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книги / Практикум по лингвистическому анализу и переводу технических текстов

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пространства, остающегося между обсадными колоннами, оно заливается жидким цементным раствором, твердеющим через определенное время.

Кондуктор колонна обсадных труб, предназначенных для разобщения верхнего интервала разреза горных пород, изоляции пресноводных горизонтов от загрязнения, монтажа противовыбросового оборудования и подвески последующих обсадных колонн. Кондуктор в зависимости от геологических условий устанавливается на глубину в среднем до 100 м, а максимальная глубина – до 600 м. Диаметр кондуктора, как правило, колеблется в диапазоне 177–508 мм. Он опрессовывается,какицементноекольцо.Шахтноенаправление икондуктор являются обязательными элементами конструкции скважины.

Эксплуатационная колонна последняя колонна обсадных труб, которой крепят скважину для разобщения продуктивных горизонтов от остальных пород и извлечения из скважины нефти или газа или для нагнетания в пласты жидкости или газа. Иногда в качестве эксплуатационной колонны может быть использована (частично или полностью) последняя промежуточная колонна.

URL: http://proofoil.ru/Oilproduction/Borewell2.html; https://myslide.ru/presenta- tion/skachat-skvazhina--ee-elementy-i-konstrukcii-klassifikaciya-skvazhin

2Б. Укажите терминологические обозначения обсадных труб на рисунке ниже, сверьте свои ответы с ключом в конце задания:


промежуточная – 3 ;кондуктор – 2 ;направление – 1 :Ключ URL: https://students-library.com/library/read/50285-konstrukcia-neftanyh-i-gazovyh-skvazin


3.Проведите предпереводческий анализ, составьте англо-русский глоссарий,пользуясьупражнениями1и2,атакжеинформациейпообсаживанию

ицементированию скважин http://blog.tran.su/shkola/goods/casingcementing/;

выполните письменный перевод:

1.Staking the well. Engineers, geologists and land negotiators work with landowners and other interested parties to determine the best location for the well. Once the site has been selected, the drilling stage begins.

2.Drilling. There are four primary steps in the drilling phase before completion: Preparation. A level pad site, generally 300 feet by 300 feet, will be prepared in

approximately one week, and a drilling rig will then be moved onto the location. Located under the rig floor is a blowout preventer, a series of hydraulic valves that secure the wellbore (the hole in the ground created by the drill) in the event an over-pressure formation is encountered during the drilling operations.

Surface Casing/Cementing. The first hole to be drilled is known as the surface hole, which typically reaches a depth of 800 feet to 1,300 feet. After the surface hole is drilled, the drillstring is removed and surface casing is lowered into the hole. Cement is then pumped down the entire length of the casing, and through the bottom, so the cement circulates back up and around the outside of the casing, all the way to the surface. This seals the space between the casing string and the wellbore.

ProductionCasing/Cementing.Next,productioncasingisrunintotheholeandthe drilling stage is nearly complete. One of the final steps is to cement the production casing intoplace.Cementispumpeddownthroughtheinsideofthecasing,uparoundtheoutside betweenthewellboreandcasing.Cementingtheproductioncasingensuresthatgasinside thewellborewillnotbeallowedtoescape.Asaresult,operatorscandirecttheflowofgas through the production casing and the tubing until it reaches the surface. Finally, a wellhead (or “Christmas tree”) is installed along with a few storage tanks.

3. Drilling Completed. Following the drilling process and after the drilling rig is moved off location, completion activity begins. There are three steps in the completion process, which typically lasts 10 to 15 days:

Perforating the casing. To perforate the casing, a cylindrical perforating tool containing high-energy jet charges is lowered to a desired depth and detonated using electrical signals. These jet charges penetrate the steel casing and cement sheath surrounding the casing, which in turn penetrates the very dense hard rock formations several inches. This creates a pathway for the gas to flow from the reservoir to the well’s production casing.


Fracturing (known as Fracing) the well.

Hydraulic fracturing, or fracing (rhymes with “cracking”), is the method used to stimulate the gasflowtothesurface.Fracinginvolvespumping a mixture of water and sand at high pressure into isolated zones to enhance the natural fractures that exist in the formation. During this process, long, narrow cracks are created to serve as a flow channel for gas trapped in the shale below.

