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Утевская Н.Л. - English Grammar Book - 2011

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~4. Не made sше tlшt tl1e cl1ild was providcd lor. 5. Т11еу l1earcJ tl1at l1c would Ье






quite well again. 6. Sl1e kпc\V it woнld l1арреп оле day. 7.

Не dicJ поt kJIO\\' what



l1e was talkiпg аЬонt. S. l wrote апd said I \Vas comiпg. 9.

l replied tlшt 1\Vas vсгу


weJI, апd tl1at 1hoped sl1e was the same. 1О. P~te telep1юпed lrom tt1e of1ice to say


~tl1at he l1ad agreed to our pюposal. 11. lt was str::шge tl1at sl1e didп't speak to yoLl.












Exercise 11

Make t11e actions iп the followiпg object clauses simLtltaпeoLts with tl1ose oГtl1eir principal claнses.

1. I was surprised you (to kпow) my telephone пumber. 2. Sl1e саппоt uпderstand what l1e (to do) iп tl1e room. 3. 1could поt remcmbcг \vlыt l1e (to look) like. 4. Sооп l1e will Ье askiпg ifall tl1e doors (to Ье) Jocked tor tl1e пig!Jt. 5. We saw 111at tl1e lectLirer (to соте). 6. Everybody kпew tl1at l1e (to atteпd) eveпing c1asses. 7. Father said l1e (to work) 11ard the \vlю1e day. 8. I was sше tl1at he (to wait) for me iп the library. 9. Не admitted that he (to speak) Freпcl1 very well. 1О. Не asked me wl1ere my brotl1er (to work).

Exercise 111

Make tl1e actioпs iп tl1e folJowiпg object clauses precede tlюse oftl1eiгpriпcipal clal!ses.

1. Не said that he (to ask) permissioп to go lюme earlier. 2. Nobody kпew where he (to speпd) 11is l1olidays. 3. r was sше tlшt l1e (to leave) Moscow. 4. They iпformed нs tl1at tl1ey (to seлd) tl1e books Ьу parcel post. 5. Не said tl1at l1e (to go) to tl1e tl1eatre tlle day before. 6. Опе day I '11 tell yoll \VI1y 1пever (to marгy). 7. 1woпdered wl1at sl1e (to do) tl1ere so late at пigllt. 8. I didп'tkпow wl1at (to go) wrong bet\V'eeп tl1em. 9. She was glad I (to соте) early. 10. I thoL1gl1t tllat l1e (to graduate) from tl1e Llпiversity two years before.

Exercise IV

Make the actioпs iп tl1e followiпg object clal!ses follow tlюse oftl1eiг priпcipal claнses.

1. Не decided tllat 11е (to go) to Lопdоп as sооп as possiЬJe. 2. Tl1ey said tl1ey (to work) seveп lюurs а day. 3. Не prom ised tlыt l1e (to give) а lectшe i11 пеаг futшe. 4. Did tl1ey decide that tl1ey (to Jeave) for Paгis? 5. TJ1ey woпderecl if11e (to соше) back. 6. lt is impossible tlшt they (to лшkе) апу coпsideraЬle progгess iп so slюrt а time. 7. I t!Jiпk yoll (to stay) iп towп tor а nig1lt at least. 8. Веtоге leaviпg tl1e lюLJse, sl1e told 11er motl1er sJ1e (to woгk) iп tlle !1ospital tllat afterпooп. 9. I scпt tl1em а telegram to say 1 (to go) to Епg1апd апd tlшt I (to write). 10. It was нпderstood tl1at he (to iпvite) L!S to IL!пch оп Satшday.

Exercise V

Use the required teпse-aspect. forшs in tl1e followiпg seпteпces, observiпg tl1e ГLJies

oft11e sequeпce oftenses.

1. Не 11asteпed back home in tl1e hope tlшt the gllests (поt to go) all yet.


