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книги / Перевод с листа (Английский язык) Sight translation

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом и решите:

а) Какие лексико-грамматические трансформации потребуются для передачи информации, заключенной в подчеркнутых частях предложений и предложении, отмеченном звездочками (***);

б) какие эквивалентные замены «диктует» контекст в отношении слов, выделенных курсивом.

The Bologna Accord presents new opportunities to students by splitting the traditional long-cycle degree into stages. Students will have more options in an enlarged higher education environment.

One of the most significant changes that the Bologna Accord brings about is increased student mobility. It is anticipated that 2.4 million European students per annum will graduate with Bachelor degrees; they will have to decide whether they to seek employment or continue studying. If they choose the latter, they must decide whether to continue specializing or move into a different discipline. Furthermore, these students can study for their Master degree at a different institution, in their own country, elsewhere in Europe or outside Europe. Decisionmaking will become more complex.

The decisions made by students are likely to be heavily influenced by employer acceptance of the Bachelor or Master qualifications. In countries with a traditional longcycle first degrees students are more likely to continue studying and enter a Master programme related to their first-degree programme. This behaviour will only start to change once employers demonstrate their commitment to the new qualifications through their hiring and recruitment practices. (***)In markets where the ‘new’ degrees are more firmly established, indicators from the US and UK point to some 20% to 25% of bachelor graduates prefer studying for Master degrees in business and management.

In making choices about their future, students must also evaluate the benefits and costs of each mobility option. When considering whether to stay in their home country or study overseas, students will also be influenced by language issues, the equivalence placed on their earlier qualifications, and the availability and portability of grants, loans and other student support mechanisms.

Only if governments and institutions provide easily accessible, comprehensive information about all aspects of study in Europe will students be encouraged to widen their horizons and consider alternative study options in new locations.

Выполните перевод с листа всего текста, соблюдая ровный темп речи выдерживая необходимые фонационные параметры (громкость, четкость произнесения отдельных слов, тембр голоса).


GMAC® Bologna Project

1)Аббревиатура GMAC означает Graduate Management Admission Council.

Какие варианты перевода названия этой организации вы можете предложить?

2)Используя знание о современной двухступенчатой системе обучения

ввузе, предложите эквиваленты для словосочетаний“Bachelor-Master structure”, “graduate management education”

3)Выделите в тексте приведенного ниже информационного письма структурный каркас для каждого предложения и проговорите вслух (подлежащее + сказуемое + дополнение или другие второстепенные слова, необходимые для придания осмысленности сказанному). Работайте в парах! Партнер проверяет вас по ключу, который находится конце раздела, и корректирует

вслучае необходимости.




Council ®

GMAC® Bologna Project

Piazza S Agostino 20

2012 Milan, Italy

Phone/Fax +39 02 8969 5230

To whom it may concern

In January 2005, the Graduate Management Admission Council published the results of a project that evaluated the impact of the ongoing Bologna reforms for European graduate management education. This report considers the future of graduate management education in the context of the Bologna Accord.

In 1999, France, Germany, the UK and Italy signed a voluntary agreement committing them to reform their higher education system around the common Bache- lor-Master structure by 2010. Since that important announcement, 36 additional countries in the European continent have joined and progress towards implementing is underway in the majority of countries. The agreement to which the diverse group of countries have come is generally referred to as the Bologna Accord.

Early awareness and understanding of the magnitude of the issues raised by Bologna drove GMAC® to sponsor a project to examine the wider implications of the Bologna reforms in the context of the graduate management education. In order to accomplish this, a task force composed of scholars and business leaders was estab-


lished in October 2003 with the remit to examine the issues. Common among all members was a deep interest in the future of graduate management education.

This report The future of graduate management education in the context of the Bologna Accord, addresses the key areas of importance for each of the main stakeholder groups – governments, institutions, employers and students. We feel that it will make an important contribution to discussion on Bologna and firmly take the issues out of the purely educational arena.