Drilling out plugs/allowing natural flow back. Prior to fracing, the temporary bridge plugs are placed in the wellbore between each

“frac” stage. Once the fracing process is complete, a smaller rig drills through the plugs and allows gas to flow through the perforations and up the steel casing. After the plugs have been drilled out, the well is allowed to flow naturally. Initially, water plug material and trace amounts of sand flow with the gas to the surface. Some of the water is collected and may be recycled; the remainder is disposed of and /or hauled off site.

URL: https://www.erieco.gov/DocumentCenter/View/385/Well-Completion- and-Hydraulic-Fracturing-DJ; http://aryndoenergyservices.blogspot.com/ 2013/03/how-does-well-completion-work.html

Часть 3

1. Выполните предпереводческий анализ и составьте англо-русский глоссарий для перевода следующего отрывка из технического отчета:

Technical Data Bulletin. Hydraulic Fracturing

“Hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” is the process of injecting large volumes of water,sand,and chemicalsdeepundergroundathighpressuretocreatefissuresinshale formations. This allows more efficient recovery of trapped oil and gas. Water and sand accounts for roughly 99.5% of the fracking fluids composition. The advent of horizontal drilling technology and the discovery huge shale gas fields (the Marcellus shale gas field in WV, OH, PA, IN and NY is estimated to contain up to 500 trillion cubic feet) has greatly increased the use of this recovery method.

While the drilling is high tech, the health hazards are similar to most any oil or gas drilling rig:


Hydrogen sulfide


Hydrocarbon compounds

Methane gas – more of a fire hazard than health hazard

A recent study by the United States National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)(Essweinet.al.2012)however,indicates excessive exposure to silica particulate may occur during various operations.

The silica comes from the sand used in the fracking operation. The sand is used to “prop” open the cracks made in the formation. Areas of potentially high silica concentrations include:

“Thief” hatches (open ports on the top of the sand movers used to allow access into the bin)

On-site vehicle traffic, including sand trucks and crew trucks, by the release of air brakes on sand trucks, and by winds

Sand dropping into, or agitated in, the blender hopper and on transfer belts

Top of the dragon’s tail (end of the sand transfer belt) on sand movers According to the NIOSH report of 116 samples taken at 5 different locations:

54 (47 %) of the 116 samples exceeded the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) permissible exposure limit (PEL) for respirable silica (OSHA PEL = approximately 0.1 mg/m3).

92 of 116 (79 %) exceeded the NIOSH Recommended Exposure Limit (REL) and American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) threshold limit value (TLV) for 36 of the 116 (31 %) samples exceeded the NIOSH REL for respirable silica by a factor of 10 or more.

InapresentationoftheresultsatarecentInstituteofMedicinemeetingtheauthors indicated that several samples also exceeded the OSHA PEL by over 10 times and one sample exceeded 50 times the PEL. The NIOSH data did not account for the extended workshifts typically found in these operations (12 hour shifts, 6 day workweeks). This would further increase the potential worker exposure to silica.

URL: http://elcosh.org/document/3599/d001170/3m-technical-data-bulletin- %23207%3A-hydraulic-fracturing.html

2. Дайте понятие ключевого слова; сравните с определением ниже:

явитьеготематику. вамидатьвысокоуровневоеописаниесодержаниятекстовогодокумента,позволяющеевы- Ключевоесловослововтексте,способноевсовокупностисдругимиключевымисло-


3.Дайте понятие тематической лексики.

4.Найдите ключевые слова и тематическую лексику в тексте из упражнения 1.

5.Денотатный граф – способ вычленения из текста существенных признаков ключевого понятия; система иерархически связанных между собой денота-

тов.«Денотат– то, чтоможетбытьсоотнесеносопределеннымфрагментом действительности, с определенной ситуацией».

Новиков А.И. Семантика текста и ее формализация – М.: Наука, 1983.

6. Расположите правила построения денотатного графа ключевого понятия в логическом порядке:

Конкретизируйте в пространстве следующего уровня смысл выбранных вами глаголов для раскрытия ключевого понятия.

Максимально точно подберите глаголы, связывающие ключевое понятие

иего существенные признаки. Впишите глаголы в блоки второго уровня.

