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УДК 341.1

ББК 67.4


Рекомендовано к изданию

в качестве учебно-методического пособия

кафедрой иностранных языков (протокол № 4 от 03.11.2008)

и научно-методическим советом БИП

А в т о р ы-с о с т а в и т е л и:

зав. кафедры иностранных языков, к. ф. н., профессор Г. В. Михасенко;

доцент кафедры иностранных языков Т. С. Белошапка;

доцент кафедры иностранных языков Н. А. Василевич

Р е ц е н з е н т ы:

зав. кафедрой теории и практики перевода МГЛУ, к. ф. н., доцент Т. Ф. Иванова;

доцент кафедры иностранных языков Г. В. Пилявец

Михасенко, Г. В.

М69 Международное право и актуальные проблемы современности : учеб.-метод. пособ. по английскому языку. Для студентов специальности «Международное право» / Г. В. Михасенко, Т. С. Белошапка, Н. А. Василевич.– Минск : БИП-С Плюс, 2009. – 112 с.

ISBN 978-985-523-035-0.

Пособие состоит из 11 тематических блоков, посвященных актуальным проблемам международного права, а также актуальным проблемам общества в правовой, социальной и политической сферах. В каждом уроке дается текст, вопросы проблемного характера по содержанию текста, система лексико-грамматических упражнений, задания для дискуссий. Предназначено для студентов продвинутого этапа обучения специальности «международное право», а также для аспирантов и соискателей.

УДК 341.1

ББК 67.4

Isbn 978-985-523-035-0  Михасенко г. В., Белошапка т. С., Василевич н. А., 2009

 Оформление. ООО «БИП-С Плюс», 2009


Данное учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов юристов-международников продвинутого этапа обучения, а также для аспирантов и соискателей юридических специальностей.

Цель пособия:

совершенствование навыков профессиональной языковой и речевой компетенции учащихся на базе отобранного аутентичного иноязычного материала, охватывающего основные вопросы международного права и актуальные политические и социальные проблемы современного общества.

Структура пособия следующая:

Каждый базовый текст сопровождается большой серией лексико-грам-матических упражнений, способствующих более прочному усвоению его содержания, а также всей лексической темы в целом. Что в свою очередь позволяет в дальнейшем эффективно использовать лексические единицы, как в монологическом высказывании, так и в диалогической профессионально ориентированной речи.

Имеющийся в пособии учебный материал может быть использован для работы в аудитории, а также для самостоятельной работы учащихся.


The public international law

Task 1. Make sure you know the meaning of the words and their definitions below

customary law

a body of rules made in accordance with custom or habitual practice

adhere to

follow exactly

grant and withdrawal of nationality

acquiring and deprivation of citizenship

without prejudice to the rights of third parties

without damage of the rights of third parties




fairness, impartiality

make reparation

compensate, reimburse


deprive of a right


agreement, obligation, commitment


obedience without protest

enter into an agreement

conclude an agreement

exercise lawmaking functions

perform legislative functions

Task 2. Read and translate the text

International law, also called PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW, or LAW OF NATIONS, is the body of legal rules that are applied between sovereign states and other entities having international personality. International law means public international law as distinguished from private international law, which deals with the differences between the municipal or internal laws of different countries.

International law has developed from the necessity of nations to coexist peacefully. Although there is no effective international law-enforcing body, individual states have shown an increasing willingness to adhere to legal principles of mutual cooperation. In fact, many states now incorporate agreed principles of international law into their own municipal jurisdictions.

International law is generated by three discrete processes: by the process of 1) international customary law, 2) by treaties, and 3) by general principles of law recognized by civilized nations.

The basic rules of international customary law can be summarized in the following fundamental principles: sovereignty, recognition, consent, good faith, freedom of the seas, international responsibility, and self-defense.

Rules of sovereignty define the limits of jurisdiction that subjects of international law have over their own territory as well as over persons and things outside their territory.

The rules of recognition cover situations such as the co-option of new subjects of international law, the recognition of the territorial claims of another state, and the grant and withdrawal of nationality.

The rules of consent enable subjects of international law, when entering into an agreement, to modify and to supplement as they see fit, but without prejudice to the rights of third parties, any of the rules of international customary law or the general principles of law recognized by civilized nations.

Good faith characterizes the spirit in which parties must interpret and execute that engagement; good faith is identified with the requirements of reasonableness, common sense, and equity.

The rules protecting the freedom of the seas preclude the appropriation by any individual subject of international law of any portion of the high seas as distinct from the subsoil and bed of the sea.

The rules of international responsibility can be reduced to two propositions, namely, that the breach of any international obligation by the organ of a subject of international law constitutes an illegal act, or international tort, and that the subject has a duty to make reparation.

The rules of self-defense mainly govern the measures that may be taken against illegal acts attributable to another subject of international law and against acts of individuals, ships, or aircraft that disentitle any other subject of international law from the grant of protection.

International law is also created by treaties. Treaties and other consensual engagements are legally binding undertakings by which the subjects of international law may declare, modify, or develop existing international law as they see fit or agree on transactions.

Among the bodies of international rules governed by treaties and other agreements, five are of special significance: territory, diplomatic law, and immunity; the protection of nationals abroad; freedom of commerce and navigation; extradition and asylum; and succession to international rights and obligations.

Global multipurpose institutions such as the United Nations play an important role in the development of international law. Their impact on international law is threefold: they have been responsible for the modification, by express consent, of the rules underlying the fundamental principles of international law, for the indirect modification of these rules by acquiescence on the part of member states in the action of organs not actually authorized to exercise lawmaking functions, and for the initiation of the further codification and development of international law.