Outside of academia and a very small group of organizations, there is little debate around the long term effects of the Bologna Accord. Queries directed by our group to industry indicate little understanding. This is a worrying response that reflects a widespread lack of awareness. At the national level, few companies have considered the full implications of the new Bachelor-Master structures for their future recruitment. An integral part of our project is, therefore, to develop market awareness of the issues. Healthy and comprehensive discussion of the outcomes is essential if all stakeholders, including business, are to take full advantage of the opportunities offered.

One of our primary objectives in undertaking this project was to specifically consider the implications of the Bologna Accord for graduate business and management education. Our aim was to provide a thought provoking document that would serve as a catalyst for debate and take discussions surrounding the Bologna Accord outside the purely educational domain and bring it to the attention of a wider audience.

We hope you read the Highlights document and find it of value. If you want to find out more we recommend that you read our full report, this is available for download from our project website – http://www.GMACBolognaProject.com.

Yours faithfully, Rebecca Loades

Просмотрите текст еще раз, выписывая слова, для которых вы затрудняетесь подобрать эквивалент. Переведите предложения (или части предложений) с этими словами, используя языковую догадку на основе контекста. Проверьте себя по словарю и внесите в свой индивидуальный словарь-глоссарий те слова, в отношении которых ваша догадка оказалась неверной. Внесите коррективы в свои формулировки.

Потренируйтесь в переводе с листа всего текста, соблюдая требования к языковому оформлению перевода, диктуемые нормами русского языка.

Ключ к заданию 3

… Council published the results that evaluated the impact of reforms for education The report considers the future of education…

France, Germany, <…> signed an agreement to reform education systems (around) Bachelor-Master structure


36 countries have joined … and …the reforms are underway in the majority of countries

The agreement is referred to as the Bologna Accord.

…awareness and understanding of the issues raised by Bologna drove GMAC to sponsor a project to examine … the Bologna reforms [in the context of graduate management education]

to accomplish this, [ a task force of] scholars and business leaders was established [to examine the issues]

Common was interest in the future of [… education]

This report … addresses the key areas of importance for governments, institutions, employers and students.

it will make an important contribution to discussions on Bologna… [and take the issues out of … educational area]

[Outside of academia…] there is little debate around the [long-term] effect of the Bologna Accord

Queries … to industry indicate little understanding This reflects … lack of awareness

Few companies have considered … implications of the new Bachelor-Master structure for … recruitment

An integral part of our project is to …develop … awareness

discussion [of the outcomes] is essential if all stakeholders [including business] are to take advantage [of the opportunities offered]

One objective is to consider the implications [of Bologna Accord] for graduate business and management education

The document would serve as a catalyst for debate … and bring <B.A.> to the attention of wider audience



Просмотрите текст, обращая внимание на выделенные курсивом и подчеркнутые части предложений. Подберите для них эквиваленты на русском языке, произведя необходимые трансформации. (Ничего не записывать!) Далее работайте в парах. Один студент читает выделенные в тексте словосочетания и фразы вразброс, тогда как его партнер быстро находит их в тексте и проговаривает русскоязычный эквивалент.

The International Council for Open and Distance Education

The International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) is the global institutional membership organization for on-line, flexible and blended learning. It derives its position from:

–the unique knowledge and experience of its members throughout the world;

–expertise derived from this in development and use of new methodologies and emerging technologies;

–its status within UNESCO as the NGO with Formal Consultative Relations in distance and online education.)

An important aim of ICDE is to promote intercultural co-operation and understanding through flexible learning and teaching throughout the world.

Established in 1938, ICDE’s Permanent Secretariat is in Oslo, Norway, hosted by that country on a permanent basis since 1988. ICDE also has an office in Barcelona (Spain).

ICDE is formally linked to a wide range of international organizations.

UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)

ICDE is formally approved and recognized by the United Nations as the Global membership Organization in flexible, distance and e-learning. It has been for many years an official and active partner of UNESCO, working very closely on a day-to- day basis with UNESCO Headquarters in Paris and regional UNESCO offices around the world. ICDE’s approach is built on the combination of active engagement and expertise in the combined fields of education.