2. 1doп't tl1iпk 1ever (to see) you before. 3. She felt tlыt l1er frieпd (поt to want) to distшb her. 4. Не teleplюned his wite to the office to say t\1at her brotl1er (to return) troт abroad. 5. An old frieпd raпg нр to ask her brotl1er ifl1e (to have) а good tiтe iп the USA. 6. Sl1e kпew that l1e (to Ье worried) Ьу the Jetter. 7. Не kпew tlыt l1is тother (to speak) to tl1e teac\1er. 8. Tl1e qнestioп was why l1e (to do) it at all. 9. Sl1e coнldп't нпderstand w\1y l1e (to tell) her sнcll а lie. 10. Slle said that l1er sisteг (to go) to Wasl1iпgtoп too.

Exercise Vl

Use tl1e гequired teпse-aspect foпns iп the following seпteпces, observiпg tl1e rules oftl1e sеqнепсе ofteпses.

1. I tlюllght that уон (to arrive) at sоте decisioп. 2. Не believed tl1at а fiпe memory (to Ье) abso1lltely пecessary for tl1at work. 3. 1did поt know ifyoLI (to арр\у) for tllis job. 4. Не promised tlыt l1e (to give) а lecture iп the nearest flltшe. 5. I did поt kпow how ту bag (to disappear). 6. Tl1e teacl1er said lle (to call оп) the stlldents iп alplыbetical order. 7. Did s\1e say tllat tl1ere (to Ье) а Jot ofтistakes iп уош compositioп? 8. Did s\1e fiпd out that he (to соте) late at пigl1t? 9. Sl1e asked те ifl (to get on) well witl1 my classmates. 10. 1was sure tlыt his brotl1er (to go) !юте. 11. Did they decide that they (to leave) for Moscow? 12. Sl1e didп't kno\v wl1y sl1e (to iпveпt) sнddeпly tl1e story.

Exercise Vll

Translate the followiпg into Eпg\is\1 observiпg tl1e rнles oftl1e sеqнепсе ofteпses.

1. Я был уверен, что он уже жалеет, что был невежлив с ней. 2. Он еще не

знал, что будетделать в Нью-Йорке. 3. Я был уверен, что вы дадите мне

телеграмму, когда приедете в Москву. 4. Вы знали, что я ее жду вечером?

5.Мы еще не решили, кто пойдет на конференцию. 6. Все полагали, что

унегоестьбратьн и сестры. 7. Он ответил, что он еще не обедал. 8. Елена

не была уверена, что она подготовится к докладу завтра. 9. Учитель спро­ сил, кто хочет отвечать. 10. Ему сказали, что все студенты пошли в зал.

11.Кто-то спросил, кто будет жить с ним в этой комнате.

Exercise Vlll

Traпslate the followiпg iпto Eпglisl1 observing tl1e гules ofthe sequeпce ofteпses.

1.Я не заметила, что идет снег. 2. Я не знала, что снег идет с самого утра.

3.Он надеялся, что погода будет хорошая. 4. Она не знала, что в Англи.и

зимой редко идет снег. 5. Я знала, что в Африке температура почти ни­

когда не бывает ниже нуля. 6. Нам сказали, что в Африке выпал снег.

7.Я была уверена, что вы пойдете на эту выставку. 8. Я думала, что вам

понравится эта выставка картин. 9. Я не слышала, что говорил экскур­

совод, когда мы вошли в зал. 10. Она сказала, что провела в музее около















::r: i-


















трех часов. 11. Она сказала, что все это время она осматривала коллек­ цию старинных монет. 12. Я была уверена, что она снова пойдет в музей, как только у нее будет свободное время.

Exercise IX

Traпslate the foliowiпg iпto Eпglish observiпg tl1e rules ot'the sequeпce ot'teпses.

1.Я подумал, что он устал, и спросил его, что он делал все это uремя.

2.У меня было впечатление, что он находится там уже некоторое время.

