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1.3 The role of Warming up as a stimulating part in fl teaching.

To improve the effectiveness of teaching a foreign language, it is necessary to widely use the emotions of students in this process.

A comprehensive solution to the practical, educational, upbringing and developing tasks of learning is possible only if it affects not only the consciousness of students, but also penetration into their emotional sphere.

One of the most effective means of influencing the emotions and feelings of schoolchildren is exercise, which is "the strongest psychic stimulator penetrating into the depths of consciousness."

Exercise can be invaluable in learning a foreign language at school. The advantage is that it helps, without much work, to assimilate and expand the vocabulary, as well as grammar skills and other types of speech activity more firmly [27,28].

In foreign language lessons, you can use exercise whenever possible at all stages of the educational process:

- at the initial stage of the lesson;

- in the formation of grammar skills;

- in the formation of lexical skills

In order to maintain motivation for learning a foreign language, the child needs to bring the prospect of “speaking” closer and support his initial desire to immediately enter the communication process. It is phonetic charging that facilitates the process of memorizing phrases necessary for communication and vocabulary difficult to remember.

Charging corresponds to the age and psychological characteristics of children. Charging plays an important role in the formation of diction, a clear and clear pronunciation of not only sound, words, but also phrases in general [30].

Charging helps to improve speech breathing, as it creates conditions for the clarity of compliance with pauses, due to this, expressiveness of speech appears.

Thus, we came to the conclusion that phonetic charging plays a huge role as a means of developing children's speech and its components, strengthens not only the arbitrary expressiveness of speech, but also contributes to the development of the correct pronunciation of individual sounds, words, as well as the phrase as a whole, which contributes to improve pronunciation quality. [29]

Recently, more and more growing interest in learning English, which is recognized as the language of professional communication in various fields of activity. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of a teacher is to increase motivation to learn English. Each teacher tries to find the best way to solve the problem. The use of traditional ways and means of influencing students in order to familiarize them with the culture of the country of the language being studied is being reviewed, new technologies are being introduced, one of which is gaming technology [36].

Outstanding scientists (I.L. Bim, S.S. Polat, E.I. Passov and many others) dealt with the problems of stimulating students' motivation to learn a foreign language using game teaching methods. In the methodology of teaching a foreign language, the game is considered as a situational exercise, with the possibility of repeating a speech sample in conditions close to real situations [31,32,33,34,35].

E.I. Passov, in his book “A lesson in a foreign language at school”, believes that: “a game is 1) an activity; 2) motivation, lack of coercion; 3) individualized activity, deeply personal; 4) training and education in the team and through the team; 5) the development of mental functions and abilities; 6) "learning with enthusiasm."[37] The game is a powerful incentive to master a foreign language and an effective reception in the arsenal of a teacher of a foreign language, "a universal tool that helps a teacher of a foreign language to turn a fairly complex learning process into a fun and favorite lesson for students." [38].

The game is a powerful incentive to master the language. The educational game fosters a culture of communication and forms the ability to work in and with the team, and its skillful use in the lessons makes students ready and willing to play and communicate. The game, as a form of organization of the lesson, performs the following tasks:

1. Coaches students in choosing the right speech cliche;

2. Promotes repeated repetition of linguistic units;

3. Creates a psychological readiness for real speech communication.

The game is feasible for almost every student. It so happens that a weak student in language training may be the first in the game: quick wit and resourcefulness here are more important than knowledge in the subject. A sense of equality, an atmosphere of enthusiasm and joy, a sense of feasibility of tasks - all this allows the student to overcome the shyness that prevents them from freely using the words of a foreign language, reduces the fear of mistakes, and has a beneficial effect on learning outcomes.

Game activity in the learning process performs the following functions:

1. Educational function - the development of memory, attention, perception of information.

2. Educational function - education of such quality as an attentive, humane attitude to a partner in the game.

3. Entertaining function - creating a favorable atmosphere in the lesson, turning the lesson into an exciting adventure.

4. Communicative function - creating an atmosphere of foreign language communication, the establishment of new emotional and communicative relationships based on interaction in a foreign language.

5. Relaxation function - relieving emotional stress caused by stress on the nervous system during intensive learning of a foreign language.

6. The developing function is aimed at the harmonious development of personal qualities to activate the reserve capabilities of the individual.

The implementation of gaming techniques and situations in the lesson form of classes takes place in the main areas:

1) The didactic goal is set before the student in the form of a game task;

2) Learning activities are subject to the rules of the game;

3) The educational material is used as its means, an element of competition is introduced into the educational activity, which translates the didactic task into a game one;

4) The successful completion of the didactic task is associated with the game result [41].

Learning games are a strong motivating factor in the process of learning a foreign language. The game contributes to the consolidation of linguistic phenomena in memory, maintaining the interest and activity of students, the emergence of students' desire to communicate in a foreign language. Games help the teacher revitalize the lesson, introduce naturalness into educational communication in the studied foreign language, facilitate the process of mastering the language material, and make the educational work interesting[42].

