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Утевская Н.Л. - English Grammar Book - 2011

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::.:: 6t







Exercise 1


Fill in relative pronoнns.



~1. Do you know the man ... wrote this letter? 2. The magazine ... you gave me


с::: is very interesting. 3. The street ... leads to the station is very wide. 4. The doctor

о... she visited told her to stay in bed. 5. The man ... you want to see has just left.







6. This is the student ... book уон found. 7. The girl ... you see at the door is my sister. 8. Не returned to l1is desk and dialled the numЬer ... he kвew Ьу heart .

9.She саше into а room in ... а child w·as sleeping авd drew the curtains.

10.Ofteв theydiscussed thiпgs about ... l1e kne\V nothing. 11. Не was the architect

ofthis very hoнse ... we live in поw. 12. Tl1e teleplюne, ... was on а side taЬle, suddenly rang out. 13. А friend of mine, ... was preseпt at the meeting, told me all about it. 14. Is the mан with ... уон spoke а writer? 15. Не will Ье glad оfаву help ... you сап give him. 16. This is the only ехашр1е ... 1 сан tell you. 17. Yesterday I met шу brother ... showed me а letter ... he had received froш ош pareвts. 18. Му yoнвgest sister, ... уон met at ту house last week, has jнst got married. 19. Не has three soнs, ... all \vork at tl1e sаше factory. 20. The шilitiaman ... 1 asked for tl1e way to the hotel was а very polite шаn.

Exercise 11

Fill relative рrопоннs.

1. The mап ... !1as jнst соте iп is ош вeighЬour. 2. The womaп ... you see iп

the office is waitiпg for the maпager. 3. The youнg mан ... applicatioн you lыve

jнst read is а we\1-kнowн chemist. 4. The gir! ... 1 l1ave spokeп аЬонt will Ье here iв ан hour. 5. The dog ... is шввiнg a!ong the street has evidently lost its master. 6. Уош pet ... you want to pнnish does not deserve it. 7. The albнm ... is lying on the sllelf contains таnу nice sketches. 8. Otten they discнssed tblngs


... he knew notmпg. 9. Iп tlle dark апd the cold oftl1e morвiпg they drove

out the couпtry road throнgll tl1e шist ... huпg heaYy OYer the flat.

10. It was

pleasaпt to \valk among tl1e trees

... Jeaves were of таnу coloшs.

11. They

reaclled the street in ...

she lived.

12. The room in ... I foнnd myselfwas very


13. Tl1e persoп ...

you said \vas waitiпg is gопе. 14. The stнdent ... book

уон Ьorrowed wishes to have it back.

Exercise 111

Traнslate into English.

1. Это моя подруга, которую вы вчера видели со мной в кино. 2. Пасса­ жир, чемодан которого лежал рядом, сказал, что место занято. 3. Я еще не проверила диктант, который вы вчера писали. 4. Я не знаю никого, кто живет в этой квартире. 5. Это та собака, которую мы видели в цирке.


6. Девушка, о которой он говорил вам, сестра моего приятеля. 7. Студент,

которому я одолжил свой словарь, принесет его завтра утром. 8. Это са­

мая интересная книга, которую я когда-либо читал по этому вопросу.

9. Мы прошли мимо комнаты, дверь которой была открыта. 1О. Он помог нести мой чемодан, что бьmо очень любезно с его стороны. 11. В лесу было уже много деревьев, листья которых были совсем желтые. 12. Это та книга, которую вы ишете? 13. Человек, которого мы встретили в ко­ ридоре, директор нашей школы. 14. Он был единственным учеником,

который написал этот диктант с ошибками.

Exercise IV

Trans1ate into English.

1. Книга, которую вы мне дали вчера, очень интересная. 2. Как фамилия

человека, с которым ты только что разговаривал? 3. Это дом, в котором я

жил в детстве. 4. Он показал мне прекрасную картину, которую он не­

давно купил. 5. Вчера я встретил своего старого друга, которого я сразу

не узнал. 6. Человек, который только что звонил, просил вам кое-что

передать. 7. Адрес, по которому я написал, оказался неправильным.

8.Он один из самых интересных людей, которых я когда-либо встречал.