3.Я кивнул и сказал «да>>, чувствуя, что это именно то, чего ей хочется.

4.Я понял, что он ничего не сделает, чтобы помочь мне. 5. У меня было подозрение, что она забыла упомянуть, что я жду. б. Он знал, о чем она думает. 7. Я не имею понятия, знает ли она, что ее мать будет здесь.

8.Кстати,Аня знает, что мойбрат приезжает завтра? 9. Он еще не знал, что

будет делать в Нью-Йорке. 10. Он сказал, что читает лекции в универси­

тете. 11. Петр сказал другу, чтоего отецлетом болел. 12. Он сказал, что был

втеатре два дня тому назад. 13. Он напомнил, что знает ее с 1995 года.

14.Он повторил, что занимался уже два часа, когда вы ему позвонили.

Exercise Х

Translate tl1e followiпg iпto Englisl1 observing tl1e rвles oftl1e sequeпce ot'teпses.

В прошлом году я встретил одного из студентов нашего курса. Я спросил его, что он сейчас делает. Он ответил, что учится в аспирантуре. Я спросил

его, когда он поступил и кто его научный руководитель. Он сказал, что

учится в аспирантуре уже год и его научный руководитель заведующий

кафедрой. Меня интересовало, сдал ли он какие-либо экзамены и опуб­ ликованы ли у него статьи по теме диссертации. Он ответил, что одна ста­

тья напечатана, две другие печатаются сейчас, и он надеется, что они бу­

дут напечатаны к концу года. Он добавил, что уже сдал два экзамена по языку и философии. Он сказал, что давно мечтает о преподавательской

карьере и хочет читать лекции после окончания аспирантуры.

Direct and Reported Speech

Direct Speech is the exact words someone said. We use inverted commas in Direct Speech.

"/ play footba/1 for туschool team, "he said.

Reported Speech is the exact meaпing ofwhatsomeone said but not the exactwords. We do not use inverted commas in Reported Speech.

Не said he p/ayed footba/1 for his school team.


1said, "/ ат busy. "Не
Ьу the person the words
(tlшt) theywere going to work

Cl1anging from Direct into Reported Speech


Direct Speech






"Weworkhard," hesaid.

"We are working hard," they said. "We have worked hard," they said. "Weworked hard," they said.

"We will work l1ard," they said.

"We l1ave been working hard," they said.

"We are going to work harder," they said.

"We can work harder," they said. "We may work harder," t11ey said. "We must work harder," they said.

"We shoLrld wor·kharder," they said. "We ought to work harder," they said.

_t:t~~p~~~_!J Sp~~~h~~-···-~-----­

They said (that) theyworked hard. They said (that) theywere working hard. They said (that) theyhad worked hard. They said (that) they had worked hard. They said (that) theywould work hard. They said (that) they had been working hard. ·

They said t1arder.

They said (that) they could work harder. They said (that) they might work harder. They said (that) they had tojmust work harder.

They said (that) they should work harder. They said (that) they ought to work harder.

1.Say is used in Direct Speech.lt isalso used in Reported Speech when sayis not followed Ьу the person the words were spoken to.

"/сап play chess, "he said. Не said he could р/ау chess.

Telf is used in Repor·tedSpeech when it is followed were spoken to.

"/сап speak Eпg/ish, "he said to те. Не told те he could speak Eпglish.

11. Persoпal pronouns and possessive adjectives clшnge according to the context. said that he was busy.

"/ wi/1 show you ту пеw dress, "she said. She said she wou/d show те her пеw dress.

111. The conjuпctioп that is introduced before indirect sentences.

Hesaid(that) he was happy.

Certain words change as follows dependiпg on the context.

!?_!!_~~!_~_е~_~<::'!...~-- ~---~--­

~_eor!_ed Sp~~~_<::!!__~-­
















































the next day, the following day


the day before, the previous day




the previous night


that night





Time words and tenses can change or remain the same depending on the time reference. lfthe reported sentence is out of date, the tenses change. lf the reported sentence is up to date, the tenses can remain the same.

