiday plans, but it was certainly the hardest one to overcome.

  31. He made no allusion ….. where he had been, although he was usually the frankest of men.

  32. Truck drivers are notorious for their loudly expressed admiration ….. women. They are true knights of the road.

  33. Another United Nations conference was held in Geneva to negotiate a global ban ….. chemical weapons.

  34. Children who read widely build familiarity ….. the printed forms of many words.

  35. It is found a great safeguard ….. debt not to run long accounts.

  36. He still has a grudge ….. his father for not having been allowed to take up tennis in his early years.

  37. The availability of labour is a constraint ….. the Australian economy.

  38. I have the greatest disdain ….. those who always talk but do nothing to realize their dreams or plans.

  39. Little did I think that this would be the prelude ….. the most crushing misfortune of my life.

  40. He has never done anything to cast a reflection ….. his character.

  41. Mankind has an aversion ….. the study of the science of government. Is it because the subject is dry?

  42. He could have told the whole story. But his love ….. the girl put a seal on his lips.

  43. Many a bent copper was out on his ear following a major crackdown ….. corruption.

  44. The coming of the Renaissance was a head-on collision ….. the medieval system.

  45. The whole forest was chopped down to make room ….. the new airport.

  46. His testimony is of no relevance ….. the case.

  47. During the summit he called for much stricter curbs ….. immigration.

  48. He has no doubts that his firm's foray ….. Linux will pay off.

  49. People with a high need ….. achievement seek to excel and thus tend to avoid both low-risk and high-risk situations.

  50. They published an excerpt ….. "Road", melling it with parts of "Visions of Neal".

  51. In the last five or six years Russia has achieved nuclear-missile parity ….. the United States.

  52. If I were you, I would take a tougher stance ….. his deeds and behaviour.

  53. There is no substitute ….. wearing out a bit of shoe leather, if you are seriously in the market for a new home.

  54. The quest ….. excitement, work, appreciation, and pleasure in distant places seemed to be as a tale which was told.

  55. Legal documents give the present owner a legitimate hold ….. the property.

  56. Members of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood fought against the shallow conventionalism of academic painting and revived the fidelity ….. nature and the vivid realistic colour.

  57. After many disappointing failures, they made a new attack ….. the problem.

  58. The headmaster delivered his usual speech − honour of the school, devotion ….. hard work, a healthy mind in a healthy body.

  59. I don’t know if she is a witch, but everyone swears by her remedy ….. a cold.

  60. We did it not because you deserved that, we did it out of sympathy ….. your family.