9.Это письмо от моего старшего брата, которого я не видел полтора года. 1О. Дерево, из которого сделана эта мебель, очень твердое. 11. Поезд из

Москвы, который должен прибыть в 5.30, опаздывает.











Conjunctive Pronouns

Conjunctive pronouns who (whose, whom), which, what introduce subject, predicative and object clauses:

Who locked the door remains а mystery. (subject) 1don 't know who these children are. (object)

Не is clever and witty, but that is not what 1value him for. (predicative)


Exercise 1

Analyse the pronouns in bold type and say whether they are conjunctive, relative or interrogative.

1. Не felt like one whose dream has come true, but too late. 2. Не knew what was happening, of course. 3. Не was the architect ofthis very house that we live




















in now. 4. 1 rететЬеr you тe11tioned Wednesday and Friday. Which day shall we go to the cineтa? 5. Ask hiт whiclt ofthese books he will take. 6. The 1ibrary is in the house which stands at the corner. 7. Whom did you give your book? 8. The таn whom you see in the c1assrooт is our teacher. 9. Т11е question is what he will tell us. 1О. Му friend whom you saw yesterday is а good doctor. 11. 1ат not sure which of ту brothers will тееt те at the station. 12. The таn whom 1 have spoken about will Ье here in an hour.

Exercise 11

in conjunctive, re1ative or interrogative pronouns.

1.... ат I speaking to, please? 2. I don't саге ... he says to те. I know l'т а rea1 artist. 3. They reached the street in ... he Iived. 4. "Му shou1der hurts," 1said.

" ...

shoulder?" 1 touched ту 1eft shou1der. 5. Не was 1ate, ... таdе her angry.


Не got up froт the sofa on ... he was 1ying, and went into the dining-rooт.


1 don't k11ow ... dress you would like тоге. 8. 1 ат not sure ... voice it is.

9. The book ... is 1ying 011 the she1f contains тапу nice stories. 1О. The cat ... is 1ying in the street has evident1y 1ost the way hоте. 11. 1 don 't k11ow ... of the answers is right. 12. Froт ... did you receive а te1egraт? 13. There is the тап ...

we saw in the park yesterday. 14. The Ьоу spoke to his тother ... he had теt at the shop. 15. The 1ast thiпg ... any of us wants is breakfast.

Exercise 111

Use interrogative or coпjuпctive pronouns in the following sentences.

1. They had brought few books with theт ...

she had11't read. 2. You're one of

the few реор1е ...

l'd like to know better. 3. "

... ofthe two oftheт is right?" he

asked те. 4. 1 doп't honest1y see ...

I can do about it. 5. That is the worst news

... we've ever had froт you. 6....

do we call the sea between Eпgland a11d

France? 7....

pronouп is always written with а capital1etter? 8. Lookiпg at hiт

she wondered ...

sort of sтall Ьоу he had Ьееп. 9....

cost more mопеу, ready-

made c1othes or tai1or-made c1ot11es? 10. Tilere ilad grow11 between tilem an understanding ... required no words. 11 .... other tilings did you buy? 12. Now

... you see all the faтily togetiler tell те ... you think of us. 13. It is for you to decide ... is to speak to the chief. 14.... qua1ity do you adтire in а таn?

Exercise IV

Use the re1ative or conjunctive pronou11s.

1. The room in ... 1 fouпd тyse1fwas 1arge and cosy. 2. 1did not remeтber to

... I 1ent the book. 3. I did not know ... to think of it. 4. Tile person ... you said was waiting is gone. 5. She wanted to know ... he was supposed to do. 6. P1ease bring me the pencils ... points need sharpening. 6. Tell те ... you are going to do toтorrow. 7. P1ease te11 те ... way Ье will come. 8. Не crossed tЬе street, and sat 011 one of tЬе iron bencЬes ... were p1aced under tЬе trees.


9. Everyone ... you know is out oftown. 10. The militiaman ... 1asked at once told me the way. 11. At this house 1 met my cousin, ...wanted to see me. 12. 1 gave а lump ofsugar to Tom's horse, ... is very fond ofsweets. 13. Не gave me the directions ... 1 needed. 14. Tell me ... you have written. 15. 1 ran into а youпg man ... I had not noticed.