Task 3. Answer the following questions using the information of the text

  1. What is Public (Private) International Law?

  2. Why do many states show their willingness to adhere to legal principles of mutual cooperation?

  3. What are the three discrete processes international law generated by?

  4. What fundamental principles can the basic rules of international customary law be summarized in?

  5. What are the most significant international rules governed by treaties?

  6. In what cases are the rules of self-defence applied?

  7. How do international organizations influence the development of international law?

  8. Do the rules of recognition cover only intergovernmental relations?

  9. Are legally binding agreements subject to any changes?

  10. In what way may the subjects of international law declare, modify, or develop existing international law?

Task 4. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box

coexist persons legally jurisdictions illegal sovereignty consent equity agreements obligation attributable customary multipurpose


  1. International law has developed from the necessity of nations to_______ peacefully.

  2. Many states now incorporate agreed principles of international law into their own municipal____________.

  3. Rules of__________ define the limits of jurisdiction that subjects of international law have over their own territory as well as over__________ and things outside their territory.

  4. Good faith is identified with the requirements of reasonableness, common sense, and____.

  5. The breach of any international__________ by the organ of a subject of international law constitutes an _______ act.

  6. Global __________ institutions play an important role in the development of international law.

  7. The rules of__________ mainly govern the measures that may be taken against illegal acts __________ to another subject of international law.

  8. Treaties and other consensual engagements are_________ binding undertakings.

  9. Among the bodies of international rules governed by treaties and other__________, five are of special significance.

  10. The rules of__________ enable subjects of international law to modify and to supplement as they see fit, any of the rules of international__________ law.

Task 5. Mark the sentences as True or False

  1. International law is the body of legal rules that are applied between sovereign states and other entities having international personality.

  2. Private international law deals with the differences between the international laws of different countries.

  3. International law is generated by three processes: by the process of international customary law, by treatments, and by general principles of law recognized by civilized nations.

  4. There is no particular difference between Private International Law and Public International Law.

  5. The rules protecting the freedom of the seas preclude the appropriation by any individual subject of international law of any portion of the high seas.

  6. International organizations solely always initiate further codification and development of international law.

  7. The subjects of international law may declare, modify, or develop existing international law according to their national jurisdictions.

  8. The rules of recognition deal only with the recognition of the territorial claims of another state.

  9. As there is no effective international law-enforcing body, individual states have shown an increasing willingness to adhere to legal principles of mutual cooperation.

  10. Freedom of commerce and navigation; extradition and asylum; and succession to international rights and obligations are among the significant international rules.

Task 6. Translate the following

To apply rules, суверенный, entities, international personality, municipal or internal laws, мирно сосуществовать, effective международное law-enforcing body, физическое лицо, to adhere to legal principles, взаимное cooperation, discrete processes, international customary law, общие принципы права, sovereignty, признание, consent, good faith, international responsibility, self-defense, limits of jurisdiction, коопция of new subjects of international law, the grant and withdrawal of nationality, вступить в соглашение, without prejudice to the rights of third parties, interpret and execute the engagement; здравый смысл, equity, the high seas, дно мирового океана, the breach of any international obligation, to constitute an противоправный акт, to govern the measures, субъект международного права, the grant of protection, consensual engagements, имеющий обязательную силу, declare, modify or develop existing international law, защита своих граждан за границей, freedom of commerce and navigation, выдача and asylum; правопреемственность, express consent, acquiescence, от имени стран-участниц, to exercise lawmaking functions, кодификация и развитие международного права.

Task 7. Match the words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents

  1. to enter into an agreement

  1. вступить в соглашение; заключать договор

  1. good faith

  1. экстрадиция и убежище

  1. codification of international law

  1. кодификация

  1. international responsibility

  1. правопреемство в международных правах

  1. international personality

  1. юридически обязательное соглашение

  1. international tort

  1. международная ответственность

  1. acquiescence

  1. осуществлять законодательные функции

  1. the high seas

  1. национальное право

  1. the breach of any international obligation

  1. ясно выраженное согласие

  1. municipal law

  1. море за пределами территориальных вод; открытое море

  1. general principles of law

  1. предоставление права на защиту

  1. to exercise lawmaking functions

  1. молчаливое согласие, признание

  1. to make reparation

  1. добросовестность

  1. succession to international rights

  1. международный деликт

  1. the grant of protection

  1. общие принципы права

  1. the recognition of the territorial claims

  1. признание территориальных претензий

  1. interpret and execute the engagement

  1. толковать и исполнять обязательство

  1. extradition and asylum

  1. платить компенсацию

  1. legally binding undertakings

  1. международная правосубъектность

  1. express consent

  1. нарушение международного обязательства

Task 8. Compare the meanings of the similar-looking words in English and in Russian. Use them in the sentences of your own

Public –общественный, национальный, открытый, публичный

International – международный, интернациональный

Nation – народ, нация, государство, страна

Municipal – муниципальный, внутренний

Sovereign – верховный, высший, главный, суверенный, независимый

Effective –действенный, эффективный, действующий, имеющий силу

Individual (adj.) – личный, индивидуальный; отдельный

Individual (noun) – отдельное лицо, личность, индивид; физическое лицо

Process – процедура; порядок, течение, ход

Subject – подданный, предмет (договора, иска и т.д.) субъект, объект, тема, вопрос,

Task 9. Translate the texts