"They are leaving nextweek, 11 he said. Не said theywere leaving the fol/owing week. (speech reported after they had leftout of date).

"They are leaving next week, 11 he said. Не said they are leaving next week.

(speech reported before they have leftupto date).

When the reporting verb is in the past Reported Speech is formed according to the rules of the sequence of tenses.

"1/ike music, "she said. She said she liked music.

The Tense Shift when Changing from Direct Speech to Reported Speech

Direct Speech


Reported Speech

Present Simple



Present Continuous


Past Continuous

Present Perfect


Past Perfect



Past Perfect

Past Continuous


Past Perfect Continuous

Future Simple


Future in the Past

Future Continuous


Future Continuous in the Past

Future Perfect


Future Perfect in the Past

Direct Speech



Reported Speech


The student said, "1 do my homework

The student said that he did his

in the evening."



homework in the evening.

Mother said, "Nick is reading for his


Mother said that Nick was reading



for his exam.


Тот said to те, "1 have finished ту course paper."

Тот said to те, "1 finished тycourse paper yesterday. "

The old таn said, "ltwas snowing hard thisweek."

The girls said, "We will Ье free after the classes."

Thepupilssaid, "Wewill bewritingour test paper for two hours."

The graduate said, "1 will have finished ту report Ьу the end of the week."

Тот told те that he had finished his course paper.

Тот told те that he had finished his course paper the day before.

The old таn said that it had been snowing hard thatweek.

The girls said that theywould Ье free after the classes.

The pupils said that theywould Ье writing their test paper for two hours.

The graduate said that he would have finished his report Ьуthe end of the week.

The tenses do not change in Reported Speech when:

а) the reporting verb (said, told etc) is in the Present Siтple, Future Siтple or Present PerfectTense.

"The post office is near here, "he says. Не says the post office is near here.

Ь) the speaker expresses general truths, perтanent states and conditions.

"Water turns into ice, "he said. Не said water turns into ice.

с) the speaker is reporting soтething iттediately after it was said (up to date). "/ wi/1 ring you up, "he said. Не said he wi/1 ring те up.

1.lf the speaker expresses soтething which is believed to Ье true, the tenses тау change or reтain unchanged.lf soтething untrue is expressed, then the tenses definitely change.

"She likes cherries very тuch, "she said. She said she /ikesjliked cherries


"Latvia is а poor country, "he said. Не said Latvia was а poor country.

The Past Siтple changes into the Past Perfect or сап reтain the sате.

11. When the reported sentence contains а tiтe clause, the tenses do not change.

"When 1was staying in London 1теtAnn twice, "she said.

She said she had тetjтetAnn twice when she was staying in London.

111.The Past Perfect and the Past Continuous usually reтain the sате in Reported Speech.

"/ was doing туhoтeworkwhi/e ту тother was cooking, "he said. Не said he was doing his hoтework while his тother was cooking.

IV. lfthe reported sentence dealswith unreal past, conditional sentences orwishes, the tenses reтain the sате.

"lf 1were you, 1would apologize, "he said.

Не said that if he were те, he would apologize.




















0<: Reported Questionsjlndirect Questions





Direct Questions





Heaskedme 1 "Didyou

Не asked me if/whether 1

enjoythe party?"

had enjoyed the party.


Не asked mel "What

Не asked me what time it



time is it?"



Heasked mel "Whatare

Не asked me what 1was







lndirect Qнestions


Не wonders wt1eH1er 1 enjoyed the party. Doyou knowwhattime it is?

Hewantsto krюwwhat lamdoing.


ln reported questions we use the word order of an affirmative seпtence and the


question mark becomes а full stop.


То report а question we use:


а) ask + wh-word (who, where etc) when the cJirect q1Jestion begins with а vJh-


word wh-question).