ReflexivejEmphatic Pronouns






· 1stPerson



с·. .• •··. . •








Зrd .~ef'Son :..




















































































Ref/exive prorюuns are тyself, yourself, himself, herse/f, itse/f, ourse/ves,

youгse/ves, theтselves.





Ref/exive pronouns are used after certain verbs (behave, bum, cut, enjoy, hurt, ki/1, /ook at, laugh at, introduce, dry, teach etc.) when the subject and the object of t~1e verb are the same:

Не taught himself how to drive.

Ref/exive pronouns can Ье used after Ье, fee/, /ook, sеет to describe emotions or states:

Не doesn 't sеет hiтself these days.

Such verbs as wash, shave, (un)dress, afford, coтplain, тееt, rest, ге/ах, stand up, getup, sitdown, wake up etc. do not normallytake а reflexive pronoun.

Не got up and shaved.

But when we talk about children or animals we can use а ref/exive pronoun with wash or dress:

1teaching ту son how to wash hiтself.

Emphatic pronouns have the same form as reflexive pronouns but а different meaning. They emphasize the noun, or the fact that one person, and not another, performs an action:

Не hiтse/fpainted this picture.

They also mean "without help":

She fixed the leak herself.









::!: f-



Note these idioms.







Епjоу yourself! (=Have а good time!) Behave yourself! (=Ве good!) llike beiпg

~ Ьу myself. (=llike beiпg аlопе.) She lives Ьу herself. (=She lives оп herowп)

<Bymyself, byyourself, Ьу himself etc. (=оп myowп, оп your оwп, оп hisowп




etc) Help yourself to coffee. (=You're welcome to take some coffee if you waпt



some} Do it yourself. (=Do it without beiпg helped) Make yourself at home!



(=Feel comfortaЫe) Make yourself heard. (=Speak loudly eпough to Ье heard





Ьу others) Make yourself uпderstood. (=Make your meaпiпg clear)


















Exercise 1



Use reflexive or emphatic pronouns in tl1e following sentences:


We eпjoyed ...

at the dance. 2. Why is she sitting all Ьу


in the dark?


I closed the door behind ....

4. All day the children were beside ...


excitemeпt. 5. "Sit dowп, Peter," she said, seating ...

in а chair opposite him.

6. You сап speak to him ....

7. She opened tl1e door to him ....

8. She wrote the

words to them ....

9. At two o'clock I was cooling ...

in the lake. 10. Did you

invite him ... ? 11. Ilooked at ...

iп the mirror. 12. I will ask him

.... 13. They

told me the пews ....

14. She will answer the letter ....

15. Му brother waпted

to help us, Ьнt we decided to try to do it ... without his help. 16. She fell down апd hurt .... 17. "Му child!" said her nюther ... "Look at ... !" Апd s11e held up 11er haпd mirror. 18. We are back апd haYe eпjoyed ... very much. 19. 1'11 see blm ... tomorrow. 20. She wrote this and ot11er poems to t11em ...

21. They fouпd ... iп а straпge place.

Exercise 11

Use reflexive or emphatic proпouns in the followiпg senteпces.

1. 1 liked 11aviпg lodgings of ту оwп, w11ere 1 could

Ье Ьу ....

2. 1 fouпd ...

doiпg nearly all the talking. 3. Sl1e looked in the

mirror апd could not

recogпize .... 4. Sit dowп and make ... at !юте. 5. S11e had made ... very uпpopular. 6. Tl1e boat was expected between the eighth and tenth of August. 1 allowed ... to sit gazing out to sea iп the hope that it would appear before

time. 7. 1thoug11t what а pretty girl she was ....

8. Не l1ad iпjured ....

9. What

do you suggest ...? 10. The pupils ...

decorated the 11all with flowers and

garlands. 11. During the break t11e children amuse ... in the p1ayground.

12. John ... wrote and posted the Jetter. 13. We protect

... from the raiп with

an umbrella. 14. l ...

was to blame. 15. You said so ....

16. Не settled ... as

comfortably as he could.



опе another.

Exercise 111

Translate into English.