A game in a foreign language lesson must meet the following requirements:

1. Well prepared in terms of both content and form, well organized;

2. Relieve lesson tension and stimulate student activity;

3. Be accepted by the whole group;

4. Relieve lesson tension and stimulate student activity;

5. It is carried out in a friendly, creative atmosphere;

6. Leave the educational effect in the second, often unconscious plan, and always realize the playing moment in the first, visible place;

7. Do not leave a single student passive or indifferent.

The game requires each student to be active, to be included in joint activities. Participants must receive satisfaction from the knowledge that they are able to communicate in a foreign language. At the same time, the game will be desirable and productive if it is expected as relaxation and entertainment amid difficult and sometimes hard work.

There are several classifications of games, but it must be emphasized that they are all conditional. So, some subdivide games into linguistic and communicative, others into interaction games and games for competition, others distinguish lexical, grammatical, phonetic and spelling. We are closer to the third classification, which we dwell on in more detail. In English lessons, to achieve my goals, I use the following games:


1. Associations

The captain of one of the teams addresses one of the members of the other team, names a word, for example, Water.

That student must quickly name the appropriate words.

Ex. Water: a fish, a boat, a wav, a swimmer, a ship, etc.

If the player could not quickly find the words, he is eliminated.

2. Finish the word

Teams sit against each other and throw the ball. The student throwing the ball says half the word, for example: class ... ... A student from another team catches the ball and pronounces the whole word in full - classroom.

3. The magic bag

Toys are placed in the bag, the names of which the children know in English. The child puts his hand into the bag without looking, palpates one toy and says that it is “It is a cat”. Then he takes it out of the bag and looks to see if he said correctly.

4. Brook

Children stand in pairs one after another, forming from the raised hands a long gate (brook). Each child has a well-known toy in his other lowered hand. The driver comes to the beginning of the "brook". His children ask, “A fox or a pig?” (in the hands of the first pair of fox and pig). Presenter: for example, “A pig.” He takes the child’s hand with this toy and passes through the collars, gets up at the end.

Ps, left without a couple - leading.

5. Yes - no - Black - and Blue Taboo

Ex: Are you eight years old?

What color are your eyes?

Can you run well?

6) Numerals.

Two teams are formed. The teacher calls an ordinal or quantitative numeral. The first command should name the previous number, the second - the next (respectively, ordinal or quantitative numerals). For each mistake the team receives a penalty point. The team with the least penalties wins.

7) Colors

The task is to name objects of the same color. The team that manages to name more objects, animals, etc. wins. one color.

8) Pantomime

A group of children goes to the blackboard and each of them imitates an action with gestures and facial expressions.

Teacher: Guess what each pupil is doing.

Pupil 1: This boy is doing his morning exercises.

Pupil 2: That girl is washing her face.

Pupil 3: This boy is putting on his red scarf.


9) My aunt went to town and ...

The teacher explains that students should add the phrase “My aunt went to town and bought ...” with a word that denotes school items or clothing.

Pupil 1: My aunt went to town and bought a book.

Pupil 2: My aunt went to town and bought a book and a bag.

Pupil 3: My aunt went to town and bought a book, a bag and a ruler.

If the student cannot name his word, he is eliminated from the game.

10) The last letter

Two teams are formed. The representative of the first team calls the word, students from another team must come up with a letter that ends the word called the first team, etc. The team that last names the word wins.

Grammar Games

1) Guess it

To consolidate general issues. The facilitator makes up an object in the classroom. Trying to guess the subject, the students ask only general questions to which the facilitator answers “yes” or “no” (the number of questions is limited). The team that guesses the item by asking fewer questions wins.

E x. Is it a thing? Is it on the wall? Can i see it? Can i eat it? Is it white?

2) Travel around the world

The construction There is / are fixed and the skill of using articles is perfected. A "journey" can take place in a class or in a thematic picture. The teacher starts the game: "There is a blackboard on the wall in front of the pupils." The description is continued by the students: "Near the blackboard there is a door ...". The one who made a mistake leaves the ship.

3) What do you draw?

Present Continuous Workout. Each student has a sheet of paper and a pencil. He guesses what the neighbor at the desk draws, asking questions:

- Are you drawing a horse? - No, I'm not drawing a horse. - Are you drawing a pig? ...

4) Make an offer

Training subordinate clauses of time and conditions. The class is divided into two teams. Each team is given a variant of the main sentence, for example:

G. And read you a book if ...

Participants write their variants of subordinate clauses: you drink milk. you give me sweets. A correctly written proposal brings the team a point.

5) Beauty contest

In the study of the possessive case of nouns. For this, the guys bring dolls to the classroom. Each doll has a name, it is written on the card and attached to the clothes. Then each student evaluates a haircut (outfit) and writes his opinion on a piece of paper. I like Ann's hair-cut. I like Kate's dress. The doll that received the most cards is awarded.

Thus, it should be noted that the game is an effective way to improve the quality and productivity of teaching a foreign language. Using various games in the lesson gives good results, increases the interest of the children in the lesson, and allows them to focus on the main thing - mastering speech skills in the process of a natural situation, communicating during the game [43].

Games help children become creative personalities, learn to be creative in any business. Joint creative games bring together both adults and children. The game, introduced into the educational process in the foreign language classes, as one of the teaching methods, should be interesting, uncomplicated and lively, contribute to the accumulation of new language material and the consolidation of previously acquired knowledge. Depending on the conditions, goals and objectives set by the teacher of a foreign language, the game should alternate with other types of work. In this case, it is important to teach children to distinguish between the game and the lesson.