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People and nature

The rapid rise in the human population and the corresponding demand for resources have had a dramatic impact on the natural world. While global warming, acid rains, and holes in the ozone layer affect the whole planet, other changes, such as habitat destruction and hunting, threaten individual species. Over millions of years, many species have adapted to natural changes, such as long-term variation in climate. However, it is more difficult for living things to adapt to the harmful materials released into the environment as a result of human activities.

Global warming

World temperatures are currently rising every year. This so called global warming is caused by the build-up of gases and water vapour in the atmosphere. These gases come from a layer that reflects the heat back to the Earth, rather than allowing it to escape into the outer atmosphere. As the planet warms up, the water in the oceans will take up more space and water locked up in glaciers and the polar ice caps will start to melt. This could cause sea levels to rise and many habitats will disappear under water.

Acid rains

Acid rains fall when poisonous gases from power stations and vehicle exhausts mix with oxygen and moisture in the air. These gases become part of the water cycle and may be carried a long way by the wind before they fall as acid rain, or snow. Acid rain poisons or kills wildlife in lakes, rivers, and forests, and damages the surrounding plant life. The problem could be controlled by reducing vehicle emissions and limiting the gases released from power stations.

Ozone holes

A natural layer of ozone gas high in the atmosphere provides protection against the Sun’s harmful rays. However, certain pollutant gases, including CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) are now destroying the ozone layer. Since 1979, “holes” have appeared in the ozone layer – first over the Antarctic, then over the Arctic. Damaging ultraviolet rays from the sun penetrate these “ holes’, slowing the growth of plants.

Answer the following questions to the text:

  1. What are the consequences of human activity?

  2. What is global warming? What is it caused by?

  3. What causes sea levels to rise? What are the consequences of this phenomenon?

  4. What damage do acid rains bring? How could the problem be controlled?

  5. What does a natural layer of ozone gas provide for living beings?

  6. Where did “ozone holes” appear?

Translate into English:

  1. За миллионы лет многие живые существа приспособились к естественным изменениям климата.


  1. Однако гораздо труднее для живых существ приспособиться к выбросам в окружающую среду вредных веществ, производимых человеком.


  1. Температура земли с каждым годом постепенно повышается.


  1. По мере того, как планета будет нагреваться, уровень воды в океанах будет повышаться, и вода, заключённая в ледниках и полярных снегах, начнёт таять.


  1. Отравляющие газы становятся частью природного круговорота воды, они могут довольно далеко переноситься ветрами и затем выпадают на землю в виде кислотного дождя или снега.


  1. С 1979 года в озоновом слое Земли существуют «дыры», которые появились сначала над Антарктидой, а затем над Арктикой.



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