1. Я сам отвечу на это письмо. 2. Он не любит говорить о себе. 3. Они хотели это сделать сами. 4. Ваш отец сам был здесь. 5. Он очень много рассказывал нам о себе. 6. Я оставлю эту книгу для себя. 7. Она сама принесет вам книгу. 8. Он ходил туда и все видел сам. 9. Пусть дети

делают домашние задания сами. 1О. Если он занят, я могу пойти в театр

одна. 11. Когда она была готова, она посмотрела в зеркало. 12. Он час­ то разговаривал сам с собой. 13. В тот вечер они должны были обедать одни. 14. Они предпочитали пить чай одни, а после чая играли в шах­

маты. 15. Вернись, мой мальчик, и закрой дверь. Двери сами не закры­

ваются. 16. Я сама могу вам дать свою фотографию. 17. Кофе был го­ тов. Она налила себе чашку и села за стол. 18. Он удивлялся самому себе. 19. Не брейтесь в темноте. Вы можете порезаться. 20. Он храбро


Exercise IV

Translate into English.

1. Я сама увижу его завтра. 2. Затем ей самой захотелось что-то сде­ лать. 3. В тот вечер она была сама доброта. 4. Были такие моменты, когда ему было чрезвычайно жалко самого себя. 5. Он слишком много

осебе думает. 6. Он страшно упрекал себя за свое поведение в тот вечер.

7.Он был недоволен собой. 8. Они сделали это не для себя, а для своих товарищей. 9. Молодой человек ничего о себе не сказал, и мы не знали даже имени своего спасителя. 1О. После болезни она слишком слаба, чтобы заботиться о себе. 11. Мы увидели перед собой красивое лесное озеро. 12. Она хочет это сделать сама. 13. Я очень удивлена, что он так себя вел. 14. Не беспокойтесь. Я сам отнесу письмо на почту. 15. Они очень много рассказывали нам о себе. 16. Вы сами видите, что вы не­











Reciprocal Pronouns

There are two kinds of these pronouns: each other and one another.

The first is used when speaking about two persons, the second, when more than two are meant. ln the sentence they have the function of an object:

The boys he/ped each other. The children friendly played with












Exercise 1


Coтplete the following sentences using either each other or опе another.








:.:; z


1. The workers stood in а line and handed heavy parcels to .... 2. All of us put down ... telephone nuтbers. 3. Without saying а word, ту friend and I nodded to

.... 4. Before the ascent all the sportsтen were fastened to .... 5. When ту fellowstudent and 1 теt again we recognized ... at once. 6. When а сотраnу offormeг

c1assтates теt they cou1d not recognize

.... 7. The two friends exchanged ...

photos. 8. Му friend and his guest sat down opposite ....

9. When parting the

forтer fellow-students usually put down ...

addresses. 1О. The тетЬеrs of our

large faтily live in different towns; though we don't see ...

for years, we keep up

correspondence. 11. One was Russian, the other - Bulgarian, so they could

understand ... ratherwell. 12. The friends kissed and eтbraced

.... 13. Was it the

first tiтe that you saw ...? 14. When they теt ... they looked at ...

in astonishтent.

15. The father and the son теt ... at the station. 16. The two sisters reseтЬled ...

very тuch. 17. The teaтs greeted ... warmly. 18. During the interval the pupils

ran in the garden, sang and spoke to ....

19. John and Mary were always ready to


.... 20. The students were helpiпg ...

to prepare for the lessoп.

Exercise 11





Insert each other or опе another.




1. The old couple looked at ....

2. They were red in the face апd found looking

at ...

for а тотепt. 3. The rest of us looked at

... iп aтazeтent. 4. Тот апd

Mike spoke to ...

only about the gате. 5. For the пехt three days neither Pete

поr they spoke to

.... 6. The two boys faced ....

7. The two faтilies don't kпow

.... 8. The two stood gazing at ...

for а тiпute iп silence. 9. Апd for а тотеnt

they all three stood silently looking at ....

1О. The twins looked at ... gluтly.

11.For а тотеnt nothiпg тоге was said. And then they suddenly sтiled at ....

12.These three ladies disliked and distrusted .... 13. The twins juтped up and ran round .... 14. Tl1ey sat opposite ... , as they had so ofteп sat before.

Exercise 111

Translate into Eпglish.