NGO – non-governmental organization


South East Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO)

ICDE is an affiliate member of SEAMEO and cooperates on specially financed projects on the development of capacity in distance and flexible learning in the 10 member states of SEAMEO throughout South East Asia.

Organization of American States (OAS)

In 2003 ICDE signed a new agreement with the OAS on capacity development of human resources throughout the Americas, through which OAS/OEA and ICDE will cooperate throughout the continent on the development of capacity in distance and flexible learning.

World Bank

ICDE has considerable co-operation with the World Bank in the development of education capacity in developing nations. It implements important World Bank projects in developing countries every year, especially in the African Region.

European Commission (EC)

ICDE participates in several EC supported projects, facilitating and fostering the establishment of educational institutions and networks beyond Europe.


ICDE offers its members access to its extensive worldwide experience and networking capacity in distance and flexible learning at strategic and operational levels.

Through its global organization, it has access to

–the most up-to-date knowledge

–trends in distance and online learning worldwide.

For these reasons, ICDE can offer members and partners a unique global network and expertise.

All institutions and organizations which are engaged in distance and flexible learning are encouraged to become members of ICDE. Only as a member institution of ICDE can they fully participate in and take advantage of the global networking, cooperation and development in this field. Public and private educational institutions, organizations, agencies and ministries of educations in more than 140 countries are already members of ICDE.



ICDE organizes regular meetings and conferences for members.

–Every year, unique networking and partnership opportunities for ICDE member institutions through the annual ICDE Standing Conference of Presidents (SCOP), meetings for rectors/presidents and senior policy makers of member institutions.

Professional development and networking opportunities for ICDE members through ICDE World Conferences, International Conferences, regional ICDE Conferences and special seminars around the world.

–ICDE World Conferences for reduced price for its member institutions.

Самостоятельная работа с текстом

1) Просмотрите вводный раздел текста и предпоследний (Benefits of Membership), выделяя для себя в каждом предложении его смысловой каркас. Затем, работая в парах, озвучьте выделенные части предложений на английском. (Один студент произносит фрагменты предложений вслух – другой проверяет по ключу.)

2)Сформулируйте полную переводную версию каждого из этих двух разделов. Сравните свой вариант перевода с тем, который приводится в ключе

кэтому заданию.

3)Потренируйтесь в беглом произнесении на русском языке названий всех организаций и мероприятий, которые встречаются в тексте.

4)Пробегите глазами текст еще раз и будьте готовы переводить его

слиста целиком.

Ключи к заданиям для самостоятельной работы с текстом

Задание 1

Первый раздел

The International Council for… is the global organization for online learning, deriving its position from:

Unique knowledge and experience of its members

Expertise in development and use of new methodologies and technologies

Its status within UNESCO as NGO in distance education.

An important aim of ICDE is to promote cooperation through distance learning. It was established in 1938. Secretariat has been in Oslo since 1988. Has office in



ICDE is linked to many organizations.

Раздел Benefits of Membership’

ICDE offers its members access to experience and networking capacity in distance learning .

It has access to up-to-date knowledge and trends to distance learning. [Due to this] ICDE offers unique expertise.

Institutions and organizations are encouraged to become ICDE members. As members they can take advantage of networking, cooperation and development.

Educational institutions, organizations and ministries in 140 countries are members of ICDE.

Задание 2. Варианты полной переводной версии

Первый раздел Международный совет по открытому и дистанционному образованию яв-

ляется всемирной ассоциацией, которая объединяет различные институты и организации. Статус Совета в сфере онлайн обучения, определяется:

уникальными знаниями и опытом его членов;

основанным на этих знаниях опытом разработки и использования новых методик и технологий;

его деятельностью в рамках ЮНЕСКО в качестве неправительственной организации, официально осуществляющей консультативные функции в сфере дистанционного и онлайн-образования.

Своей важной задачей Совет считает продвижение идеологии межкультурного сотрудничества и взаимопонимания через гибкие формы обучения

ипреподавания в масштабах всей планеты.