Выделите ключевое понятие (слово или словосочетание) и проанализируйте его существенные признаки. Впишите ключевое понятие в верхний прямоугольник

Схема приведена из работы: http://www.psu.ru/files/docs/science/ dissertatsionnye-sovety/gerte/Avtoreferat.pdf


7.Представьте денотатный граф для текста из упражнения 1. Вошли ли туда все отобранные вами ключевые слова и связанная с ними тематическая лексика? Переведите лексику из составленного денотатного графа на русский язык.

8.Выполните полный письменный перевод текста. Чем оказался полезен денотатный граф при переводе?

Часть 4

1.Ознакомьтесь с разделами «Будни перевода» (Daily Round) и «Игра слов» (Play on Words) брошюры «Сахалин-2 глазами переводчика», перейдя по ссылке http://perevodman.ru/sakhalin-2.pdf. Какие трудности представ-

ляла работа по переводу терминов и технических текстов в рамках крупнейшего проекта по освоению нефтегазовых шельфов России?

2.Сравните оригинал и перевод ряда терминов нефтегазовой сферы

(http://perevodman.ru/sakhalin-2.pdf), какие русские эквиваленты терминов development, design, facility могут использоваться для передачи данных терминов в узком контексте:

DEVELOPMENT – ___________________________________________________

field development

освоение месторождения

develop reserves

осваивать / разрабатывать месторож-





plan of development

план освоения месторождений

integrated oil and gas development

комплексное освоение нефтяных и га-


зовых месторождений



Sakhalin-2 is a colossal development in

«Сахалин-2» – это масштабный про-

the Russian Far East.

ект освоения месторождений, реали-


зуемый на Дальнем Востоке России.



development engineer

инженер-разработчик пласта

DESIGN – __________________________________________________________



well design

проект, конструкция скважины

front end engineering design (FEED)

предпроектные изыскания

FACILITY – ________________________________________________________



project facilities

объекты проекта

linear facility

линейный объект (о трубопроводе)


Раздел3. Технический перевод: информационные технологии

Часть 1

1. Посмотрите видео Data Discovery Introduction – Actify www.youtube.com/ watch?v=n1OUhrqMHcw&list=UUv_sUjQ03PjU8cUdL1D63fQ&index=67. Ка-

кие возможностиработысданнымиобеспечиваютрешенияпо«обнаружению данных» Data Discovery?

2. Переведите на русский язык с помощью Microsoft Language Portal https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/language следующие термины сферы инфор-

мационных технологий:

Dashboard, Business Intelligence (BI); paginated report; data view; pixel (pixel perfect); raw data; background data; at-a-glance monitoring and decision making; feature; Key Performance Indicator (KPI); to drill (into).

3А. Прочитайте текст Dashboards vs. Reports. Заполните таблицу ниже. К какому жанру вы бы отнесли этот текст?


Информация Стилеобразующие черты

3Б. Прочитайте текст и укажите, в чем состоит разница между терми-

намиBusiness Intelligence vs. Data Discovery,Reports vs. Dashboards;выпишите и переведите тематическую лексику, относящуюся к каждому термину:


Обнаружение данных

Business Intelligence (BI)

Data Discovery (DD)




Аналитические панели





3В. Найдите в тексте и переведите особенности ad-hoc reports https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/language:for example, ad-hoc reporting uses the drag-and-drop mechanism, etc.


3Г. Найдите в тексте и дайте контекстуальный перевод следующих сло-


перевод текста:

Dashboards vs. Reports: Which One Should You Go With? by Jordan Zenko

What Exactly Is Reporting?

Reporting… businesses live and die by it, employees live and die by it. So why is there such confusion over reports and dashboards? The term reporting has often been used to describe both reports and dashboards, with users commonly referring to simple tables placed within dashboards, as reports. Traditionally, most IT-led business intelligence (BI) tools have been focused on reports that provide users with very little interactivity and visuals. However, modern data discovery tools revolutionized this and introduced tools that allow for exceptional interactive visualization, often delivered to greater audiences by means of dashboards. Today, the majority of BI tools administer either reports or dashboards (or have tendencies to focus primarily on one and egress limited capabilities to the other).

What Are The Differences Between Reports And Dashboards?

The best way to distinguish the difference between the two concepts, is to highlight each terms’ disparities. It’s important to understand that each medium is generalizable, as there are always exceptions to each respective case.