1. Петя и Лена очень любят друг друга. 2. После школьных каникул

школьники были рады видеть друг друга. 3. Все в нашей семье помогают

друг другу. 4. Эти два брата никогда не видели друг друга. 5. Они часто

ссорилисьдругсдругом. 6. Они продолжали работать, помогаядругдругу.

7.На секунду их глаза встретились, и они поняли мысли друг друга.

8.Они знают друг друга два года. 9. Они часто видят друг друга.

10.Когда они встретились снова, они узнали друг друга. 11. Они обви-


няют друг друга, но, вероятно, они оба виноваты. 12. Они часто навеща­

ли друг друга. 13. Мы смотрели друг на друга с волнением. 14. Ее дети всегда помогали друг другу. 15. Два человека кивнули друг другу.

Exercise IV

Trans1ate into English.

1. Хотя они жили на одной и той же улице, они редко виделись друг с другом. 2. Члены нашей семьи живут в разных городах; хотя мы и не

видим друг друrа в течение нескольких лет, мы часто пишем письма друг

другу. 3. Когда бывшие одноклассники встретились, они не узнали друг

друга. 4. Мы должны помогать друг другу. 5. Два товарища посмотрели

друг на друга. 6. Когда друзья расставались, они записали номера теле­

фонов друг друга. Затем они обменялись фотографиями друг друга.

7. Мать и сын сидели напротив друг друга. 8. Они впервые увидели друг друга несколько лет тому назад. 9. Сестры были очень похожи друг на

друга. 10. Они поцеловались и обнялись друг с другом.












lndefinite Pronouns

lndefinite pronouns refer to things or persons. They are: some, any, every, somebody, anybody, everybody, someone, anyone, everyone, something, anything, everything, each, а/1, both, several, either, (the) other, (the) others, another, one.

Note. Some, any and everywith -body and -one are used when speaking of persons, with -thing- when speaking of things:

ls anybody there? person)

1have to te/1 you something. thing)

1. Some and its compounds are used

1) in positive sentences:

1have bought you some good books. Someone entered the room. Something has happened to him. There is somebody in the garden.

2)in interrogative sentences when we want to make an offer, or request or when we expect а positive answer:

Wi/1 you he/p те with some топеу? Could 1have some tea?

~ :: 11 о




11. Any and its compounds are used



о1) in interrogative and negative sentences, in indirect questions and in













v z


adverЬial clauses of condition: ls anybodyabsent today? 1didn 't bring anything.

Аге there апуpictures in the book?

/fyouhaveanydouЬt, tellittome.

2) in positive sentences in the meaning of всякий, любой:

You тауring те up at any time.




































































что угодно









































































где угодно,



























































































not ...







































not ...

















not ...






































not ...



















































111. Everyand each. Everyis usedwith singularcountaЫes.

lt refers to а group of people orthings and means а/1, everyoпe, everythiпgetc.:

Every studeпt тust kпow this rule. Не recogпizedeverybody.

Everyoпe took part iп this тeetiпg.

Each is used with singular countaЫes. lt means опе Ьу опе, considered individually:

Each pupil iп the class has ап Eпglish dictioпary.

IV. А/1 refers to more than two people or things. lt has а positive meaning and takes а verb in the plural. lt is the opposite of попе:

All the passeпgers weпt ashore.

All + that-clause means everythiпg and takes а singular verb:

А/1 that he said was lies.

V.8oth refers to two persons or things. lt has а positive meaning and takes а verb in the plural. lt is the opposite of пeither:

8oth ту frieпds are good sportsтeп.

Vl. Several denotes sоте, а few:

We had to repeat the words severa/ tiтes.

Vll. Eitherhastwo meanings 1) one or the other:

You сап take either book you see оп the table.

2) both:

Неге are пеw houses оп either side of the street.

Note. Every, each and either are singular and require а verb in the singular:

Everybody was preseпt.

lt was а peak-hour апd every trolfeybus was full. Either is аЬ/е to do this suт.

Either oftakes а verb either in the singular or plural:

Either of theт havejhas proтised to help те.

Vlll. Other and aпother. Other may Ье used as an adjective and as а noun. Plural form others; possessive case other's, others':

Give other exaтples, please!

Sоте studeпts were preseпt, others were тissiпg.


1) а different one:

Please give те aпother book.

2)an additional one:

Give те aпother piece of cake, please.