Совет был основан в 1938 году. С 1988 года его работающий на постоянной основе Секретариат находится в столице Норвегии Осло. Офис Совета также открыт в Барселоне.

Совет официально связан со многими международными организациями.

Раздел ‘Benefits of Membership’

(Преимущества, которые дает членство в Совете)

Совет обеспечивает своим членам неограниченный доступ к мировому опыту и возможность присутствия в среде дистанционного обучения на стратегическом и операционном уровнях.

Благодаря глобальному характеру своей структуры он имеет доступ к новейшей, а потому актуальной информации и всегда в курсе мировых тенденций в сфере дистанционного и онлайн-обучения.


Всилу данного обстоятельства Совет может предложить своим членам

ипартнерам уникальную возможность сотрудничества и приобщения к мировому опыту.

Мы предлагаем всем институтам и организациям, которые присутствуют на рынке дистанционного обучения, стать членами Совета. Лишь в этом качестве они смогут в полной мере реализовать себя в данной сфере и воспользоваться возможностями для дальнейшего развития благодаря сотрудничеству

итесному взаимодействию с другими членами. Государственные и частные образовательные учреждения, организации, агентства и министерства образования более чем 140 стран уже стали членами Международного совета по открытому и дистанционному образованию.

European Consultancy Brings E-Learning to Germany.


Growing enthusiasm for on-line training is set to be harnessed by e-learning company Academee now that it has open its first German office in Frankfurt Company ensures, Web-based training can liven up employees’ access to to the most up- to-date learning programs available – without large cost implications. Companies benefit by having a skilled and knowledge-driven workforce, and employees trained in e-business help companies compete globally.

1)В быстром темпе произнесите по-русски эквиваленты выделенных словосочетаний.

2)Выполните полный перевод Summary c листа.

3)Ознакомьтесь с вариантом перевода Summary на странице 31.

4)Подберите русскоязычные эквиваленты к данным атрибутивным комплексам, в которых слова, выделенные курсивом, выступают в функции определения

business skills courses offered on-line

companies seeking cost-effective and convenient employee training

on-line business-to-business training

leading-edge technology

new off-the-shelf accredited courseware

contact center training

В деловой речи сегодня часто используется сокращение B2B, обозначающее формат бизнеса, когда продукт деятельности одной компании (или предоставляемые ею услуги) предназначены для осуществления своей деятельности другим юридическим лицом, т.е. другой компанией, другим бизнесом.


management consultancy

management development

the areas of strategy and organizational development

5) Предложите свои формулировки перевода следующих предложений. (Чем больше, тем лучше!)

Focusing on the areas of strategy and organizational development, our company helps make successful change happen at individual, team and organizational level.

In addition to removing the physical cost of traditional learning e-learning offers the student to learn at his own pace.

On-line learning market is driven by companies seeking cost-effective and convenient employee training.

Predictions give the on-line market a value of $ 1.774 billion.

6)Предложите варианты перевода наименований награды и конкурса, которые упоминаются в предпоследнем абзаце текста (см. подчеркнутые фрагменты предложений).

7)Выполните перевод с листа всего текста.

* * *

Predictions give the European on-line learning market a value of $ 1.774 billion by the end of the year – driven by companies seeking cost effective and convenient employee training.

Rainer Matthies, general manager of Academee, points out, “Germany is hungry for e-learning as companies demand a skilled and knowledge-driven workforce so they can compete globally. Web-based training can liven-up employees’ access to the most up-to-date learning programs available, without large cost implications.”

Turning to the educational services offered by his company, Matthies says, “Academee offers skill training courses that are developed in collaborations with some of the most respected business schools and business thinkers including Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Philip Kotler, Kenichi Ohmae, and senior corporate directors of Microsoft. Combining this with leading-edge technology, enables us to offer the very best in e-learning programs.”

In addition to removing the physical costs for traditional training, such as venues, travel, and housing expenses, e-learning also offers interactivity and the ability for the student to learn at his own pace.


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