Ь) ask + ifjwhether when the direct question begins with an auxiliary verb (do,


have, сап etc) yesjno question).


Pronouns, possessive adjectives, teпsesl time expressions etc change as in




Не said, "What are you reading?" Не asked what 1was reading.


Не said, "Do you like sports?" Не asked ifjwhether lliked sports.


We use indirect questions to ask for informationjadvice and reported QLJestions


to report someone else'squestioпs, suggestions, offers or requests.


lndirect questions are introduced with:


Could you tell me ...?, Doyou know ...?1 1wonder ...?1 1wantto know ...?1 1doubl ...?etc.


lf the indirect question starts with:


1wonder ... , 1wantto know ... 1 1 doubl ... Then the question mark is omitted.


Reported CommandsjRequestsjSuggestions

DirectCommands, Requests,


"Go to bed," father said to me.

"Don 'tmake such а noisel" the teacher said.

"Piease staywith us tonight1 " she said to her.

"Сап 1go for а walk?" he asked. "Letls play hockey1 " they said.

Reported Commands, Requests,


~!!_Q~_~sti~l!_~-~ --~~------------


Fathertold meto goto bed. (command) The teacher ordered not to make SLICh а noise. (command)

She asked her to stay with them that night. (request)

Не asked to go for а walk. (request) They suggested playing hockey. (suggestion)


То report coттands, requests, suggestions, we use an introductory verb (to advise, to ask, to beg, to offer, to order, to suggest, to te/1 etc.) followed Ьу а toinfinitive, an -ing form or а thatclause according to the introductoryverb.

When we report а speaker'swords we don'tjust use rules тechanically, we interpretwhat we hear or read, so we use proper introductoryverbs like the following.

lntroductory Verbs


Direct Speech

Reported Speech




agree to + inf

"Yes, 1'11go to the shop."

Не agreed to go to the




demand требовать

"Tell те the truth."

Не deтanded to Ье told




offer предлагать

"Would you like те to

Не offered to help те.




promise обещать

"1 will riпg you up."

Не proтised to ring те up.

refuse отказываться

"No, lwon'tcoтetosee

Не refused to соте to




threaten угрожать

"1 punishyou."

Не threatened to punish




claim утверждать

"1 witnessed the criтe."

Не claiтed to have



witnessed the criтe.

advise +sb+ to-inf

"You should consult а

Не advised те to consult



а doctor.

allow разрешать

"You сап take ту

Не allowed те to take



his dictionary.


"Piease open the

Не asked те to ореп the




beg просить, молять

"Piease, please don'thit

Не begged те notto hit



the dog.

command приказывать


Не coттanded те to



stand up.


"Tell те everything."

Не encouraged те to tell



hiт everything.

forbld запрещать

"You тustn't соте hоте

Не forbade us to соте




instruct обучать

"Mix the eggs with the

Не instructed те to тiх



the eggs with the flour.

invite sb приглашать

"l'dlike you to соте to

Не invited те (to go) to



his party.

order приказывать

"Don'tforgettotell Ann."

Не ordered те not to



forgetto tell Ann.





L:..J f-<































permit разрешать

"You may speak to the

Не permittedjallowed me



to speak to the doctor.

remind напоминать

"Don 'tforget to turn the

Не rerninded me to turn


gas off."

Н1е gas off.

urge убеждать

"Tryto Ье patient."

Не urged me to try to Ье




warn предупреждать

"Don'tleave your room."

Hewarned me notto



leave my room.


"l'dlikeyou to Ье polite."

Н еwanted me to Ье polite.

accuse sb of + ing form

"You behaved as ifyou

Не accused me of



behaving as if 1were guilty.

apologize for


Не apologized for



offeпding me.

admit(to) признавать

"Yes, 1waswrong."