Enterprise Reporting

Enterprise reporting, or production reporting, is a method by which reports are distributed within an organization to provide users with support for their work. Generally, in traditional BI tools, reports are primarily textand table-based, and periodically include visual components. More often than not, these reports are scheduled for automatic distribution, as they tend to be used on a more regular basis. These reports can be arranged via pagination, which is the exact placement of elements on a page. This technique is capable of complex display logic for creating printed reports or online operational reports. Even though losing popularity, paginated reports will continue to be a standard reporting method when it comes to displaying raw level data or pixel perfect data views designed for printing. The creation of reports can be a bit more complex requiring a more technical user. Reports are, in summation, commonly comprised of background data and other decision informing information.



Adversely, dashboards present the most important information required to achieve specific business objectives, at a glance. They are designed for at-a- glance monitoring and decision making. Generally, a dashboards’ objective is to present all necessary content on one screen, and drive decision making without overwhelming the eye. A dashboard will focus on visual, interactive features

and will allow users to physically ‘drill’ into information. Dashboards predominantly focus on decision driving, rather than informing, and are targeted at Key Performance Indicators, or other decision driving information.

Ad-Hoc Reporting

Ad-hoc reporting is definitely a part of the reporting world but is different than enterprise reports and dashboards as it is usually designed for very particular purposes, often without much planning in advance.

Ad-hoc reporting is self-service, which allows for reports to be easily built with the exact information users require without consuming developer resources. Users are able to create those reports in order to analyze explicit business questions that are not answered within the organization existing set of enterprise reports and dashboards. Adhoc reporting is designed to capacitate end users and allow them to create their own solutions usually via drag and drop. Therefore, this method is more desirable when there is an excess number of end users, who yearn to act on data and information independently, while still having access to similar data sets.

In traditional BI tools, Ad-hoc reporting is often referred to as Ad-hoc querying as it allows users to generate a dataset simply by selecting the data fields required.

So Which Should I Use? The ideal situation involves starting with a dashboard, and drilling down into a more detailed report. On the other hand, Ad-hoc reporting will serve business analysts and executives that are trying to further analyze a new business situation and find new insights.

https://www.dundas.com/resources/business-intelligence-best-practices/dashboards-vs-re- ports-which-one-should-you-go-with; https://www.kyubit.com/KPI-Dashboard


4.Переведитесрусскогоязыканаанглийскийотрывокизтехнического блога; сравните с профессиональным переводом справа:

4 способа ускорить создание

Four ways to build

аналитической панели

your dashboards faster

Время– деньги, этопонятно. Красота – страшная сила, тоже понятно. В большинстве случаев, чтобы создать полезный, понятный, да ещё и привлекательный на вид документ, нужно много-много времени. Однако где-то можно и «сэкономить».

Основной инструмент для самосто- ятельнойработывплатформе–этоана- литические панели. Они представляют собой набор взаимосвязанных визуальных компонентов, размещенных на одной странице (то есть на экране).

Это относительно новый и развивающийся инструмент, поэтому даже если конкретно вы с ним уже работали, то, возможно, не успели изучить все возможности разработки. Именно о таких не сразу заметных, но очень полезных (и приятных) в использовании возможностях конструктора аналитических панелей и пойдет речь.

Переключение типов визуализаторов

Time is money; this much is obvious. Beauty is irresistible. That's self-evident too. Normally, it takes a wealth of time to create an insightful, user-friendly, and visually compelling output. But here are a couple of tips and techniques to help you use your investment wisely.

Our platform delivers a highly personalized user experience with its selfservice BI dashboards. You can build virtually any custom dashboard by choosing from a broad range of our visualizers.

We continuously enhance our dashboardfunctionality.Andevenifyouhave tried it before, you can still discover somethingnewandhelpful.I’dliketotell you aboutsome inconspicuous—but very useful (and user-friendly)—features of our Dashboard Designer.

Switching among visualizers

Возможность перехода от одного типа визуализации к другому полезна как в процессе создания панели, так и в процессе анализа данных. При этом нет никаких ограничений по переходу: от таблицы к столбиковой диаграмме, от диаграммы к карте, от карты к

As you design your dashboard and exploredata,youoftenswitchamongdifferent types of visualizers to choose the ones that best suit your needs. And in our Dashboard Designer, you should feel free to change from table to bar chart, from chart to map, from map to tree map, and