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  1. Здорове харчування Healthy eating

Healthy eating helps people maintain and improve their physical and mental health. It is important to consume nutrients daily to obtain a balanced diet.

There are several vital merits of healthy eating. To begin with, a balanced diet is composed of adequate amount of nutrients such as proteins, fats, minerals, carbohydrates and vitamins which are necessary to fully satisfy the body’s needs and remain healthy. Furthermore, a balanced diet boosts our immune system to stave off widespread types of diseases, for instance, contagious and respiratory diseases, influenza and even cancer, a common disease among people. The vitamin deficiency also weakens our immune system.

Here are some eating habits to become healthier:

  • eat fresh vegetables and fruits to prevent a vitamin deficiency;

  • try to cut down on the consumption of tea, coffee and alcohol because they contain addictive substances;

  • drink water instead of high-sugar drinks;

  • consume enough amount of nutrients daily;

  • try to eliminate eating junk food such as fry-ups and overcooked food as it does not have nutrients and one may get digestive upsets, obesity and high blood pressure ;

  • eat wholegrain foods, for example cereals, pasta and bread.

To conclude, there is a strong connection between a healthy life style and a balanced diet. Healthy eating improves our life and keeps all the illnesses away.

33. Екологічна небезпека в глобальному та місцевому масштабах.

People often say that the Earth is our home or our mother. However, nowadays our green planet is in danger because human-made activities are constantly deteriorating the quality of the environment that eventually leads to the loss of survival condition on the Earth.

To begin with, the oceans turned into giant plastic waste dumps. Plastic pollution is a burning issue because plastics are non-biodegradable. Plastic has a dangerous influence on marine life, wildlife and human`s health. Approximately seven million tons of plastic is dumped into the world’s oceans each year. It is found even in the bodies of marine species. In addition, there are other environmental issues related to the oceans, for example dumping of hazardous waste and oil spillage. The second extremely dangerous issue is global warming due to carbon dioxide emissions and greenhouse gases causing the increase in the Earth`s surface temperature. Deforestation is the third common ecological issue that results in desertification, soil corrosion and erosion, flooding and biodiversity loss. Forest species are in danger; some of them are on the brink of extinction due to deforestation.

To sum up, people must live in balance with environment and reconsider their consuming attitude to nature in order to preserve ‘home’ for feature generations. It is not too late to save the mother Earth from being deteriorated.

34. 15. Організації які займаються проблемами екології в Україні та анг країнах Environmental organizations

People often say that the Earth is our home or our mother. Nowadays our planet, however, is in danger because human-made activities are constantly deteriorating the quality of the environment that eventually leads to the loss of survival condition on the Earth. To begin with, there are a large number of environmental issues such as resource and ozone layer depletion, urban smog, deforestation, acid rains, pollution and global warming. Here are some environmental organizations dedicated to protecting our environment.

  1. Greenpeace is an organization fights against nuclear testing of weapons, ocean, air and land pollution and transportation of toxic waste. In addition, it promotes and develops concrete solutions towards a green future, not only points the finger.

  2. National Geographic Society is a non-governmental environmental organization that preserves the ocean`s last untouched places, species that are on the brink of extinction. Moreover, National Geographic Society films about our mother Earth in order to educate people about the natural world.

  3. Ukraine Nature Conservation society (Ukrpryroda) is an organization that promotes public awareness of recycling, environmental education and the love for nature at schools and universities, in local communities and among local authorities. Ukraine Nature Conservation society safes environment, preserves and restores minerals, atmosphere and water resources, flora and fauna that is on the brink of extinction performing such solutions as reforestation, waste management and cleaning river banks and lakes.

To sum up, environmental organizations protect endangered species and their habitats and raise awareness of environmental issues. Furthermore, they promote responsible use of the Earth’s resources and solutions that are essentials to save the planet for future generations.