Не admitted (to) being





"l'mthe bestfootball

Не boasted about being



the best football player.

comp/ain to sb about

"You are always

Не complained to me



about my being




deny отрицать

"No, 1 didn'ttellа lie."

Не denied tellingjhaviпg



told а lie.

insiston настаивать

"You must buy that coat."

Не insisted on my buying



that coat.


"Let'sgo to the theatre."

Не suggested going to



the theatre.

agree + that-clause

"Yes, she'svery clever."

Не agreed that she was



very clever.

claim заявлять

"1 saw the accideпt."

Не claimed that he had



seen the accident.

complain жаловаться

"You don 'tthink about

Не complained that 1



didn 'tthiпk about him.

deny отрицать

"1 have never heard

Не denied that he had


about it."

ever heard about it.

exclaim восклицать

"lt'sа problem."

Не exclaimed ttшt itwas




explain объяснять

"lt'sуош mistake."

Не explained that itwas




inform sb сообщать

"Pete is sick."

Не informed that Pete



was sick.

promise обещать

"1 won'tЬе late."

Не promised tt1at he



wouldn'tЬе late.


геасl1 tl1e top of t11e motшtaiп,''

explain to sb + how


wonder wherejw!Jat whyjhow+ clause



(when the subject of the introductoryverb is not tl1e same as the subject in the indirect question)

wonder + whether + toinforclause

wonder wherejwl1atj how+ to-inf

(when the subject of the infiпitive is the same as tl1e subject of the verb)

"That's how 1 got а prize."

Не asked himself, "How old is she?"

Не asked himself, "Where is my umbrella?" Не asked t1imself, "Why is she so nervous?"

Не asked himself, "What is the right answer?"

Не asked himself, "Shall 1invite them?"

Не asked himself, "Where shall 1go?"

Не asked himself, "What shall 1 do tirst?"

Не asked himself, "How shalll tell her?"

Не explained to те how he had got а prize. Hewondered howold shewas.

Не wondered where his umbrella was.

Не wondered why she was so nervous.

Не wondered what the rig ht answer was.

Не wondered whether to invite them.

Не wondered whether he should invite them.

Не wondered where to go.

Hewoпdered whatto do


Hewondered howto tell her.


Exercise 1

TtiП1 tl1e followiпg seпteпces iпto Reported Speecl1.

1. "1 ат busy," l1e said. 2. "1 sa\v the tllт yoti rесоттепdеd last пight," sl1e said to l1er. 3. "1 didн't agree witl1 you," Lucy said. 4. "I iпvited some boys to ту Ьirtl1day party," Nick said. 5. "I 'т goiнg to Spain пехt week," 11е said. 6. "Water freezes below О ос,'' he said. 7. "1 l1ave saved eпough тоnеу to buy а preseпt for ту motl1er," sl1e said. 8. "I wiiJ соте to see уон tomorrow," Lucy said to те. 9. "Ifl tlпisl1 mywoгk tllis eveпiнg, 1'll go out," he said to l1er. 1О. "I llave brought some fruit," she said. 11. "I \vill t11e traveller said. 12. "1 saw l1im yesterday but he didп't recogпize me," sl1e said to l1ег.

Exercise 11

Turп tl1e followiпg seпteпces iпto Reported Speec11.

1. "l woп't go to tl1e party," sl1e said to l1er frieпd. 2. ''Апп11аs gопе away," Тот said. 3. "1 'т 11uпgry," l1e said to Ьis motl1er. 4. "I'm \Vorkiпg tomorrow," Mike said. 5. "He's пever writteпlюme before," Kate said to l1er frieпd. 6. "Tl1e sш1 is а Ьig star," tl1e teacl1er explaiлed. 7. "Уош spelliпg l1as become better," tl1e teacher said. 8. "TI1is place is поt vacant, '' tl1e passeпger said. 9. "I 11ave c11aпged ту miпd апd 1 iпteпd to speпd tl1e eveпiпg at Jюme," s11e said to me overtl1e

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