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The modern primary school poses great challenges for foreign language teachers, one of which is the development of phonetic skills in English classes. So, having given the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of high school students from the point of view of teaching a foreign language, describing the methodology for improving phonetic skills in high school in a foreign language class, revealing the theory of the development of the audio complex of phonetic exercises, describing the audio complex of phonetic exercises and presenting an analysis of the results of testing in a secondary school No. 33 ", we can draw the following conclusions.

The development of phonetic skills is built in four stages: primary, secondary, senior and advanced. To develop phonetic skills, the following exercises are recommended:

  • exercises for the perception of sound by ear;

  • exercises to reproduce the phonetic phenomenon;

  • exercises for the automation of pronunciation of speech skills in conditionally phonetically directed exercises;

  • phonetic charging.

The use of the audio complex in the lessons of a foreign language provides a cognitive interest in learning a foreign language, the development of a clear and correct pronunciation, the motivation for learning.

In the structure of the audio lesson for the development of phonetic skills, four stages can be distinguished:

  • preparatory

  • the stage of preliminary removal of linguistic and linguistic and regional difficulties;

  • perception of audio recording

  • development of information perception skills;

  • control the understanding of the main content;

  • the development of language and spoken language skills.

Pilot work was carried out sequentially and included three stages: ascertaining, forming, control. At each stage, certain goals were solved in accordance with the hypothesis of the study. At a ascertaining stage, primary diagnostics was carried out in order to identify the initial level of development of auditory and pronunciation skills of students in grade 9 in foreign language lessons. After analyzing the results obtained at the beginning and end of the experimental work, we can conclude that after the implementation of the audio complex of phonetic exercises that contribute to the development of the phonetic skills of high school students, significant changes occurred in the first group, and the level of development of phonetic skills increased compared to the level development of phonetic skills of students of the second group.

It follows that the development of the phonetic skills of students in grades 9 will be ensured if the teacher systematically works on the development of phonetic skills in English lessons. Thus, based on the results of experimental work, we can judge the effectiveness of the audio complex of phonetic exercises in the English language during the formative experiment, which gave positive results in the development of phonetic skills of secondary school students.


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