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Четыре способа неправильно носить маску

Что касается средств индивидуальной защиты, перчатки, как убедились корреспонденты ТАСС, носили разве что сотрудники аэропортов и авиакомпаний, зато в масках были практически все.

Очень ответственными оказались бортпроводники - лишь один из них на одном рейсе в Калининград позволил себе немного приспустить маску, оставшись при этом в перчатках.

Практически все путешествующие стараются носить маски по крайней мере в салоне самолета. Исключением стал разве что длинный рейс в Иркутск - большинство пассажиров вошли на борт в масках, но шесть часов до посадки в них продержались немногие.

По опыту корреспондентов ТАСС, средства индивидуальной защиты на входе в самолет выдает только S7. На рейсе "Аэрофлота" маску дали, когда случайно порвалась уже надетая.

Персонал аэропортов в подавляющем большинстве случаев не делает замечаний тем, кто без маски или перчаток. В самолетах о необходимости носить их вежливо напоминают, но не более того. При этом многие пассажиры быстро нашли маскам новое применение: кто-то носит их на руке, кто-то стягивает вниз, кто-то использует как ободок для волос, а некоторые - вместо маски для сна.

О так и не ставшей обязательной шахматной рассадке в салоне речи не идет. Во всех случаях, с которыми столкнулись корреспонденты ТАСС, загрузка рейса была почти полной, так что возможности оставить пустое место между двумя пассажирами так и не представилось.

Опасения не оправдались

Влияние последствий пандемии на перелеты с точки зрения удобства пассажиров, по всей видимости, было переоценено. Эксперты предрекали, что новые правила останутся надолго и за их соблюдением будут строго следить, но этого не произошло.

Вероятно, часть рекомендаций, которая касается прежде всего авиакомпаний и аэропортов, останется в силе - например, самолеты по-прежнему будут тщательно дезинфицировать после каждого полета. Путешественники же, скорее всего, будут иметь возможность забыть про маски, перчатки и социальную дистанцию.

Корреспондентам ТАСС показалось, что летать даже сейчас, когда пандемия не отступила (хотя в России ситуация уже стабилизировалась), совсем не страшно. После нескольких месяцев самоизоляции они ждали самого необычного полета в жизни, но реальность оказалась скучнее: запах антисептика в аэропорту, меньше людей в терминале и - что до пандемии получалось далеко не всегда - возможность перед вылетом выпить кофе в почти пустой кофейне.

What has changed in airport operations and passenger services during the pandemic?

Because of the coronavirus, you now need to wear masks on airplanes, and at the airport - to maintain a social distance. TASS correspondents decided to check what flights actually look like during the pandemic.

The Rosaviatsia (Federal air transport Agency) and the Rospotrebnadzor (Federal Service for Supervision of Consumers Protection) have established an impressive list of recommendations for airlines and airports. Passengers can only be allowed on board in masks and gloves, and it is forbidden to take them off in flight, and if the flight lasts more than three hours, the mask must be changed. Travelers are not allowed to fly in outdoor clothing and move freely around the cabin - they are allowed to leave the seat only for the purpose of going to the toilet.

When boarding the plane, carriers must ensure that the social distance is observed, passengers' temperature must be measured (you can not take them on board), and their hands must be treated with an antiseptic. In addition, airlines are required to disinfect the cabin after each flight, and airports-to minimize the number of employees, but so as not to create queues.

The airport

Airports do not always cope with the latter task - one of the TASS interlocutors, who was among the first to take advantage of the cancellation of the General self-isolation regime and flew to Anapa, got stuck in traffic at the entrance to Moscow’s Sheremetyevo, and then faced queues at check-in and inspection.

The correspondent, who went on a business trip to Simferopol a few days later, was also got stuck-at the entrance to the airport. However, in this case, it happened because of the work of security staff-the passenger at 04:00 decided to finish the search very carefully.

In General, the morning airports, as before the pandemic, are deserted: a TASS employee, flying in early July from terminal B of the same Sheremetyevo, was surprised by the complete absence of queues - at the entrance, at check-in, and at inspection. But the atmosphere has changed: if in May, when the volume of aviation has decreased by more than 90%, the airport looked abandoned even during rush hour, then in June, passengers who previously all wore masks and gloves and recoiled, accidentally meeting someone, did not even try to maintain a social distance.

Weak point

The weakest point in terms of prevention coronavirus was the segment between the terminal and the plane. Rostransnadzor said that airports are trying to use jetways on all flights. But it is impossible to provide them all, and in the so-called airport shuttles that run between the board and the terminal, you can forget about the social distance. And not only flying out of Moscow - one of the editorial staff spent a few minutes in cramped conditions, returning from Voronezh.

Distance problems can occur before that. On a flight from the capital Domodedovo to Irkutsk in 1.5 m, which should separate one passenger from another in the queue for the teletrap, someone constantly tried to get up.

Airlines are now recommended to measure the temperature at the entrance to the plane, but none of the TASS correspondents have encountered this. Some, however, had their hands disinfected. Boarding a passenger without measuring the temperature is the most common violation committed by carriers and discovered by Rostransnadzor in June. As the Vedomosti newspaper wrote, from June 1 to 24, the Agency revealed 518 violations during 543 inspections across the country. However, there are no penalties for airports or airlines.

The temperature should be measured at the entrance to the airport, but this also does not always happen. For example, in Voronezh, everyone who wanted to get to the terminal went through this procedure, but in Moscow - not.

Four ways to wear a mask incorrectly

As for personal protective equipment, gloves, as TASS correspondents were convinced, were worn only by employees of airports and airlines, but almost everyone was masked.

Flight attendants were very responsible - only one of them on one flight to Kaliningrad allowed himself to lower his mask a little, while remaining in gloves.

Almost all travelers try to wear masks at least in the cabin. The only exception was the long flight to Irkutsk - most of the passengers boarded in masks, but only a few lasted six hours before landing.

According to the experience of TASS correspondents, only S7 issues personal protective equipment at the entrance to the plane. On an Aeroflot flight, the mask was given when the one already put on accidentally broke.

Airport staff in the vast majority of cases does not make comments to those who are without a mask or gloves. On planes, the need to wear them is politely reminded, but nothing more. At the same time, many passengers quickly found a new use for masks: someone wears them on their hand, someone pulls them down, someone uses them as a hair band, and some-instead of a mask for sleeping.

There is no question of a mandatory chess seating arrangement in the cabin. In all cases encountered by TASS correspondents, the flight load was almost complete, so there was no opportunity to leave an empty seat between two passengers.

My fears were not justified

The impact of the pandemic on flights in terms of passenger comfort seems to have been overestimated. Experts predicted that the new rules will remain for a long time and their compliance will be strictly monitored, but this did not happen.

It is likely that some of the recommendations that apply primarily to airlines and airports will remain in force - for example, planes will still be thoroughly disinfected after each flight. Travelers are more likely to be able to forget about masks, gloves, and social distance.

It seemed to TASS correspondents that flying even now, when the pandemic has not receded (although the situation in Russia has already stabilized), is not at all scary. After several months of self-isolation, they were waiting for the most unusual flight of their lives, but the reality was more boring: the smell of antiseptic at the airport, fewer people in the terminal, and - what was not always possible before the pandemic - the opportunity to drink coffee in an almost empty coffee shop before departure.

URL: https://tass.ru/obschestvo/8945229

Дата обращения: 14.07.2020

Источник: «ТАСС»